
Alpha's toy (rejected)

Alpha's Toy Henry's POV Taking my puff and a slip from my whiskey, I make my way into the shower which I stepped out from after a short shower. I took another puff before dressing myself up for today's event which gives me this feeling that it wouldn't be like the rest. I shouldn't do this anymore due to the last time but I have this pull towards it which made me go back on my words for the first time. Although I still have this same feelings that this wouldn't be the first time I would have to go back on my words but yet, am triggered to know what exactly is happening over there . This is the same thing that made me send my beta instead of me because it would really be embarrassing to show up there after all the last drama and vows Making my way towards the room, I couldn't help but feel somehow yet, I thought it was because I was thinking about the left overs paperwork. The door was opened for me by the guards and I walked in only to meet the shock of my life. WTF...... TBC

Authoressfikky · Fantasy
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55 Chs


Laurel's father's POV

    I just stood there at the entrance of my bathroom as I watch two friends who were best friend swear, curse and beat themselves in my bedroom but I was thankful to lock the kitchen cause one was trying to go in there and take one or two things.

    Seeing it's locked, she went back and continue their fight while I took my dress, got dress and take my power bike keys out. I let them there and went to lounge at an hotel for three good days while the News of what's happening there was reaching me where I am flexing with another set of girls.

    I didn't really know how they left my home but after the third day, I met my room scattered and disarranged with different broken things. I was so angry that when I left for our next shoot that day, I had them begging me while promising to pay back for the things that was damaged in my house.