
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

chapter 90:Gabby’s POV

Aiden! I tried reaching him through the mind link as the groans grew but I got nothing but grunts of pain, not even a word plus our connection was faint which was something to be worried about. Spyro! Hera groaned as another wave of pain hit us, the freezing task at hand was forgotten as I hunched over my knees clutching at my heart with my hands. it felt like a thousand pinchers were being twisted in my heart creating piercing feels. And at that moment a fire bolt came in my direction, I swung to the side to avoid it and it hit the wall melting my work. I turned to Helena with a growl as it had come from her, she was fashioning another hit. I twisted my fingers, and aimed them at her crossed fists freezing them before forming a bigger fire bolt than the one that she had created andI sent it right at her, it hit her sending her flying a few paces away as the force at which I sent it was way too strong. I fashioned another one and sent it just like the first doubling the effect of the hit and this time it sent her flying deep into the forest ereating a smokey trail. I couldn't go after her, I needed to find Aiden, the warriors already used the opportunity of the melted wall to scale through to the other side and it didn't take time for me to find my mate. They hovered around him and immediately they sensed me approaching they all bowed parting way for me to get to him. I got to where he was and fell to my knees before him, my hand came over my mouth to muffle my scream. He laid on the steep side of the ground, his body slightly elevated, his eyes were half-closed, his face was bloodied with his lips parched, "Aiden." I whispered drawing my hand to his face. His torso more heartbreaking to gaze upon. He had arrows sticking out from where his heart was and a deep wound was situated in his abdomen where his hands rested upon. Tears welled in my eyes as I took in my mate's form. He was a ruthless combatant and a feared one at that, anyone opponent who had crossed his path in the battle field was surely seeking an end but his mother had managed to reduce him to a mere average wolf with her cruelty and powers. I could see her marks on him where she had attached herself to absorb his powers and his blood scented of something else, poison, the arrows were surely poisoned and the tears began to fall uncontrollably knowing that it was going to be tough fight for him to make it.

"Don't cry." His hand came to my face brushing my hair aside, I could feel the sparks as his fingers grazed my skin. My hand came up holding his hand against my cheek. I couldn't stop the tears, "Don't cry, my love." He said trying to sound stern this time but it only came out as a rasp, a painful one followed with a horrid cough.

"What did she do to you?" I rubbed his face while trying to lift him to meet me but I could hardly succeed with that, "What has she done?" I asked choking on my tears as I placed my forehead against his, I could feel his blood staining me but I didn't mind.

"Absorbed my powers and shot mne with poisoned arrows." He answered with a cough, from the tone of his voice I could tell that he tried to make the situation light but it wasn't, "You know I love you right?"

"No, I don't." I shook my head against him, "Don't say things like that, I don't know. I need you here to show me that you do, I need you here to show me that you love me, every day, all the time." My words were rushed and muffled. He smiled at me, grazing his thumb against my cheek, across my jawline, down to my neck and he rubbed it against his mark, "I can heal you." I said moving my hands to his abdomen and then I rubbed it over his wound, slowly tracing my fingers across it till I could feel it closing which also brought a smile to my face and hope to my heart. If I could heal his wound, I could get rid of the poison in his heart if only I could just pull out the arrows carefully.

"I don't think that would work." He held my hand,

"I can hear your thoughts love, it won't work." He didn't sound as weak as before but he still looked pale although the improvement in his voice gave me more faith.

"We haven't even tried and..

"Shhh." He placed his finger on my lips silencing me, "Every Alpha has a weakness, a poison to finish them off completely. She bore me, she knew mine and she used it."

"No." I shook my head in disbelief, "It can't be... there must be something Aiden, the pack healers or witches, you have to suryive."

"I want to apologize." He mumbled looking directly into my eyes, his dark orbs spelled pain and his voice gruff with anguish, "For the way, I treated you when we first met love." He continued before I could ask why he was apologizing, "For everything I have done to you. I know my words and actions, later on, can't suffice for the pain I caused you neither will dying for you do.."

"Dying? Who is talking of dying? You are not dying for me! T dont want you to die for me." I shook my head trying not to scream at him for telling me the obvious. I didn't need him to tell me that he might not make it, I could see it, feel it butI wanted to try, I had hope.

"I might not survive this." I drew him closer to me at his words, burying my head in the crook of his neck to inhale his scent, "Let's face it."

"You can't leave me Aiden..." I pleaded rubbing my nose against his neck trying to get as touchy as the situation let me, "I need you, Kate needs you, the baby needs you!"

"What baby?" He asked pulling me off carefully, his eyes broadened in surprise and sheer excitement as his heaving increased. I could hardly detect the pain, "

"Are you?" His tone laced with disbelief as his hand traveled downwards to my belly. His finger splayed across my abdomen and I held his hand there with mine as I shook my head in affirmative, tears poured from my eyes and I could see his getting glossy with tears, I could feel his emotions of excitement, joy, and sadness through the mate bond, "We are having another baby?" You are pregnant He gasped with a heaving chest as he rubbed my belly.

"Yes." I nodded again, "Yes." I smiled just as he did, "And you have to be here for it all." "I might n..."

"We are going to be one big happy family!" I almost screamed cutting his words short, "No one is dying and you are going to be alive whenI bear this child." I just couldn't stop crying cause with each moment his pain got worse, the poison traveled faster and his words about dying seemed more realistic making me more emotional.

"We will be." He gnashed his teeth throwing his head backward as he agreed with me. I didn't need Words to know why he did that act, he was I felt it. The poison was traveling fast and my hands quivered with fear for his life. I moved my hands to his chest to wretch the arrows out but he stopped me, "The bleeding would be worse." He gritted,

"Don't remove them."

