
Alpha's Bite Between My Legs

[ WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT ] "If I see you again, I'll ravish your body while you bleed, Prince!" Rosina, a woman haunted by a dark past, developed a dangerous obsession that led to a trail of blood and corpses. A predator that liked to enjoy her prey before taking their lives. She has always despised the idea of having a mate until she was compelled to attend the annual mating season. Harboring a deep desire for freedom, she detested any association with royalty. During the mating event, she encountered a mysterious man wearing a blood-red mask. Draco was portrayed as a carefree Third Prince who sought only amusement and avoided the responsibilities that came with the crown. However, his encounter with Rosina ignited a change within him. He realizes that in order to win her hand in marriage, he must become a King. That transformation set Draco on a path of self-discovery and growth as he strived to prove himself worthy of Rosina's love. Would their encounter change their fate or push them to ruin? _____ Volume 2: "My duty is to find a nobleman to lead my Pack, but you conquered my heart, commoner." Felissa was responsible for searching for a mate worthy of status and fulfilling her duty as the only daughter of an Alpha, which led her to revolve her life to become a perfect future Luna of the Midnight pack. She was known as gentle as a fragile flower, or so they thought. Behind her cheerful smile hid the darkness that wanted to ascend and take over her body. A personality born due to the use of magic. As Felissa hunted for a noble mate to satisfy her parents. She met a commoner with two identities. Vicenzo was a man living different lives to keep his mother safe from the abusive Pack. He was willing to sacrifice the mate bond to destroy the New Monarch as his task, but his heart slowly broke apart and yearned for his mate's touch. Would they prioritize their duty or give in to what their body desired?" _____ Volume 3: "I will accept you despite everything you have done, my dearest." Gastone lived in the human world as his punishment but was called back to the Werewolf realm by Rosina to find his mate. He didn't want one because of his living situation and pride as a fallen Prince. Along the way, he saved a troubled woman named Lucia and brought her to the realm after begging him to save her. That caused problems since Werewolves were myths to humans. With the help of Draco, Gastone and Lucia settled in a secluded place temporarily for security. Lucia had escaped from the Orphanage that worked in the black market. She aimed to stop its business to save many girl's lives but failed after years of planning. After meeting Gastone, she intended to use him to her advantage since she needed milk to survive the curse. Would their love blossom after finding great differences between their races? __ [ WPC #301 - Gold Place Winner!!! ] . . Official Commissioned Cover. __ Contact me: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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497 Chs

The Little Secret

"This event will be the death of me!" Rosina muttered while clenching her wet hair. She was preparing herself for another ball around 8:00 in the morning at the greenhouse.

Rosina dried her hair using a towel when there was a knock on the door before it opened, and two servants entered the room with a cart.

"Lady, we have arrived," Fina stated, and both bowed. "We're here to help you dress up for today's event."

Rosina was baffled. She was not used to being cared for by other people, but she didn't want to turn them down.

Rosina nodded, sat in front of the mirror, and let the servants do their job.

"Lady, you can call us by pulling that rope beside the bed," Sal pointed at the red rope attached to the wall. "It's connected to the servant's room, so we can assist your needs."

"I understand," Rosina smiled softly at them.

The servants started doing Rosina's hair and styling them into braids with a bunch of yellow flower pins. They opened Rosina's bag and took the clothes that were stored inside.

"This..." Fina muttered while looking at the dresses Rosina brought with her. "Lady, did you choose these dresses?"

Rosina looked back at what Fina was holding. It was her mother's dress in a tacky and colorful color.

"Yes," Rosina sighed. She couldn't alter or dye the dresses since the servants were around.

"Lady, this servant wants permission to alter this dress for today's garden event?" Fina stated and lowered her head. She was holding the yellow gown with a giant butterfly design on the chest and puffy sleeves.

Rosina was hesitant since it was not her dress.

'But since it was given to me. Then it's mine.' Rosina thought and nodded. "I have given you permission."

"Thank you, Lady," Fina bowed before placing the dress back on the bed. She went out of the room to get her sewing kit.

"How are you, Sal?" Rosina stated to start a small conversation between them.

"I-I'm fine, lady," Sal replied shyly. She was currently putting Rosina's hair into a bun.

"That's good then," Rosina giggled and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

It didn't take long before Fina arrived. She was panting from running across the hallway with a box of her belongings.

"Lady, I have arrived," Fina bowed and went straight to the dress. She sat on the floor and laid the dress on a clean cloth.

Rosina's eyebrows furrowed. She turned around and cleared her throat to get Fina's attention.

"You can sit on the bed while working," Rosina stated and gestured her toward the bed.

"Lady, I-I would never. I'm just a servant, and I might taint the bed with my smell and dirt — "

Rosina raised her palm to stop Fina from explaining herself. "I insist."

Fina looked at Sal before she stood up and sat on the bed; she felt the soft mattress on her skin.

"Thank you, lady," Fina smiled timidly. She took off her shoes to prevent any dirt from tainting the sheets.

Fina started cutting the sleeves and other tacky pieces of cloth and designs on the gown, making it more sophisticated and elegant.

Rosina stared at Fina through the mirror and saw her determination to make the dress look presentable.

"Tell me, why you two are working hard to assist me? I know it's your job, but is there something more from what I've thought of?" Rosina stated. She knew about the servant's job and was paid to assist them throughout the event, but going to another level of altering the dress was suspicious.

Fina and Sal looked at one another. Their gazes held secrets and information.

"It's fine if you don't tell me," Rosina added. She thought she might endanger their lives if they told her their secrets.

Sal shook her head and continued working on Rosina's hair. "Lady, it was different in this year's event."

"Sal," Fina muttered. She was hesitant to tell Rosina about the truth.

"I think it's fine, Fina. Lady is gentle and nice," Sal muttered with a soft smile.

Rosina's eyebrows raised at their exchanged conversation but remained silent while waiting for them to speak.

"Lady, please keep this a secret between us," Sal whispered, and Rosina nodded her head.

"The Crown Prince was participating in this year's mating season. His mate will be the Crown Princess and become the future Queen of the werewolf realm," Sal gossiped with a giggle.

"The Crown Prince?" Rosina muttered in disbelief. She didn't expect the Crown Prince to secretly participate in the event.

"Yes, but he chooses to keep his identity hidden to find the perfect Queen without distraction from hungry ladies. That's what we heard," Sal added. Her excitement was radiating in her aura.

"That's why you're working hard to dress me up?" Rosina chuckled in amusement, especially when Sal pouted.

"That too, lady, and also," Fina paused and looked in Rosina's direction. "There was a reward..." She trailed off while biting her lower lip.

The atmosphere in the room became awkward. Rosina could see the fear in their eyes when they stated about the reward.

Rosina scoffed. She had hinted about pulling strings behind the curtain to motivate the servants to work hard to assist their guest's owners for the time being.

"Oh, they promised you a reward? Let me guess," Rosina chuckled to warm the atmosphere. "Whoever becomes the Crown Princess, the servants under her care will be given a reward or increase in rank?"

"Ye-yes, Lady," Sal whispered and immediately kneeled on the cold floor; Fina followed as well.

"We're sorry, Lady. We had no intention to exploit you. We — "

"It's fine," Rosina stated to stop them from rattling words. "I am thankful that you two are honest with me. I hate liars, after all. Tell me more about it."

Fina and Sal remained knelt even though Rosina gestured them to stand up.

"We can become the Crown Princess's servant. That is why we're working hard for the Crown Prince to notice you, Lady," Fina explained while fidgeting with her fingers.

There’s never been a problem that milk can’t solve.

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