
Alpha's Bite Between My Legs

[ WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT ] "If I see you again, I'll ravish your body while you bleed, Prince!" Rosina, a woman haunted by a dark past, developed a dangerous obsession that led to a trail of blood and corpses. A predator that liked to enjoy her prey before taking their lives. She has always despised the idea of having a mate until she was compelled to attend the annual mating season. Harboring a deep desire for freedom, she detested any association with royalty. During the mating event, she encountered a mysterious man wearing a blood-red mask. Draco was portrayed as a carefree Third Prince who sought only amusement and avoided the responsibilities that came with the crown. However, his encounter with Rosina ignited a change within him. He realizes that in order to win her hand in marriage, he must become a King. That transformation set Draco on a path of self-discovery and growth as he strived to prove himself worthy of Rosina's love. Would their encounter change their fate or push them to ruin? _____ Volume 2: "My duty is to find a nobleman to lead my Pack, but you conquered my heart, commoner." Felissa was responsible for searching for a mate worthy of status and fulfilling her duty as the only daughter of an Alpha, which led her to revolve her life to become a perfect future Luna of the Midnight pack. She was known as gentle as a fragile flower, or so they thought. Behind her cheerful smile hid the darkness that wanted to ascend and take over her body. A personality born due to the use of magic. As Felissa hunted for a noble mate to satisfy her parents. She met a commoner with two identities. Vicenzo was a man living different lives to keep his mother safe from the abusive Pack. He was willing to sacrifice the mate bond to destroy the New Monarch as his task, but his heart slowly broke apart and yearned for his mate's touch. Would they prioritize their duty or give in to what their body desired?" _____ Volume 3: "I will accept you despite everything you have done, my dearest." Gastone lived in the human world as his punishment but was called back to the Werewolf realm by Rosina to find his mate. He didn't want one because of his living situation and pride as a fallen Prince. Along the way, he saved a troubled woman named Lucia and brought her to the realm after begging him to save her. That caused problems since Werewolves were myths to humans. With the help of Draco, Gastone and Lucia settled in a secluded place temporarily for security. Lucia had escaped from the Orphanage that worked in the black market. She aimed to stop its business to save many girl's lives but failed after years of planning. After meeting Gastone, she intended to use him to her advantage since she needed milk to survive the curse. Would their love blossom after finding great differences between their races? __ [ WPC #301 - Gold Place Winner!!! ] . . Official Commissioned Cover. __ Contact me: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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497 Chs

The Greenhouse

"I see, but I don't think the Crown Prince will notice me. Many eligible ladies will catch his attention right away," Rosina stated and looked at her face.

"You are alluring, Lady," Sal chirped.

"Thank you, Sal, but I don't expect anything from this event," Rosina smiled at them. She wanted to say that she had no plans of getting a mate, but she didn't want to lose motivation.

'It won't be a problem as long as I didn't get the Crown Prince's attention,' Rosina thought with satisfaction. After all, Dragon was the only one she had encountered in the event.

"But I wanted us to enjoy ourselves from this event without the pressure of getting attention," Rosina added since she didn't want them to be worked up for the Crown Prince to notice her.

"Understood, Lady," both Fina and Sal stated at the same time.

The two of them went back to work. Sal took out the newly bought make-up kit and started working.

Sal didn't use rich colors and chose natural make-up that enhanced Rosina's features.

"You're good at this," Rosina complimented and stared at her face. She was satisfied with the result. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Lady," Sal bowed and stepped back for Rosina to have space to examine her facial features.

"Lady, I've finished altering your dress," Fina stated and stepped back from the bed. She took the tattered clothes and kit for Rosina to gaze at the dress.

"Woah, this is beautiful," Rosina was amazed at how Fina fixed the awful dress into a beautiful one.

The sleeves were taken away, making the dress strapless, flattering the butterfly design at the chest. The remaining cloth was made into tiny flowers sewn at the bottom of the dress, creating a look that resembled a goddess.

The servants helped Rosina put on the dress and fixed any defect they could find.

Rosina was amused at their sharp eyes. She was thankful that she was given pleasing servants to work with.

Rosina walked into the full-sized mirror to look at her reflection. Her eyebrows raised at what she had seen.

"Lady, you look stunning!" Sal giggled in excitement.

"You look dazzling, Lady," Fina stated while holding back the tears of her hard work.

Rosina turned around and went for a hug, which surprised the two servants at the kind gesture.

"Thank you for your hard work," Rosina whispered and patted their heads.

"Lady!" they exclaimed in shock.

Rosina was the first noble wolf to hold and give affection to commoners, much less the servants. Noble wolves were common and normal to have pride and distance themselves from those in lower ranks.

Rosina smiled at them as the two burst into tears. They felt blessed to have Rosina as their guest's owner and fueled their motivation to make Rosina the most beautiful she-wolf in every event that would come.

"Okay, I'll go now, else I'll be late," Rosina stated and was about to go out when the servants held her back.

"Lady, your mask," Fina stated and handed Rosina the customed mask she made with the extra clothes from the dress to match the color.

"Thank you," Rosina smiled, but they still held her back. "What's the matter?"

"Lady, I think it's better to be late, even just 10 minutes," Fina muttered nervously. She looked at Sal, who was also thinking the same thing.

"Why?" Rosina asked, but she got the feeling of their motives.

"Lady, if you arrived late with that appearance, all the attention will be on you once you arrive at the venue," Fina explained and lowered her head, which Sal followed.

Rosina was dumbfounded for a few seconds before chuckling, but deep inside, she wanted to scream and tell them that she didn't want any attention from lusty men.

"But, I'll get a bad reputation for being late," Rosina stated softly. She remembered arriving late at yesterday's ball, but nobody noticed her presence.

"It's much better to be on time and associate with them," Rosina stated with a huge smile, acting harmless and friendly.

"You are right, Lady," Sal muttered, and both bowed.

It was already 7:45 in the morning when Rosina left her room with the two servants trailing behind her.

Outside, the she-wolves on the left side rushed toward the venue but were alone with no servants.

The 4th door opened, and a lady in a bright pink gown came out with two servants. She didn't see Rosina since she was ahead of her.

Rosina noticed the difference between the she-wolves. She leaned down and whispered toward Fina, who was at her right side. "Do you know the difference between the room placement at this building?"

"Yes, lady, the right side was built for the nobles to stay, while the left side was for the commoners joining the event," Fina stated with pride.

"I see," Rosina smiled at her and continued walking. She noticed the servants of another noble lady in front of her looked back and glared at Sal and Fine, who also glared back at them.

'This competition...' Rosina thought with amusement. She didn't realize that the servants were also against each other for the sake of the nobles they served.

"Don't engage in any fights with them," Rosina whispered. The two servants nodded and held their heads high with pride.

When they reached the stairs, the servants who worked there prioritized the nobles and stopped the commoners from walking down.

Somehow, Rosina didn't like the special treatment she got from being an Alpha's daughter. If possible, she wanted to live normally outside the spotlight.

'It will be interesting if the Crown Prince's mate is a commoner,' Rosina giggled from the thought, making Sal and Fina confused at her sudden reaction.

When they arrived at the venue, which was the Palace greenhouse. Rosina was amazed at the colorful and vibrant colors of the flowers around the area.

"Lady, we shall depart," Fina and Sal stated, and both of them bowed before leaving Rosina alone at the entrance.

Call me cute and get me a glass of milk.

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