
Alpha (One Piece Fanfic)

Mako D. Carson wasn't born, but rather he was made. He was in fact the result of a largely successful experiment to combine human DNA with animal DNA in order to create a much stronger being. He was a hybrid, a cross between a wolf and human male. Shortly after the experiment was successful, Mako at the age of 3 was given to a family in order to live out a life as a normal person despite him having the addition of wolf ears and tail. This was part of the experiment, where scientists would test how various outside influences and other situations would affect him and whether or not he would behave like a normal person. Approximately 12 years later, after gathering much data from Mako's life, armed men working for the faction of scientists were sent to kidnap Mako once again. In the ensuing struggle, the young male hybrid was killed, bringing his life to an end. Of course, the story doesn't end there!!!!! Note: I don't own the One Piece franchise. All credits go to Oda for making such a masterpiece. Additionally, this is an AU, meaning that all your existing knowledge of the OP world basically holds no meaning. Anything can happen so try to keep an open mind.

FantasticFantasy · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Still Alive

Did you know I was still alive?

I sure as hell didnt.

So, here's what's gonna happen. This novel ISN'T dropped. I know, I'm surprised as well.

Instead, I'm going to rewrite it because, in the time I was gone, my skills have VASTLY improved to the point where the current writing feels subpar to me.

But hey, at least it's not completely dropped right?