
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
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159 Chs

chapter 75:Aiden’s POV

I find myself in a shallow pool of dark water, small waves lap against my thighs and tickle my neck. My hair sways in the rippling water and my paling skin glows like the moon. Where am I? Sitting up, I look out and see nothing but water and the moonlight reflecting off of it. Far in the Distancethe light moves, creating shapes of wolves that dance as if they were one entity. They move together and their light is pure. But as the dance goes on, their movements become disjointed and random. The light grows weak and the air cold. Creatures of the night ereep in, slashing the throats of the brother wolves that fought each other.

A young witch watches over it all, she smiles under her black lace veil. Blood dripping from her black eyes and roaches falling like an angry waterfall from her mouth. She laughs openly, delightfully, at the carnage before her. The witch's power grows from the deaths of the wolves and the destruction they create.

"Child, the time is now."

I whip around, my hair spraying drops of twinkling diamonds like the slash of a sword, shattering the horrific scenes around me.

"Who's there?" I turn to look back the other way, but it's dark once more. "I said who's there.'

"We are." The voice says behind me. Screaming, I scramble away, falling as I try to stand. My legs was shaking from the torture and several beating I received from Alpha Titan and Willow, The water surges around me, sticking to my skin with a terrifying force and pulling me down. I fall through the water, deeper and deeper. Bubbles rush to the surface as I scream, clawing at the water, at the invisible source pulling me. The moon taunts me from the sunface, shining brighter as my Screams fade. My foot breaks the surface first and then the rest of me, I fly through the air landing in the same water I just fell through. My fingers reach for anything solid, anything to grab a hold of, but I find nothing. I search frantically for those wolves, for the source of the voices, my heart beating erratically in my chest. Terror fills my chest as I slowly stand up, the black water laps against my ankles in an eerie threat.

"My child," the voice calls, "do not be afraid,"

"I wanted to scream that I'm nothing but afraid. I want to scream for help. But I don't.

"Who are you?"

"I am your mother Gabby. "A voice says from behind me and I turn to face it.

A woman stands on the water and is draped in white silk. Her hair is a brilliant silver that glows like the moon and her eyes shine the same. Her figure shimmers as she walks around me like a ghost.

"And I am here with the Moon Goddess to help you."the voice said again. I spin to see a similar looking woman but very beautiful, and she was dressed in a beautiful white gown with a crown on her head. walking the same circular path around me.

"And you are the future of the werewolf Kindong, you are the key, Gabby."

The person this voice belongs to looks just as the other two do and I find myself looking quickly between them.

"I don't understand. What's happening? Are you my Mother I asked?" I feel a headache burning behind my eyes and wince from the sharp pain.

"My sweet baby girl."

I almostfall down at the sound of her voice, a soft cry falls from my lips as I turn to see her. "Mom?"

She opens her arms wide and I run to her. With another cry, I wap my arms around her small frame, relishing in a love I haven't felt in years.

"Mom,"I cry, "it's really you, I've missed you so much. how can you abandoned me to suffer alone all this years, I asked with tears running down my face

"Am sorry baby, but Have always been with you, I never stopped watching over you. The snowflakes that kiss your cheeks. The sun that slid your back. The wind that brushes your hair. The moonlight that guides you. I have never left. Never."

"Mom take me with you, I don't want to stay her anymore, please?" I pulled away, holding only onto the sleeves of her white dress.

"No, Gabby, you have to stay here and accomplish you mission, and you can't abandon you Mate now, I know he had made some mistakes but you can't leave him now, you are special Gabby."

"I don't understand, nothing here makes any sense. How are you here?" Every keeps saying am special, Queen Helena always said that to me, Mom, if it's because of the magic I posses I don't need it anymore, I just want to be free from all this suffering, and I haven't seen my daughter since I was captioned, I don't know if they have her too. Help me mom please, I beefed her

"You are already strong sweetheart, there's a reason you and your daughter are a gray wolf, the Moon Goddess never makes mistake and your daughter is alive, She's so pretty just like you, she said touching my head. You are the strongest werewolf and witch that ever lived Gabby that's why every creature is after you, you control the four Elements which no werewolf or witch has ever done, And now you're about to face a challenge greater than we've seen in ages, you need to be strong in order to overcome them.

