
Alpha CEO

Unleash your wildest fantasies in a world where love intertwines with magic. #MysticalRomance #WerewolvesAndWitches Prepare to be enthralled by a love that defies tradition and challenges destiny. In the captivating city of Wolfsville, where ancient myths echo through the streets, an extraordinary tale unfolds between an alpha CEO from a powerful werewolf lineage and Lina, an ordinary woman who works in his company. Will their love overcome the odds, and what mysterious secret lies at the heart of their mating conundrum?

Carolan · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 34 - Museum Night

As the days blurred into weeks, the anticipation for the museum's grand opening only grew stronger. Every late-night pizza dinner and celebratory glass of champagne with my colleagues, Gemma and Ben, solidified our bond as a team. Yet, it was the fleeting moments with Rawson that left a lasting impression on me.

On the eve of the opening, I found myself roaming the halls of the museum's magnificent vestibule, mentally rehearsing my steps for tomorrow. The space, once lifeless and dull, now pulsated with energy thanks to our tireless efforts.

"You've done brilliantly," a voice interrupted my thoughts. Turning around, I saw Rawson Lowell standing before me in a sleek black tuxedo. His broad shoulders and toned physique were perfectly accentuated by the fabric, while his perfectly styled dark hair and chiseled jawline exuded confidence and elegance. He was like a work of art himself amidst the grandeur of the vestibule.

I had splurged on a black dress for this occasion - a simple yet stunning piece that wouldn't steal attention from the main attraction. The tight fabric hugged my curves in all the right places, emphasizing my figure. The classic cut exuded sophistication, while the low neckline added a hint of allure. As I stood next to Rawson, I couldn't help but feel confident and beautiful in this understated but impactful dress.

"Thank you," I managed to say, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks as he complimented me. "I couldn't have done it without your support."

Rawson's intense gaze met mine, causing my heart to race. "You underestimate yourself, Ms. Luna." He took a step closer, and I could feel an unspoken tension between us. "You have a natural eye for this business - and more importantly, you've brought life back to this place." His hand gestured around us, encompassing the revitalized museum.

"It's been a labor of love," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. As we stood in silence, the realization hit us both that this moment also marked the end of our time working closely together.

Rawson's eyes lingered on me, and for a moment, I thought he might say something more. But he stopped himself, choosing his words carefully.

"It's been an... interesting experience," he finally said.

"Interesting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Is that how you'd describe our time together?"

A slow smile spread across his face, transforming him from handsome to breathtaking. "No," he confessed, his voice low and measured. "I would choose more... challenging but rewarding."

As he mentioned his family, my thoughts involuntarily drifted to Alarick. It was inevitable that I would see him today at the opening. Since our last two disastrous encounters at work, we had avoided each other completely.

"Thank you," I managed to say, trying to push down the weight of unspoken emotions between us. "And congratulations to you too on the opening."

Rawson nodded, understanding passing between us. "Believe me, Lina, life is full of unexpected turns and second chances. Who knows what the future holds?" With those enigmatic words, he turned and walked away, leaving me alone in the grand vestibule of the museum we had revived together. And as always, he was right.

The inauguration ceremony went smoothly according to plan. Susan, my former boss who was now just another colleague at the museum, kept busy by my side but there was an icy tension between us that couldn't be ignored. However, it no longer bothered me - she wasn't my problem to deal with anymore.


As Mr. Lowell Senior held his speech, Rawson stood nobly by his side. His posture was impeccable, head held high with a small smile playing on his lips. He exuded an air of confidence and charm that captivated the attention of the audience. His hands were clasped in front of him, fingers interlaced in a show of calm composure. The sharp angles of his features were highlighted by the soft glow of the stage lights, and his dark hair was expertly styled. Despite the grandeur of the event, he seemed relaxed and at ease.

As I mingled with the guests, I noticed Alarik observing me from afar with a pensive expression. Soon it was time for him to stand with his father and brother on stage. Among the familiar faces in the crowd were my closest friends - Ben and Gemma.

Mr. Lowell's voice boomed through the microphone, commanding attention as he spoke with passion and fervor. His words rang out like a symphony in the grand hall, captivating the audience with tales of his family's history and the rich folklore surrounding their legacy. They listened intently, caught up in his storytelling as if transported to another time and place. And then, with a dramatic pause, he revealed the heart of it all - the werewolf myth that had defined their city's identity for generations.

With pride and admiration, Mr. Lowell spoke of his eldest son, his deep rumbling voice resonating throughout the grand hall. Each word was charged with purpose and determination, emphasizing his trust and faith in Alarick as he prepared to hand over the family business. And then, with a triumphant flourish, he called Alarick to join him on stage.

The park erupted in thunderous applause and cheers from the audience, their voices blending together in a symphony of celebration. The rustle of leaves in nearby trees added a soft background melody, harmonizing with the lively chatter of the crowd.

The park was bathed in the silvery light of the full moon, casting a magical glow on the gathering below. Around the stage, people stood shoulder to shoulder, their faces aglow with the warm light of flashlights and lanterns. The majestic museum served as a grand backdrop, its stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and statues that added to the scene's overall splendor.

As Alarick took center stage, his charismatic presence radiated confidence and charm. He strode confidently to his father's side, every bit the image of a young and ambitious heir. Firm handshakes and congratulatory pats on the back followed, cementing his role in the family business. The air was thick with excitement for new beginnings and change - for the future.

Though all eyes were on Alarick, I could sense his gaze on me as well; a feeling that sent a flutter through my heart.