
My Twin is my m-mate?

Evan's POV

I can't believe Ralph tried to kill himself again!What the fuck did they say to him? Eva and I had been preparing breakfast when I felt a small pain on my neck. I looked up to Eva only to find her rubbing her neck so she must have felt it.

Eva: What's going on,V?

Evan:I don't know ,Evy.

Eva:If you aren't hurt and I am not hurt then it means....

Evan:(groaned) Ralph.

With that we both took off running to the sitting room looking for Ralph but we saw him rushing towards the study and followed him. What we saw when we got there shocked us to the core. Something broke within us and pain shot straight to our hearts. Why? Anger took over the pain I felt as we watched Ralph dig his claws in his own neck ready to rip it off. Eva froze and I felt an intense need to protect both of them,a sense of possessiveness that I didn't know I had and I rushed to Ralph. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes when I ripped his hand away from his neck. The only thing I could think of was him trying to kill himself with us around. Didn't he care about us? He's the one who told us that mates can't live without each other and if one dies then the other will either go crazy or die then why?Even Eva was pissed however,our rage disappeared the moment he dropped to his knees and broke down. He looked so weak and vulnerable that I could not even be angry at him. He needs us more than ever so I tried to comfort him. He just looked like a baby who has been abandoned by his mother. My baby boy,God,I love him. Kissing him was.... Damn! Just thinking about it makes me want to rip his clothes off and devour him...

Ralph:(Growled) Keep smelling like that and we won't leave this room,Sexy.

Evan: Smelling like what?(sniffed his armpits)I smell nice.

Ralph:Not nice,you...(pulled him closer and sniffed his neck) my dear mate smell ravishing. Your arousal is intoxicating.

Evan:(Grunted) Fuck! I love it when you do that.

Ralph:Do what?(nipple his neck) Tell me,Sexy.

Evan:(closed his eyes) I...(groaned as Ralph bit his earlobe) I love it when you act like the Werewolf that you are instead of trying to be normal around us.

Ralph:Hmm.(kissed the spot where the shoulder and neck meet) Found it,(he whispered as Evan moaned).

Evan:Yes,you did,baby boy. (Smirked) You've been looking for that special spot all along. The spot where your mark should be,am I right?

Ralph:(hesitated) I'm sorry,you smelt way too good, Elvis and I couldn't help but want to mark you.

There he goes again with his insecurities,I was only teasing him and he thinks I didn't want him to mark me. Heck,I'd give anything to have this man sink his teeth deep in my flesh. To be connected to him both in mind and soul.To be able to talk to him through mindlink and feel everything he feels. I want to be tied to him forever,Eva wants it too. She's been thinking about it since Ralph and his friends explained the mate bond to us. They told us that werewolves have mates,the other part of their soul who they are to spend their lives with. They find their mates on their 15 birthday where they get to meet their wolf. If their mates is around them then they can sniff them out,they said a mate's scent is so intoxicating that the mates can't help but follow it and let it consume their body. The mate bond pull them together,the first step is scenting your mate,2.look into each other's eyes and confirm that you are mates,if you both feel the pull to each other then it is confirmed. 3. You need to touch your mate to see if there are sparks between you and your mate.4. Kiss your mate within a week of meeting,this is to say you accept the mate bond. 5. The marking,this is a bite to the neck where the shoulder and neck meet. The mark enables the mates to communicate telepathically,feel what the other is feeling and be able to read each other's thoughts. 6.the mating,this is where the mates have sex to seal the bond and make it stronger thus sharing each other's strengths and weaknesses. Eva and I decided then that we want to share all this with Ralph. Once the mating bond is complete,the mates' scents will be mixed and they will smell like each other. Also the mates will be more possessive of their mates especially for Alpha,beta and gamma mates since they are high ranks. But the Alpha mates are the strongest. It is rare for werewolves or other supernatural species to be mated to a human or have two mates however,Will said Ralph must be special to be mated to two humans which are a rare kind of their species. Identical twins with opposite genders, either this is a coincidence or something is really going on here. Anyways,Will who we found out is Ralph's best friend and also second in command (beta),Kira is the head warrior and third in command (gamma). Zion is an Elite warrior and Zeta. Sophie is the Delta.

Eva:(entered the room) V, look what I found in the library....

Evan:(came back to reality) Uh,what?

Eva:(Ran to Ralph who sat on the bed crying) What happened? V, why is he crying?

Ralph:(panicked) No! He didn't do anything,I swear! It's my fault,mama....

Eva: Ralph!(shook him as he started trembling)Blue, look at me. I'm not your mama and I won't hurt you.

Ralph:(whimpered)I...I don't...want to get beaten up again.

Evan:(Picked him up and made him sit on his lap) Baby boy,we won't let anyone hurt you again. No one will ever lay a hand on you for as long as we are here and I'm not angry. I was teasing you.

