
Alpha CEO

Unleash your wildest fantasies in a world where love intertwines with magic. #MysticalRomance #WerewolvesAndWitches Prepare to be enthralled by a love that defies tradition and challenges destiny. In the captivating city of Wolfsville, where ancient myths echo through the streets, an extraordinary tale unfolds between an alpha CEO from a powerful werewolf lineage and Lina, an ordinary woman who works in his company. Will their love overcome the odds, and what mysterious secret lies at the heart of their mating conundrum?

Carolan · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 38 - Velvet Breath

Panting for breath, the close air between us was thick with the scent of raw need. Alarick's lips grazed the sensitive curve of my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I want you, Lina," he breathed, each word a velvety caress that seemed to resonate deep within my core. "Tonight."

The room spun slightly as his voice threaded through the haze of my thoughts, warm and insistent. His declaration was a siren song, echoing the secret desires I had harbored for so long, yet it also echoed the tremor of trepidation that gripped my heart. A battle raged within me, one where reason clashed with the primal urges that his closeness awakened.

My chest rose and fell in rapid succession, trying to steady the whirlwind of emotions that his proximity conjured. The logical part of my mind screamed for restraint, for the preservation of the boundaries that we were on the brink of crossing. But oh, how my body betrayed my intentions, humming with an undeniable yearning that pulsed through my veins like liquid fire.

 His presence enveloped me, a magnetic force that drew me ever closer to the edge of surrender. I could feel the heat emanating from his skin, the strength of his arms that promised both protection and peril. In the dim light, his eyes held mine, twin pools of molten gold that seemed to see right through to the chaos of my soul. 

I knew the danger that lurked in giving in to him, the potential for everything to unravel at our indiscretion. Yet, as he stood there, an embodiment of every unspoken fantasy, the temptation was a tidal wave threatening to sweep away every last shred of my resolve.

"We shouldn't..." The protest died on my lips as Alarick's mouth captured mine once again, fervent and persuasive. His hands commenced a deliberate exploration of my body, their movements confident yet gentle. They skated across the contours of my form, lingering with an insistent pressure that coaxed a silent gasp from deep within me. The touch was electric, igniting every nerve ending, sending sparks through the stained fabric that clung to my skin. His fingertips brushed against the sensitive peaks of my nipples, teasing them into taut attention, taunting the barrier of cloth that separated his skin from mine. 

The rational voice in my head that had been clamoring for caution was swiftly drowned out by the torrent of desire that surged between us. It was a current too powerful to resist, and I found myself yielding to its pull. My arms rose of their own accord, looping around Alarick's neck, drawing him closer, surrendering to the magnetic field that seemed to emanate from his very being. With each breath, I arched into him, pressing my body against his solid frame, seeking more of the intoxicating connection that promised both ecstasy and damnation. 

In the closeness of our embrace, the world outside faded into oblivion, leaving only the thrumming of my heart and the heat of his presence. There was no space for doubt or fear, only the overwhelming need to be closer, to merge with the man whose whispers had painted a landscape of longing deep in my soul. As reason's final threads unraveled, I clung to Alarick, ready to be consumed by the fire we were about to ignite.

Alarick's breath was a sultry caress against my ear, each whispered word more scandalous than the last. They danced through my mind, igniting embers into flames, sending a quiver down my spine that settled deep in my belly. His arms, sinewy and sure, banded around me, lifting effortlessly as if I weighed nothing at all.

"Alarick," I gasped, the world tilting on its axis as he hoisted me against his chest. My legs instinctively wrapped around his hips, my hands clutching at the broad shoulders that held me aloft. The room retreated as we moved—a swirl of shadows and light blurring past us.

My heart hammered against my ribcage, each beat a drumroll of anticipation mingled with the sweet poison of fear. The possibility of prying eyes beyond these walls sent a thrill of danger coursing through my veins, yet Alarick's cavalier confidence, the way he navigated the space with such purpose, made it seem inconsequential.

We were two halves of a reckless whole, bound by a desire too potent to deny. The dim hallway welcomed us, its silence a conspirator to our indiscretion. With every step, Alarick's determination was clear—he was a man accustomed to taking what he wanted, consequences be damned.

"Someone might see," I whispered, even as I buried my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the intoxicating mix of his cologne and natural scent.

"Let them," he growled back, his voice a velvet threat that both alarmed and aroused. The edge in his tone suggested that discovery would only heighten the illicit pleasure of our union, and I shivered anew, caught in the grip of this dangerous game we played.

As we left the sanctuary of the room behind, the cold touch of the door handle briefly pressed against my back, a stark reminder of the reality we were leaving with each determined stride he took. Yet, in the clutches of passion's fierce embrace, I couldn't muster the will to care, my moral compass spinning wildly out of control.