
Alpha CEO

Unleash your wildest fantasies in a world where love intertwines with magic. #MysticalRomance #WerewolvesAndWitches Prepare to be enthralled by a love that defies tradition and challenges destiny. In the captivating city of Wolfsville, where ancient myths echo through the streets, an extraordinary tale unfolds between an alpha CEO from a powerful werewolf lineage and Lina, an ordinary woman who works in his company. Will their love overcome the odds, and what mysterious secret lies at the heart of their mating conundrum?

Carolan · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 5 - Private Parking Silence

Mr. Lowell led the way to the elevator as I closely followed him appreciating his tall and broad figure. With practiced ease, he swiped a card through a slot on the wall and the elevator doors slid open. Inside, he pressed a button on a sleek, silver panel, and the numbers lit up, indicating their descent to the private underground parking garage. When I rode this elevator earlier, I was nervous. Still, now I had a whole different reason to be anxious. We stood beside each other while my head was filled with the sound of my heartbeat. Neither of us spoke or made eye contact. Lost in my thoughts about everything that happened today, I couldn't believe I was about to have lunch with Alarick Lowell. The most eligible bachelor, the next in line to Lowell's name, and most of all, a man who makes my knees weak. My gaze unintentionally wandered over his features, from his shoes to his long legs, strong arms and long neck all the way up to his face. He was a head taller than me, and I couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to be held in his arms. Then suddenly, our eyes met. My eyes widened in shock, and my whole body seemed to jump as the man's intense gaze met mine. I quickly turned away, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment and my hands shaking slightly. ---

Trying to regain my focus, I attempted to remember his scent from our earlier encounter, but I couldn't recall it clearly, only the lingering smell of coffee. I was sure his scent matched his good looks and had an exhilarating and, at the same time, calming effect on me. As Mr. Lowell stood before me, my heart raced, and my cheeks felt hot. I tried to cool down with my hands, fearing he might notice my flustered state. Shaking myself from these fantasies, I looked around the elevator, searching for a distraction. The instrumental music playing in the elevator caught my attention. Despite the company's minimalist and cold interior design, I found it soothing. I didn't know the song, but I could make out some instruments, such as a violin and a piano.

Thankfully, the elevator doors opened, and relief washed over me as we exited. The valet handed Mr. Lowell his car keys, and I followed him to his impressive black car. I headed directly to the passenger seat door, but before I could reach for the handle, he opened the door for me, and I shyly thanked him before getting in. As he took the driver's seat and started the engine, the classical music resumed, reminding me of the music in the elevator. The car ride was mostly quiet, with occasional glances at my phone to distract me from Mr. Lowell's presence. I was curious about his interests and background, especially regarding classical music. Being from a wealthy family, he must have experienced a very different upbringing than mine. I bet he knows the titles of the songs and probably even the composers.

As we arrived at the restaurant, I saw a line forming outside. The ride had been eventless, with minimal conversation. I couldn't help but feel both intrigued and flustered by Mr. Lowell, unsure how to handle these newfound emotions.


Alarick's POV

After an eternity of silence, we finally arrived at the restaurant. I was relieved that I managed to hold myself back during the ride. Back in my office, I couldn't shake the feeling that Lina was lusting after me, but in the confined space of the elevator, there was no doubt she was feeling hot and bothered. The atmosphere was charged, and I tried my best to act nonchalantly. Still, my sharp senses detected every sign of her arousal - her racing heart, heavy breathing, rising temperature, and the intoxicating scent of her lust. I couldn't blame her for feeling this way; I was used to such responses from women. At the same time, I wasn't used to how my body responded to her. Usually, I was flattered, and the wolf inside me got proud and excited about this kind of reaction to me, but never to the point of losing control.

The intense lust I felt for her wasn't the only thing that intrigued me; there was also a warm, unknown feeling in my chest, a danger I'd never faced. But I managed to keep my composure, restraining myself from looking at her throughout the drive. Her busyness with her mobile phone and lack of direct interaction made it easier to maintain control. It seemed she calmed down as well, and by the time I contemplated leaving the car, we both had managed to regain our composure.

However, as we stepped out of the car and headed into the restaurant, I couldn't deny the excitement and intrigue Lina stirred within me. This lunch may be far more interesting than I initially anticipated.

The restaurant was bustling, and the lunchtime crowd filled the place with energy. I had wanted to ask Coco to make a reservation, but she was preoccupied with my brother, so we headed straight there. As Lina exited the car, I reached out to assist her. It was our first touch since our earlier incident, and her hand felt small, tender, and cold in mine. My heart warmed, yet a cold shiver ran down my spine. Nervousness and excitement intertwined within me, but as she released my hand, I quickly regained my composure, feeling calmer but also disappointed.

Walking towards the entrance of Wolfsville Best, we passed the long queue of people waiting to be served. Lina, concerned about the crowd, suggested heading somewhere else for lunch. However, I dismissed the idea and led her inside, my position as Alpha sparing us from awkward glances as we cut in line. The usher warmly greeted Lina, seemingly forgetting about me entirely. I tried to hide my annoyance and followed them to our exclusive table in a separate room.

Helping Lina take her seat, I could sense her shyness. The waiter arrived with the menu, but I quickly ordered without consulting it. My brusque manner caused Lina to appear slightly confused and uncomfortable, and I made a mental note to be more polite in the future.

Trying to break the awkward silence, I inquired about her acquaintance with the usher, Dan. Lina explained that she used to work as a waitress here and had helped at various events. My curiosity piqued, and I asked her reasons for working despite being with our company. Before she could answer, the waiter returned with the wine selection. I dismissed him to ensure we weren't disturbed, taking charge of serving the wine myself.

As I poured the wine, my mind raced with thoughts of Lina. I couldn't explain why I wanted to be alone with her, but the presence of other men made me uncomfortable. I simply wanted to enjoy her company, even if only for a day. However, I was fully aware that my feelings for her were unrealistic. The gap between our positions and lives was vast, and reality would eventually catch up to us.

Lina patiently waited for the wine, and I couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. I found myself unable to look away from her. Her non-wolf charm defied the usual attraction between paranormal beings and humans, making me wonder if she was acting differently than expected. I gazed into her beautiful brown eyes, which occasionally transformed into a warm, honey-like yellow, trying to read her thoughts. Yet, she seemed lost in her own world.

Lost in contemplation, I pondered how a non-wolf woman who is not my mate can have such a hold on me. My instincts as a wolf are pushing me towards her, and I wonder if my attraction is a way to gain her attention, like a wolf chasing its prey in the wild.