
Alpha's toy (rejected)

Alpha's Toy Henry's POV Taking my puff and a slip from my whiskey, I make my way into the shower which I stepped out from after a short shower. I took another puff before dressing myself up for today's event which gives me this feeling that it wouldn't be like the rest. I shouldn't do this anymore due to the last time but I have this pull towards it which made me go back on my words for the first time. Although I still have this same feelings that this wouldn't be the first time I would have to go back on my words but yet, am triggered to know what exactly is happening over there . This is the same thing that made me send my beta instead of me because it would really be embarrassing to show up there after all the last drama and vows Making my way towards the room, I couldn't help but feel somehow yet, I thought it was because I was thinking about the left overs paperwork. The door was opened for me by the guards and I walked in only to meet the shock of my life. WTF...... TBC

Authoressfikky · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 24

Annabelle's POV

  The moment I asked that question, I was slammed against the wall and in a blink of an eye everything went pitch black with me sinking. I set out to Yelp for help but too bad, my mouth could not even open not to talk of move. 

  I tried so much and fought so much to just screaming for mom, but I couldn't. Struggling to keep up and try not to be in the dark, it all didn't work out for me, I was finally smashed into darkness.

  With me welcoming it and something inside me still wide awake but wouldn't give in to being awake.

  Even though I pleaded yet, I wasn't certain if it hears me cause it slowly died down just like I did.

  Acting vampire king's POV (Austin)

'' Let him come in.'' I said to the palace guards who reported to me that I have a visitor, only to wonder who couldn't wait for me to get into my office before we could talk about anything he needs or wants.