
Alpha's Bride

On her way home from her 18-year-old Bar Mitzvah, she and her best friend Emma go to a nightclub to celebrate, and the drunken heroine gets caught by a divided man and ends her first time in a dark forest, one night later, the male lead disappeared, while the female lead was found pregnant by her family not long after. Her father ordered her to abort the child, but the female lead refused, and was driven out of the family by her angry father. Five months later, the mother gave birth to a baby boy who was born with a congenital defect and has been in hospital since birth. A few years later, her parents came to her, and in exchange for the child's treatment, they asked the female lead to marry the male lead. For the sake of her son, the female lead had to marry the male lead who was supposed to be her brother-in-law. After marriage, the male lead soon found out that the female lead was married under an assumed name. He originally wanted to drive the female lead away and use this as an excuse to suppress the female lead's family, but coincidentally, the male lead's pheromone went haywire, in the female lead under the comfort gradually restore calm, this let the male lead found an unexpected surprise, female lead pheromone can calm his body riot pheromone, not to let him go mad, become irrational wolf. He kept the female lead by his side and made a contract with her. If the female lead could help him cure his pheromone disorder, he could let the female lead go and give her an expensive therapeutic napkin, it was enough to keep her safe for the rest of her life. She accepted the offer, releasing pheromones to bring him back to normal every time he went berserk, and the two were constantly attracted to each other in this kind of contact. However, at this time, the female lead's son, who was lying in the hospital, was found to have heart failure. He had to find a suitable heart transplant as soon as possible. In despair, the female lead could only pray to the male lead. She hoped that the male lead would use his influence, he helped her find a suitable heart source, so the male lead made use of the female lead's urgent psychology to make her become his person. The female lead had no choice but to agree. Since then, the female lead not only needed to release pheromones, but also became the male lead's bed partner, the male lead does not know this kind is called“Love” the sentiment, he only hoped that the female lead can stay at his side, no longer leaves. After the child was successfully discharged from the hospital, the elder sister of the female lead eloped suddenly came back. She cried to the female lead about the pain she had suffered and asked the female lead to return the male lead to her so that everything could return to normal. It happened at this time, the female lead accidentally overheard the conversation between the male lead and others. He said that the female lead was just a tool for his treatment. The female lead was dying of heart and was determined to leave the male lead with the child. However, she did not know that all of this was the male lead's plan, the male lead's older brother had always resented his status as the heir of his family. In order to prevent his older brother from hurting the female lead, the male lead could only pretend to be cold and let the female lead leave. After that, he and the female lead's older sister showed a very close relationship, he let his brother think that the person he cared about was his sister, and when his brother planned to get rid of them, the male The Wrestler finally broke his brother's plot and became the true ruler of the family, and he did so in the same way, the heroine sister will be sent to the position of the family heir, and he himself is in all the end to find the heroine, a family of three happy life together.

DaoistSR7hQy · Urban
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8 Chs

1-My child

I never thought that I would meet my first time in a tragic way.

As if my body were being ripped apart, hot breath in my ear, I could feel the powerful pheromones of the man mingling with me, covering me, taking over my body inch by inch, there's something coming out of me. This lunatic, he took my first time in such a domineering way!

I even began to regret that I shouldn't have gone to the club with Emma, let alone come back alone. There was some confusion, and I was thinking about how I met this lunatic, and on the way back from the club, I met this huge werewolf, and he was passed out on the side of the road, and I didn't want to interfere, but he was all white, such purebred werewolves are extremely rare, his identity is by no means simple, I reached out to feel his breath, fortunately, is alive. As I was about to pull out my phone to call 911, his red eyes popped open in the dark, and before I knew it, he was carrying me on his back, running at breakneck speed, i had to cling to his neck to avoid being thrown out.

And what happened next, even more unexpected, was that I encountered a lycanthrope, a lycanthrope that, under the influence of pheromones, would switch between its original form and its human form, eventually their estrus is completed in a fixed pattern. Unfortunately, I met a werewolf in heat. Luckily, he was at least back in human form. He violently tore off my clothes. I tried to cover myself with shame, but he wrapped his hands around a torn piece of cloth, forcing me to greet him naked.

"Get out of here, you lunatic!"

I yelled at him, but the werewolf in heat was unconscious. He followed his body's instincts, his big, hot hands running over my body, turning red where they touched. I felt numb all over, physiological tears fall from the corner of the eye. The Moon was full tonight, and in the moonlight, I could clearly see the naked desire on the man's face. He was handsome, but at the moment I had no intention of admiring him, and could only call him a madman in the most vulgar of terms, rapist! But now he was acting on instinct, ignoring my invective.

