

Doris ,first daughter of the vampire leader goes for a walk, accompanied by her bodyguards, she meets a terrifying incident on her way.

She sees her friend been attacked, she rushes to her aid but the people over powered her and her bodyguards.

A young vampire passing by sees What's happening, he rushes to the home of Harris the sixth who is the leader of thebvampires and father to Doris.

My lord my lord, breathing so fast from all the holes in his body, still trying to catch his breath,a body guard rushed over to him, "what's the problem" he says.

My my my lord, your your your daughter, still trying to catch his breath the young vampire say's. HARRIS THE SIXTH turns and tries to hear what he was trying to say, the young vampire spits it all out , SIR HARRIS rushes over the place of the incident with his men and saw his daughter laying helplessly on the cold ground still holding on to her last breath, the guards on the other hand was long dead. Harris sits on the floor holding his almost lifeless daughter and kept asking who did this to you, who did this ,with her last breath she says"werewolves" and gave up the ghost.