

At the meeting the supernaturals don't seem pleased about the opinion, Lucas stood up and gave a wonderful speech, and then a vote took place to know who is in favour of the increase of taxes. The vote was casted but the number of vote against it was more than the approval, so the opinion was cancelled.

Some days later, a lot of bad things begin to happen to the supernatural's, their people were dying , there businesses were running down ,their farm produces was getting destroyed. Every one of them was going through something except the werewolves, rumours starts spreading, and the supernaturals begin avoiding the werewolves.

Another meeting was held and the leaders begin to question the head of the table, on the topic of why is none of the things happening affecting the werewolves or is there something they need to know.

Lucas stands up and said "these happenings have nothing to do with werewolves that

they are innocent of all accusation". After what he said the room was filled with sound of the murmuring amongst the supernatral.


Lucas gets home and sees his wife looking through the window in worry, he hugs her From the back and give's her light kiss on the neck , letting out a light whisper"my love you have nothing to worry about , everything is fine" she kisses his hand that was on placed on her shoulder and says "I hope so honey cause I am getting a weird kind of feeling"

Lucas says "you don't need to worry ,just go to bed i will be right beside you".

She leaves him there and went to the bedroom , Lucas walk's to wine chamber had a few drinks and slept off there.