
Alpha's Bite Between My Legs

[ WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT ] "If I see you again, I'll ravish your body while you bleed, Prince!" Rosina, a woman haunted by a dark past, developed a dangerous obsession that led to a trail of blood and corpses. A predator that liked to enjoy her prey before taking their lives. She has always despised the idea of having a mate until she was compelled to attend the annual mating season. Harboring a deep desire for freedom, she detested any association with royalty. During the mating event, she encountered a mysterious man wearing a blood-red mask. Draco was portrayed as a carefree Third Prince who sought only amusement and avoided the responsibilities that came with the crown. However, his encounter with Rosina ignited a change within him. He realizes that in order to win her hand in marriage, he must become a King. That transformation set Draco on a path of self-discovery and growth as he strived to prove himself worthy of Rosina's love. Would their encounter change their fate or push them to ruin? _____ Volume 2: "My duty is to find a nobleman to lead my Pack, but you conquered my heart, commoner." Felissa was responsible for searching for a mate worthy of status and fulfilling her duty as the only daughter of an Alpha, which led her to revolve her life to become a perfect future Luna of the Midnight pack. She was known as gentle as a fragile flower, or so they thought. Behind her cheerful smile hid the darkness that wanted to ascend and take over her body. A personality born due to the use of magic. As Felissa hunted for a noble mate to satisfy her parents. She met a commoner with two identities. Vicenzo was a man living different lives to keep his mother safe from the abusive Pack. He was willing to sacrifice the mate bond to destroy the New Monarch as his task, but his heart slowly broke apart and yearned for his mate's touch. Would they prioritize their duty or give in to what their body desired?" _____ Volume 3: "I will accept you despite everything you have done, my dearest." Gastone lived in the human world as his punishment but was called back to the Werewolf realm by Rosina to find his mate. He didn't want one because of his living situation and pride as a fallen Prince. Along the way, he saved a troubled woman named Lucia and brought her to the realm after begging him to save her. That caused problems since Werewolves were myths to humans. With the help of Draco, Gastone and Lucia settled in a secluded place temporarily for security. Lucia had escaped from the Orphanage that worked in the black market. She aimed to stop its business to save many girl's lives but failed after years of planning. After meeting Gastone, she intended to use him to her advantage since she needed milk to survive the curse. Would their love blossom after finding great differences between their races? __ [ WPC #301 - Gold Place Winner!!! ] . . Official Commissioned Cover. __ Contact me: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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497 Chs

The Allure

"Oh, I'm sorry," Rosina whispered and stepped back to see who she had bumped.

"We meet again," Dragon smirked and pulled Rosina's waist closer to him.

Unconsciously, Rosina was about to choke the life out of Dragon when he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor.

Rosina composed herself since many wolves were looking at them. She stared at his bright blue eyes that sparkled with excitement.

"Shouldn't you ask a lady first for a dance?" Rosina whispered and let Dragon glide her towards the dance floor since she didn't want to make a scene of rejecting him.

"Hmm, I don't think I need to. You'll agree anyway," Dragon stated confidently with a smug.

Rosina's eyebrows raised in amusement. "Are you sure about that?"

"Of course, I am very charming with great sex appeal," Dragon proudly stated. His chuckle filled Rosina's ears, which made her irritated.

Rosina wanted to erase the smirk on Dragon's lips, but at the same time, she was fascinated by him. She can confirm that he indeed had great appeal, but she's not an easy target to play with.

"Seems like you are having fun with other ladies. You can go with them and give me some peace," Rosina squinted her eyes, making Dragon laugh even more.

"Nah, those girls tend to shy away. They can't handle my charisma," Dragon added, holding tightly onto Rosina's thin waist and twirling her around. "Are you a shy little girl too?"

When Rosina got back in front of him. She grabbed his collar and pulled his face toward her an inch apart. They could feel each other's breath and heartbeat.

"I'm a woman, and I'm not into that kind of child's play," Rosina whispered seductively, ensuring that her lips would glaze toward him. Luring him to temptations.

Rosina initially didn't plan to entice Dragon since the situation might be escalated to something else, but he was provoking her, which she didn't like to yield.

Rosina smiled seductively and touched Dragon's chin, pulling him even closer. One wrong move, their lips would touch each other.

"Are you feeling the spark too? The invisible connection between us," Dragon's eyes softened while he looked at Rosina's plumpy lips. The spark erupted in his body continuously, which he could no longer ignore.

"No, but I'm just picturing you naked right now," Rosina whispered. She put her thumb over Dragon's lip and kissed it. The indirect kiss that would leave any man to crave for more.

Dragon was speechless at her action since no one had ever done it to him. His lower area hardened upon hearing what Rosina had said.

Dragon was always the one who made every first move, and the girls would act shy but would bite at his charm. His experience with Rosina was fresh and new, making him feel challenged to get her.

Rosina saw the glimpse of interest in Dragon's eyes. That was the time she realized what she had done. She immediately stepped back and left the dance floor.

"Rose!" Dragon yelled and was about to grab Rosina's arm, but a swarm of ladies was waiting for him to be available to dance.

Rosina giggled when she saw Dragon struggling to get out from the ladies. She left the ballroom as fast as possible to get away from him.

"Gentlemen, where can I find my room? I'm tired and want to rest for the night," Rosina stated gently. She put her hand toward her lower face for cover, an act of shyness.

The guards outside found the gesture adorable and told her the direction of her temporary room for three days. A facility was built beside the palace for the participants every Mating Season. The first floor was for the males and the second floor for females, while the ground floor was for them to meet.

"There's no one here," Rosina stated as she arrived at the 'The Flower' building. Her footsteps echoed across the hall, making the attending servants look in her direction.

Rosina didn't pay too much attention to them and went to her room.

"Room number #12," Rosina muttered while looking at the keys. When she arrived on the second floor, two servants greeted her.

"Good evening, lady. May we look at your key?"

"Sure," Rosina handed them her key. She was confused at their action but knew it was their job to take care of the guest's needs.

"Lady, please follow me," the servant lowered her head and gestured for Rosina to walk first.

'I thought she'll lead me to my room, yet...' Rosina thought and glanced at the servant, who was currently at her backside. 'She's on my back!'

They were currently walking through the right hallway, where the room doors looked fancier than on the other side.

"We have arrived at your room, lady," the servants stated and stood beside the door with her head low and eyes on the ground.

Rosina looked at the door, which had room number 12. She used the key to unlock the door, but before she could, the servant held the knob and opened it for her.

"You don't have to," Rosina stated softly, but the servant lowered her head in submissiveness.

"It's our job, lady," the servant said softly. She took a step back to give Rosina some space.

Rosina pursed her lips and didn't say a word as she entered the room. The servant closed the door and left.

Rosina exhaled deeply and slouched into the bed. She looked at the ceiling, which had a small chandelier. Her room was fancy, with white and gold walls and decorations.

"I thought our identity was supposed to be hidden, but the rooms were given by ranks," Rosina muttered with amusement. She removed her mask and threw it on the floor, similar to her gown.

"That's better," Rosina sighed in contentment while laying on the bed only in her undergarments.

Rosina got comfortable on the bed before closing her pupils to sleep, but then Dragon's bright blue eyes appeared on her mind.

Can I have more water in my cereal? Asked no one ever.

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