"What can I do then?" I asked circling my fingers around the area trying to calm the pain he felt from the wound and halt the poison flow but I guess it might be too late for that, "There must be something."

"Maybe there is and even if there might be, it's too late." He cradled me in his arms and dropped a kiss on my forehead warming my heart with his act,

"How is the baby?"

"As strong as it's father." I sniffed gently trailing my fingers on his arm, Helena still hadn't shown up. I guess my hits were enough to keep her at bay but not enough to kill her, "What do you want it to be?"

"Be it a boy or a girl, I would love it as I love Kate."I could tell he was smiling even thoughI wasn't facing him and I was glad he wasn't talking about dying anymore, "I can't believe we are having a child, Spyro is so happy."

"Hera can feel it." I giggled wiping my tears, "You going to be here right?" I asked with uncertainty lacing my voice as I crooned my head up to gaze at him, "I don't want you to go, things will be okay Aiden."

"They Will be." He agreed with me again even though he didn't believe that he was going to be alive butI believed he would be. He was going to stay alive and I would bring Andros back to life, we would all be happy. Helena would be gone and so would all our troubles, there shall be no more wars, "I love you."

"I love you now and forever." He whispered with his fingers going to my belly again to caress it, "

"You will be strong for my love."

"What are you talking about?" I asked despite knowing. He wanted me to be strong when he was gone, my heart swelled with sadness and I could do nothing but hold him and cry.

"When I am gone, you can find love with someone more worthy of you than me." His words broke my heart, "I don't deserve you Gabby, never did, never would, and maybe this is the moon goddess's way of punishing me." He gulped, "Although I don't see it as punishment, I see it as atonement for how I treated you and an honor to die for you."

"You are not dying! Stop talking." I squeezed his arms letting my tears flow as his words sank in. I couldn't believe what was happening right now,

"Gabby you are going to be strong for me."

"I want you to be happy and find love." His fingers brushed my hair, "I am not worthy enough for you to mourn me for a lifetime."

"Stop talking or I will kill you myself!" I screamed this time, my tears flowing angrily as I held on to him, "Please.. "

"I am grateful for every moment I got to spend with you Hermosa, the good, bad and ugly."

"And we have much more ahead of us." I swiped my hand across my face to wipe my tears, "Don't talk like this please." I stared at peering into his dark orbs, "You are not leaving mne."

"Would you kiss me?" He requested taking me by surprise, "Please..."

I lifted mnyself and moved towards his face, he didn't have to plead further before I placed my lips on his, he moved his lips wealkly against mine, and for the first time I had the upper hand, I had the dominance. I delved my tongue into his mouth swirling it against his own, tears formed in my eyes as the kiss progressed. It wasn't passionate nor lustful or possessive. It was sweet and loving, it was more like a goodbye message which I didn't want it to be, it was more like a farewell.

"I loved that." He gasped as I pulled away from him, his fingers gripped my face as he made me look in his eyes. A fierce wind blew at the moment causing ruckus and I knew what it brought or rather whom it brought, she was nearer than we thought.

"I loved it too." I smiled, "And we would do more when all this is over." I placed my hand on his chest again trying to soothe the wound and it worked better this time heightening my odds, "Stay strong for me."

"I will." He nodded as I laid him on the snow lifting my weight from him, She was so near now, I could feel it. The wind blew stronger causing noise and raising debris.

"Promise?" I asked holding up my pinky. I had signaled the warriors through the mind link to come to guard him and tend to him while I went on to face her.

"I promise." He smiled rubbing his fingers on my face and then my belly, "I will be here for you, Kate , and the baby. We will be happy together as it should be." He said, his tone sounding, "I promise." He raised his hand and entwined his pinky with mine sealing the promise.

"Stay strong for me, I love you."

"I love you more." I began to rise to leave but he stopped me, "Gabby." He called making me look at him again and at this point everywhere was rowdy with the commotion she brought, I didn't think I would hear him, "You happened to me as a miracle, I am glad to have known you, I love you with the breath, tears, and smiles of my life, loving you was worth it, and dying for you is worth more, I hope you forgive me." His words came out in a rasp, I could hardly make them out as the wind grew stronger and so did the turmoil, she was descending on us, "Te amaré hasta la eternidad."

"I can't hear you!" The wind was worse and the commotion everywhere was terrible, it was like we were at the center of bad energy for the skies began to darken, "You will tell me when I get back." I couldn't make him repeat them there was no time.

"Isn't this a lovely lover's reunion?" Her voice boomed as she descended lower and lower, "

"Too bad it is to be cut short."

"I will be back." I kissed Lycus's forehead as the soldiers converged around us, "Stay alive for me." I whispered as I stood up. I watched the way the warriors bent over to tend to him as I stepped away holding his gaze. He didn't say anything, he just smiled at me while staring. I love you, I mouthed before turning around to face the devil before mne. My hand tightened around my sword as she touched the earth, she looked stronger which only fueled my anger.

"Missing your mate already?" She said with a mocking pout and I cracked my neck twisting my head to the side.

"Let's play a game, Helena." I smiled, "Let's see how well you can handle a sword wound and angry punches!" I didn't wait for her reaction, I went straight at her with a yell escaping mne, she wasn't fast enough to avoid what was coming. I stabbed the weapon through her abdomen with my fists colliding with her face and my hand around her neck choking her, we fell to the ground and I began to punch aggressively as we slid across the snow from the force I used, her screams filled my ears as my fist worked with my strength. I was going to kill her, she had wreaked enough havoc on my life and she had hurt what is mine.