Seeing him break down every time he's hurt worries me, this isn't a normal breakdown. His mental state is affected, he's acting more like a child than the man he is and that scares me. My eyes widen as I realized what was wrong with him, he's suffering from depression. I put my finger under his chin to look into his eyes,they look empty and so full of agony. He...he has been depressed for so long that it's now on the difficult stage where many couldn't return. The stage where the feeling of loneliness intensifies so much that the person feels suffocated and tries to commit suicide....Jesus! This is why he tried to kill himself last night and this morning,his wolf is barely keeping him sane. He is hanging on a thin threat right now,he is not really fine. I felt my eyes sting,my vision blurred and I knew what was happening when I heard Eva gasp shocked. Tears ran down my eyes for the first time since I was 6,I haven't cried in years but now....my heart hurt so much. I need to protect him,I need to save him and Elvis....I need to because we won't live without them. I look at Eva and my breath hitched as I saw her crying too,like me,she too has never cried since we were six. She nodded her head not trusting her voice. She must have heard my thoughts, being identical twins gave us the gift of being able to read each other's thoughts.

Evan:(kissed him passionately) Mark us,baby boy.

Ralph's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as I whispered these words in his ear and if it wasn't for what I discovered about his health then I would've laughed. His jaw was somewhere on the floor. He looked at me unsure then at Eva who nodded with a smile on her face. Ralph leaned into me hesitantly,when I didn't pull back,he kissed me gentle, taking my lips into his mouth and sucking them. I swear,this man will kill me with his passion,I pulled him up so he could straddle me,a growl rumbled from his chest when Eva snaked her arms under his t-shirt and caressed his bare chest. Something poked my stomach, something really hard and it didn't take me long to know that he is turned on just as I was. I pushed him back without breaking the kiss and connected our cocks. Holy Shit! The sparks have intensified,the connection made us both harden even more. He growled when I tried to pull back. He took a fist of my white hair, pulled me closer to him and he started moving his hips rubbing his hard dick against mine.


Ralph:(Smirked as he kissed along his jawline) You like what I'm doing to you?

Evan:Heck yeah!Hmm(moaned when Ralph sucked on his sweet spot) Mark me already.

Ralph:(chuckled huskily) Impatient,are we ....Shit!

His growl made me look up at his pitch black eyes shocked. He was grinding on my cock faster as he sucked harder on my marking spot. I turn to Eva who stood completely naked next to us with Ralph's hand rubbing her slick clit. Fuck!! I always thought seeing your own sister naked would be gross let alone your twin but looking at Eva now turned me on more. I felt precum soak my sweatpants,she was watching us...she was turned on seeing Ralph grinding against me,her juices ran down her legs as she moaned louder. Ralph circled her clit with his thumb faster and grinded into me harder the louder she moaned. I looked up at her heaving chest only to come face to face with her perfect round,full breasts. Her nipples were painfully hard begging to be touched. As if feeling my hot gaze on her,Eva locked her darkened eyes with my own and I swear I couldn't look away. I forgot she was my twin sister that very moment, blood rushed to my cock hardening it painfully. All I wanted was to fuck her hard until she screams my name as she cums. Eva whimpered as she read my thoughts and saw the lust in my eyes.

Eva:Evan, please (she begged).

Ralph:(froze and looked from Evan to Eva wide eyed) Goddess!(he exclaimed shocked).

Evan:(without breaking eyelock with Eva) What? Why can't I look away, Ralph? What the hell is going on?! And why the hell is my twin sister begging me to touch her sexually? Why do I want to fuck her?(panicked).

Ralph: Calm down,Evan. This is normal in our world. When identical twins are born,they usually get to share one mate and some even discover that they're mated to each other after finding their mates.

What the fuck! What did he just say? Twins being mated to each other...does that mean Eva and I are mates now?

Ralph: Yes, Evan. This must be hard to process but look at her. She's completely naked in front of you and instead of being embarrassed or grossed,you are turned on. You can't stop looking at her and both of you can feel the sexual attraction.

Evan:(still stunned) she's my twin sister,Ral.

Ralph:And she'll always be,this is to make it easier for you both to share me and not feel awkward when we make love together. It also makes your bond ten times stronger.

Eva:(cupped his face) As weird as this sounds,I am happy to be your mate. I've always shared everything with you and I had known you all my life.

Evan:(smiled) This explains why we've been attracted to each other sexually these past few days. I'm happy to have you as mine too,Evy. I love you.

Eva: Me too, mate. I love you too.

Ralph: You have to kiss each other to show you accept the bond,( he smiled at them) I'm happy for you both.

Evan:May I?(she nodded)I hope we don't regret this.

Ralph:(laughed) You won't.

He got up so Eve could take his place and like he said,we didn't regret kissing in fact it was as special as it felt when Ralph kissed us.