
Alpha CEO

Unleash your wildest fantasies in a world where love intertwines with magic. #MysticalRomance #WerewolvesAndWitches Prepare to be enthralled by a love that defies tradition and challenges destiny. In the captivating city of Wolfsville, where ancient myths echo through the streets, an extraordinary tale unfolds between an alpha CEO from a powerful werewolf lineage and Lina, an ordinary woman who works in his company. Will their love overcome the odds, and what mysterious secret lies at the heart of their mating conundrum?

Carolan · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 25 - Cabin Tryst

Lina's POV

Ever since our return from the cabin, my days have been packed and free time has been a luxury. The whirlwind of my engagement and spontaneous nights with the girl left me playing catch up on everything else. But despite the hectic schedule, the past week has been smooth sailing in terms of work, learning, and love. I've been tying up loose ends for the inauguration and making sure everything is going according to plan. Thankfully, I was able to delegate tasks to Coco and didn't need Mr. Lowell's assistance.

However, things with my flatmates have been tense. Everyone is acting strangely. Melissa has been diligently attending her courses and staying home most nights, while Joy and Sara seem to be keeping their distance from each other and myself. Ever since our argument at the cabin, there has been an unspoken tension between us all. With my busy schedule, I haven't had the chance to address it and clear the air. Normally, Sara and I would take the initiative, but she too seems to be distant and preoccupied. The atmosphere in the apartment is heavy with unspoken words and unresolved issues.

Amidst the chaos and stress of the approaching inauguration, I found solace in my friend Coco. But as the days grew closer, I yearned to have my other friends by my side, to clear the air and come together as a group. With determination, I made up my mind to talk to them as soon as I returned home from my classes. Throughout the day, I carefully planned out how to approach the conversation, knowing that reconciliation between Joy and Sara was unlikely. As much as I wanted to help, I also didn't want to intrude on their personal issues. So instead, I followed Coco's advice and resolved to be there for them whenever they were ready to talk.

After my last class, I escaped to a nearby cafe where I ordered a comforting latte and attempted to work on my assignment. However, my mind was scattered and unfocused as I anxiously awaited the conversation with my friends. After many failed attempts at productivity, I decided to head back home.

As expected, no one was there when I arrived. Sara and Joy had been avoiding each other since we returned from our trip. Taking a deep breath, I set down my bag and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and to change. Just as I was about to undress, my phone buzzed with a new message from Sara. My heart fluttered with anticipation as I read her words: "Hey Lina! I'm so sorry for how I've been since we got back. I've been consumed with my own feelings and haven't thought about yours. Can we talk? Please, I really miss you and want us to be friends again."

A wave of relief washed over me as I read her sincere apology multiple times, a smile spreading across my lips. Maybe tonight would bring the reunion that we all desperately needed.

As I stepped underneath the hot spray of the shower, I heard the sound of a door being opened. My mind immediately jumped to Melissa or Joy arriving, but I was caught off guard when the bathroom door suddenly swung open. In a panic, I frantically covered my body as I saw a tall, muscular man standing in front of me, intruding on my private space. Our eyes locked through the steamy shower glass and he seemed just as surprised as I was. His gaze trailed down his own body before letting out a frustrated curse of "Fuck!" The room felt tense and awkward, filled with the thick scent of soap and sweat.

 My mind raced at lightning speed, my frantic thoughts searching for a way to protect myself from the unknown intruder. With no weapons in sight, I resorted to pointing the shower head at him as a defensive measure.

 "W-who are you?!" I managed to stutter out, my hands trembling uncontrollably. The intruder's eyes widened in panic as he raised his hands in surrender. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm sorry! I thought… I thought you were Joy!" He stumbled backwards, slamming the door shut behind him and leaving me shaking in the shower.

 My first instinct was to lock the door and immediately text Joy for help. "What the hell is going on? Who is this guy wandering around our apartment?" Her response came swiftly, like a bullet. "Don't worry about it. It's just my brother. I don't know when I'll be back today, so please try not to mind him." After hastily drying off, I cautiously made my way to my room. The unknown man had changed into Joy's clothes and was lounging on the sofa as if it were his own.

 I stayed locked in my room until I heard the front door open once again. Voices drifted towards me but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Eventually, there was a knock on my door – it was Sara. "Hey Lina, can we talk?" Her voice shook with nerves.

 I agreed and let her in. The tension in the room was palpable, thick with unspoken words and leftover turmoil from the events at the cabin. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, Sara beat me to it. "Lina, I'm so sorry for everything that happened with Joey and how I've been acting since then. I know I haven't been a good friend to you or Joy. My feelings have consumed me and made me selfish." She looked away, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment before meeting my gaze again.

"It's okay, Sara. I understand you're going through a lot right now," I said sincerely. "But we'll get through this together, and I'll be here whenever you're ready to talk."

"Please don't worry about Joey, he's a bit eccentric, but I'm sure he meant no harm. Let's discuss everything tomorrow. Until then, he can stay in Joy's room." Sara explained a bit flustered.

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