When I woke up again, the werewolf was gone, as if nothing had happened, but the physical discomfort told me that what had happened last night was not a dream, that I had been raped, and that I was a werewolf. I didn't dare tell anyone about it. Being raped wasn't something to be proud of. I had square parents, and if they knew about it, I didn't want to think about it. Think of it as a dog bite. I'll keep it to myself.

But I can't believe I'm Pregnant! When the report was presented to my parents, my furious father threw it in my face. He slugged me with the dirtiest words. I was about to destroy the DeWitt family's hundred-year-old reputation.

"Whose child is it?" The father asked sternly.

"I-i don't know."

I didn't know. I knew nothing about him except that he was a purebred werewolf. The one-sided rape, for me is even worse, I do not want to recall the incident, he carried all my nightmares.

And now, as this nightmare strikes again, he tears open the mask of his gentleness, revealing the decadence of the family system, and I am cast out of the family as a pathetic victim of sacrifice, to preserve the dewitt name.

Six months later

I gave birth to a baby boy in a rented room, and because he was not yet full-term, he looked very small, like a little mouse that had accidentally fallen into a honey pot, and he only made a short cry, in a very short time, i saw his face decay rapidly and his breathing gradually become weak. I felt that he was going to die. Maybe it was my mother's instinct. I resisted the discomfort after giving birth and cried out for help.

The landlady heard my voice and pushed the door open. When she saw the scene in front of her, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my God, why did you give birth in a rented room?"

"Please, help me."

I had no money and sold the only cell phone I had for communication. All I can do now is ask her for help.

"You're in bad shape," Mrs. Wills said, afraid to step forward, perhaps for fear of making things worse. "I'll call an ambulance for you."

I was about to tell her that I couldn't afford an ambulance.

Mrs. Wills was about to call 911. She tried to calm me down as she dialed the number. "I'll pay for it," she said. "You can pay me back later."

I am very grateful to Mrs. Wells, who gave me the greatest support when I needed it most.

When we were taken to the hospital, the doctor told me that the baby was in a bad condition. I was undernourished when I was pregnant, and I was always hungry and full. As a result, the baby's development was even slower than normal babies, not to mention the fact that he was seven months premature and now had to be sent to the PICU as soon as possible.

I was a little out of it as I watched the Doctor explain to me what was at stake. I wonder why I gave birth to this child, the day I was banished from my family, I thought about dying, and I didn't know how to live without my family's protection. It is incredible to say, when I half a foot into the sea, I can clearly feel his presence, clearly he is only an embryo.

I don't know if it's just a mother's instinct, to connect with her child, to know that he's a product of rape, but he's my child, and he's going to inherit my bloodline, and he's going to take charge.

I suddenly look forward to some, look forward to the real day to meet him.

In the months that followed, I never thought of giving up, no matter how hard it was. Now, we finally meet, but the situation is very bad.

"What about the father? Why wasn't he there for you?"

"I don't know who the father is."

As I said this, I could clearly feel the change in the way the doctor looked at me, and even the other pregnant women in the ward were giving me dirty looks.

In their eyes, they would have a child whose father didn't know who it was, a dirty, dirty whore, but I didn't have to dodge the question. I looked at the Doctor, "There's no law that says you have to have a partner to have a child. I'm the primary guardian of the child. If you have any questions, just talk to me."

The Doctor did not expect me to be so strong. He opened his mouth in surprise and soon regained his composure. He raised his hand to support the frame on the bridge of his nose, as if trying to cover up his faux pas just now, "There is no such rule, Miss, but you must decide now."

No one can help me, I must rely on myself. Thinking for a moment, I said slowly in the doctor's sharp eyes, "I want you to save him."

"Miss, I don't think you understand the situation, PICU treatment costs a few thousand dollars a day, do you have money?"

He looked me up and down. After all, a wretch who added up to less than a hundred dollars did not deserve treatment.

"This is a hospital, not a charity, and I hope you understand that."

"Yes, I understand," I said, fighting back my discomfort and standing up in front of him to look him in the eye. "What if I could provide Omega Glands?"

My voice was not loud, but the words that came out of my mouth silenced the entire ward.

The rare Omega Constitution is extremely rare even among werewolves, let alone humans. Omega-related research is still only two decades old. Omega is a natural incubator, and they give birth to the best offspring, and because of that, 20 years ago, Omega was hunted to near extinction, which led directly to the disruption of Omega Research, and now I've made them an offer they can't refuse, and in return, I've exposed myself to danger, but I have no choice.

It was a delicate feeling, and the secret I had tried so hard to hide was now so easily revealed, just for the sake of that child, or rather, my child. He has my blood and my will, and I want him to grow up healthy, not end his life here.

"You're Omega?" The doctor came to his senses and looked at me with a mocking look in his eyes. "Listen, Miss, I know you want to save your child, but you shouldn't lie."

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became relaxed. Who would believe the words of a prostitute.

