

Harris with pain in his heart and tears rolling down his eyes screamed "I want everyone of them head going to even their last generations, I want them all dead"

Words got to Lucas and he knew war was coming, he told Marla to go hid with their son in their

secret chamber because he knows that one's Harris is angry he doesn't think but just act

immediately. After making sure his family are already in the secret chamber, he goes out with his

men to go see what was happening.

In the secret chamber Leonardo kept on looking at his mom as she kept on moving around the room,

biting on her fingernails in an anxious manner. She turns to her son who was staring at her knelt in front of him, gave him a kiss on his forehead and told him I love you honey I will back . Leonardo watches his mother as she stands up ,walked towards the butler that was staring at them and in a low tone Marla says to the butler,please watch after my son , the butler said but ma, the lord said you should stay here and wait for him. She said I can't continue staying here , I feel helpless, I need to know what is going on.

Immediately after her few words, she dashes out of the room leaving little Leo and the butler alone.