
Alpha's Bite Between My Legs

[ WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT ] "If I see you again, I'll ravish your body while you bleed, Prince!" Rosina, a woman haunted by a dark past, developed a dangerous obsession that led to a trail of blood and corpses. A predator that liked to enjoy her prey before taking their lives. She has always despised the idea of having a mate until she was compelled to attend the annual mating season. Harboring a deep desire for freedom, she detested any association with royalty. During the mating event, she encountered a mysterious man wearing a blood-red mask. Draco was portrayed as a carefree Third Prince who sought only amusement and avoided the responsibilities that came with the crown. However, his encounter with Rosina ignited a change within him. He realizes that in order to win her hand in marriage, he must become a King. That transformation set Draco on a path of self-discovery and growth as he strived to prove himself worthy of Rosina's love. Would their encounter change their fate or push them to ruin? _____ Volume 2: "My duty is to find a nobleman to lead my Pack, but you conquered my heart, commoner." Felissa was responsible for searching for a mate worthy of status and fulfilling her duty as the only daughter of an Alpha, which led her to revolve her life to become a perfect future Luna of the Midnight pack. She was known as gentle as a fragile flower, or so they thought. Behind her cheerful smile hid the darkness that wanted to ascend and take over her body. A personality born due to the use of magic. As Felissa hunted for a noble mate to satisfy her parents. She met a commoner with two identities. Vicenzo was a man living different lives to keep his mother safe from the abusive Pack. He was willing to sacrifice the mate bond to destroy the New Monarch as his task, but his heart slowly broke apart and yearned for his mate's touch. Would they prioritize their duty or give in to what their body desired?" _____ Volume 3: "I will accept you despite everything you have done, my dearest." Gastone lived in the human world as his punishment but was called back to the Werewolf realm by Rosina to find his mate. He didn't want one because of his living situation and pride as a fallen Prince. Along the way, he saved a troubled woman named Lucia and brought her to the realm after begging him to save her. That caused problems since Werewolves were myths to humans. With the help of Draco, Gastone and Lucia settled in a secluded place temporarily for security. Lucia had escaped from the Orphanage that worked in the black market. She aimed to stop its business to save many girl's lives but failed after years of planning. After meeting Gastone, she intended to use him to her advantage since she needed milk to survive the curse. Would their love blossom after finding great differences between their races? __ [ WPC #301 - Gold Place Winner!!! ] . . Official Commissioned Cover. __ Contact me: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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497 Chs

The Dragon's Appearance

Rosina grabbed her mask and replaced it with a black one. She removed the pink ribbon from her braid, and her hair cascaded softly down to her waist. Rosina grabbed the rose pin and put it to  the side, near her ears.

It all happened while Rosina walked down the stairs and when she reached the floor. Her outfit for the night was done.

Rosina took a deep breath. She looked around and was satisfied that no one paid attention to her. After all, they were busy flirting and touching one another.

Rosina walked into the buffet to pass the time since she had no interest in associating with other wolves.

Rosina grabbed and top the plate full of sweets. She looked around to find a place for privacy and away from the hungry looks of men.

Rosina was about to grab a glass of drink when another hand reached for the same glass. When their skin touched one another, an electrifying spark erupted in their bodies.

Rosina flinched back in shock, and the plate she carried nearly dropped to the floor. The man grabbed Rosina's waist, pulled her up, and grabbed her plate.

"Are you okay?" the man asked softly after settling Rosina's balance.

"I'm fine. Thank you," Rosina looked up and saw the man's appearance.

He wore white trousers, a tunic, and a red cloak on his right shoulder. His outer garments were decorated with gold lacing and a red gem brooch attached to his collar.

Rosina gave him a light curtsy. She couldn't help but stare at his bright blue eyes surrounded by his blood-red mask.

"I'm Dragon. What's your nickname for the night, fine lady," He stated and gave Rosina a bow. He extended his arm in front of her with his palm open.

Rosina hadn't thought of any alias and blurted out the first thing that crossed her mind.

"I'm Rose," Rosina muttered and put her hand over Dragon's hand.

Dragon smirked before kissing Rosina's knuckles. "Nice to meet you, Rose. I apologize for the incident that happened earlier."

"It's fine. Excuse me for a moment," Rosina stepped back and turned to leave.

Rosina stared at her hand, still feeling the spark of their touch. She hated the feeling, and it ruined her mood. Rosina aggressively wiped her hand on her dress for her mind to directly think she had cleansed herself.

Rosina went to the patio and sat on the chair. She looked at the moon shining brightly in the clear sky and inhaled the cold breeze that calmed her nerves.

"This is great," Rosina muttered with a smile. She began eating her sweets when she heard loud voices from behind her.

Rosina looked back and saw Dragon with a  group of girls around him. His arms were on their shoulders as he laughed cheerfully. The girls giggled adorably while acting cute and shy; some were seducing him with their sex appeal.

"They look desperate," Rosina commented. She rolled her eyes at what she saw but couldn't look away. After all, it was entertainment for her boredom.

Dragon's eyes moved and glanced back at her. Their eyes met, and they stared at one another.

Rosina was surprised but didn't break eye contact to show dominance.

A smirk played on Dragon's lips, liking how they played the game of stares. Dragon was about to stride toward her when a girl grabbed his arm.

"Mister, are you busy? Perhaps we can spend some time together," the girl wearing a bright yellow gown smiled cheerfully and continued to pull Dragon inside the room.

"Sure! Let's have some fun," Dragon stated loudly enough for Rosina to hear.

Dragon winked in Rosina's direction before he turned around and left with several ladies.

Rosina scoffed at Dragon's attitude. He was arrogant, prideful, and a Cassanova in Rosina's eyes. A type of man she hated the most, but an easier target for her to lure and murder.

Rosina went back to eat the sweets and enjoy her time alone. It didn't take long before the upbeat music turned classical—a sign for the wolves to take the dance floor.

Rosina looked on in amusement at the girls batting their eyelashes and blowing kisses toward the men around.

"This looks like a brothel with higher status," Rosina muttered with a laugh. Although she had seen some women who looked forced to participate, just like her, the difference was they gave in to the pressure.

"You'll get sick if you stay outside for too long," She heard Dragon's voice beside her.

"Why are you here?" Rosina asked and squinted her eyes. She thought that Dragon went to tire his feet dancing with the ladies.

"How could I ignore such a fine lady alone at this evening's ball? It would be boring," Dragon stated playfully. He removed his cloak and placed it around Rosina's shoulders. "There, you won't be cold anymore."

Rosina chuckled while shaking her head. "I believe my wolf is strong enough to handle such a cold environment." She smiled and took off the cloak and handed it back to Dragon.

Rosina leaned in closely to Dragon's ear and whispered. "You might not charm the ladies if you remove such an extravagant garment for a mere girl."

Dragon glanced at her. Their faces were inches apart, and they could smell each other's scent.

Rosina knew she could get Dragon's attention, but she wasn't interested under the current circumstances. One mistake could lead her to introduce a man to her family as her mate.

Rosina walked inside the venue, leaving Dragon alone on the patio.

'He seems to come from a well-off family. He must be a son of an Alpha," Rosina thought while glancing back at the patio, but Dragon was no longer there.

Rosina stopped walking. She was confused about where he had gone since she had only left a few seconds ago.

"Ah, whatever," Rosina shrugged and rolled her eyes. She was about to turn back around when she bumped into someone's hard chest.

Milk is like duct tape. It fixes everything.

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