"Mom please take me away from here, I don't want to fight anymore, I don't have the strength to fight anymore I said and fell down on my kneels.

"Gabby you need to be strong for the sake of your daughter and your mate, and stop acting like a scorned child it's not helping anyone."

"Mom, what should I do? I already broke my bond with Aiden, Mom, he's the only man that has ever loved me and made me feel wanted, and I broke our bond I can't even feel him anymore, l..."

"Shhhh. She presses a finger to my lips, shushing me, that's enough Gabby. Aiden loves you the two of you were destined for a reason, and so is Queen Helena, they have been worried sick about you since you were kidnap ."

"I betrayed his love, i pushes him away, Mom," I say said.

"You did it out of anger, Gabby, stopped punishing yourself my mom said, she held my face on her palm, He has forgiven you and he wishes nothing more than to have you in his arms again, he is turning everywhere upside down looking for you and you need to be strong in other to escape this place, she said smiling and that's why am here to help you.

"Help me?" I asked her confused

"Yes Gabby, am here to help you, the Moon Goddess sent me to help you. She continued, you full power has not been unlocked yet, you only know about your ability to control the four elements, but there's more to your power than that, after the Moon Goodness you are the next powerful creature to ever walk on this earth Gabby, you have the power to control anything and any creature, be it human, werewolf, witches, wizard, Lycan and the rest. And that is the reason they all want your power, and once they get it, everything will be destroyed, that's why the Moon Goddess sent me to help yo, Gabby.

"I was surprised at what I just heard from my mother now, am I really that special? I asked myself, if am that special then why must I suffer, I signed and looked at my Mom, am ready now. My mom looked up at me and smiled.

"That's it, she said smiling at me.

"So, what should I do now I asked her again.

"First, you command those sliver chain around to to lose.

"How do I do that? I asked her surprise.

"It's in you Gabby you don't need me to tell you how to do it, look deep inside you, you will find your inner strength. And when you find it then you will know how to command the chains to come off you. Focus on the most important things to to Gabby.

I close my eyes like she said, and concentrated on finding the inner strength, and focus on what and who is more important to you.

"Yes you are doing it Gabby, Hera said

I could feel the rush of power the surge through me, I can hear there heartbeats, I can hear voices from afar, but those voice are very familiar to me, I drifted closely to them, I can hear them clearly now,

"I can live without Gabby mom, everyday single day she's not with with me, it kills me that I don't know where those bastard took her to.

"Aiden, I called out, the vision vanished, then I found myself in a very dark and dirty room, I heard voice there too.

"Am your mate you should care about her anymore, she's just a slut, what do you men see in her"

"Willow, that's Willow.

"You can torture her all you want but don't kill her, and also I have made it clear to you that I don't need a Mate. The voice belonged to Alpha Titan. Then the door to that dark room opened and a man entered. He oozes Of a very strange powerful aura, he's not a werewolf, he's not a witch, then what is he, and suddenly it occurred to me, he's the vampire king who wanted my blood by all means. What is the meaning of all this visions am seeing.

"Just concentrate Gabby, you were brought here to a reason, Hera said.

I drifted to another room, but it was an entirely different room this time around and my daughter was lying down in that particular room not moving, I rush and to her only to find out that she was dead. Kate please wake up, please wake up, your mommy is here, please baby wake up, I sobbed, immediately I felt something feel from my hands and when I opened my eyes the sliver chains were broken into pieces.

"You did it Gabby, now it's time for you to go and save your mate and you daughter Gabby, and always have this in mind, you are stronger than you think. My mom said before vanishing into thin air

"Please Don't go yet, I still have a lot to ask you please. Mom!! I fell from the chair and open my eyes, it was a dream and I was still in Captive and under Alpha Titan and Willow watchful gaze.