"If you don't believe me, I can take a physical examination. But you must promise that if what I say is true, please treat my child immediately."

"Of course."

My doctor, a blond man in his early thirties with an arrogant look on his face, apparently did not take my words to heart. He placed a special test mark on my wrist, "I'll have the nurse take you there. I hope you're not lying, miss."

I knew he was being sarcastic, but I didn't care. Half an hour later, the test results came back, and I was definitely Omega, and they couldn't refuse my offer.

If the hospital makes a breakthrough in Omega Research, it will mean they will have a steady stream of funding, and the deal is a sure bet for them.

"Excuse me, Miss, for being so rude earlier. We'll arrange a private room for you."

The doctor's attitude towards me was a complete U-turn. I was now more like a rare species. They needed something from me, so they dared not take it lightly.

"Where are my children?"

"Please don't worry. He's already received treatment." The doctor smiled obsequiously, his eyes under the glass lens showing a greedy cunning.

"Miss, according to our agreement, I can directly extract your glands, right?"

Up to now, the conclusion of the research on AO constitution is that it is a natural selection after biological evolution, and the direction of evolution is not clear. At present, it is known that AO constitution has more glands than ordinary people, alpha is the natural leader, Omega is the incubator, and the awakened bloodline is more powerful than the average person, which is why biological researchers have been working on AO evolution, they wanted to extract the technology so that all of humanity could evolve.

The AO gland must be completely voluntary in the case of extraction, once the use of violence, glands will be automatically destroyed, this may be the biological evolution of self-protection means.

"When I know the child is safe, I will give you what you want."

When I answered, the doctor smiled with satisfaction. "You can rest assured that we will have the best medical team for your child."

During the second week of hospitalization, the child was released from Picu and placed in an incubator. He is still small, did not open his eyes, I can only through the glass, greedy look at him. I wanted to go over and hold him. He had been in my belly for seven months. He was my blood. I wanted to give him the best, but only if he lived.

I never thought I could be a good mother before, but maternal love is a natural instinct, just looking at him, I can feel unprecedented satisfaction filled my heart.

"Miss Calista, you've been watching this for half an hour."

Reillo, my blond doctor, walks up to me to remind me that it's time to extract the glands again.

As a deal for my child, I knew I couldn't refuse.

"Can you give me two days? My glands hurt."

Every day they would stick a two-foot syringe into my glands, and the pain was so deep in my bones that I felt like I was going to die every time they took it out.

Dr. Reillo looked troubled. "Miss Calista, it's not cheap to treat a child," he said. "If you don't pay for it, we won't be able to complete the treatment."

"Are you threatening me?" I looked at him coldly. Since the first time we met, it was hard for me to have any good feelings towards the doctor in front of me. His eyes were like trash, even after knowing I was Omega, my attitude changed, but my eyes were still contemptuous.

Dr. Reillo smiled faintly. "No, I'm just stating a fact, Miss Calista."

"How long before my son's treatment?"

"It's hard to say. He was only 3.9 pounds when he was born, which is a lot less than a normal baby. He also has respiratory problems and hasn't been able to breathe on his own until now."

I understood what he meant. After a brief silence, I took a deep breath. "Let's go."

I think I have to do something for my children. Since can not give him a healthy body, at least now can give him hope to live.

"You made the right decision, Miss Calista."

Reillo was smiling, but I could still detect the sarcasm in his words.

What a pain in the ass!

The sharp needle punctured the gland. I could feel the burning pain. It was too painful!

I reached out to stop him. Reillo seemed to sense something. He immediately said, "If you don't want anything to happen to your son, don't move!"

He doesn't look like a doctor at all. He looks like a real scoundrel!

But I had to do it, because his threat worked, and I dared not gamble with my son, only to endure the pain and complete the extraction.

But I was in so much pain, my consciousness was getting blurry. Before I passed out, I fell to the ground uncontrollably with a bang, and then I don't remember anything.

"You could have died."

I heard from the nurse everything that happened after the coma. I almost lost my life trying to extract gland tissue. I had already crossed the threshold of a 12-point threshold for human pain, and Dr. Reillo was disciplined for a mistake that nearly cost the hospital irreparable damage.

Sounds Ridiculous, doesn't it? My life is of no importance to them. What matters is whether my glands remain intact.

Even the nurse, who had been sarcastic to me at first, now looked at me with incredible admiration. "I wonder how you keep going?" She asked

Who knows, maybe it's my son. If I die, I'm afraid he really won't survive. No one will adopt a sick orphan, and I'm his only hope.

"You're an amazing mother."

In their eyes, I may have been a dirty whore, but in the treatment of children, I can bear for children can not bear the pain of ordinary people.

I named him Angelo, Angelo DeWitt, and he was the best thing that ever happened to me.