
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

chapter 54:Aiden’s POV

"Remember to control yourself Spyro, you can't just kill him at once since he is an Alpha, you will risk losing everything!" She sounded the warning again and Spyro turned his head to the red wolf running beside him.

"Mother, that's like asking me to live without Hera, in other words it's impossible!" He grunted doubling his speed as he led the warriors through the abandoned houses. Alpha Titan was surely smart, bringing her into the desolate areas where nothing will be suspected and they will not be easily found. Can you smell her yet? I asked him as he went on. No, I can't, He replied worriedly. We continued mnoving as we tried to find the house with the description Laya had given us but all houses looked the same and just in that moment a sweet scent hit us, the most alluring and sensual Scent. A growl vibrated within Spyro and he began to pant wildly as he chased after the scent like a maddened wolf. I could sense that most males in my pack were also affected as similar growls came from them, they increased their speed also trailing behind us and their pants worsened. What the hell is going on? I asked Spyro as an immediate feeling of lust overcame me, I felt weak in my being. Mate, need mate, He panted as he raced towards a house similar to the ones we had seen. The scent grew stronger and I tried to concentrate, I tried to decipher what was going on, it smelt like Gabby, just like her,only that this was more maddening usual, She is in heat. Fuck, I groaned. This is bad, really bad. There were hundreds of unmated wolves here that were already going crazy by smelling her from afar and she was presently in the hands of an asshole. We invaded the house immediately and my troops swung into action killing off the guards in the place, well most of the females in my troops actually did that as the other unmated males followed us as we trailed Gabby's scent blindly. It was going to be hard fighting them off as it will be hard for us to have control. Sypro broke down the door to a basement, charged into it immediately and we were hit by her scent, it filled the air. He growled loudly on seeing the sight before him, anger roused in him. Gabby was on the floor looking like a bloody mess with the Alpha standing over her, his hands reaching for his pants. He mustn't had heard us come in as her essence was highly distracting. Spyro sprung into action and immediately charged at him. He pounced on his back slashing his claws all the way down in his flesh before bringing him to the ground. The wretched bastard immediately shifted into his wolf and Spyro didn't waste time in slashing his claws across his snout. He tried to fight back but he was no match for us. He jumped on him and was ready to nip at his neck when another force sent us crashing to the ground, "What did I tell you Spyro?" She growled, her red fur flashing before us,

"Go get your mate!

He stood up immediately and ran towards Gabby but Andros's wolf was already making way for her panting with desire. Spyro ran towards him and flung him out of the way, he stood before Gabby as other wolves advanced towards us ready to get a piece of her but he fought them off too after a while they were too weak to retaliate and with each moment her scent grew stronger. He turned towards her letting out an angry growl as he saw her. She was hurdled on the floor, clutching to the torn piece of fabric around her, she was bleeding everywhere and despite her scent of heat, Spyro could smell him on her. He walked towards her, "D-don't." She stammered halting him in his tracks, "Please don't come near me." Her words came out in sobs and Spyro whimpered at the thought of his mate not wanting him close. He waited and tried again, she refused and at the third attempt she gave in. He walked over her, shielding her nakedness from the perverting eyes of the unmated wolves. He bent his head and nuzzled her face before licking at it, she moaned in delight and Spyro groaned, he wanted to take her. Self control please.I pleaded with him despite knowing how hard it was. He grunted and began to move to her lower body, licking at her wounds to help her in healing as he saw the damage he caused he kept letting out angry growls. He licked all over her wounds, moved her legs apart and sniffed at her nether regions, he roared in both anger and lust, she smelt of him as she smelt of sweet desire.

"-i am sorry." She sobbed.

"It's not your fault mate." He said finally speaking to her before nuzzling at her face again. Then he rubbed himself over every inch of her, covering her with his scent to mark his territory. We have to go nowu, I reminded him. We needed to get her back to the castle for healing before thinking of what to do about the heat period. She moaned clutching on to her abdomen. She was in pain and she needed relief, I don't think she can handle the relief she actually needs, she is not even in a state to walk.

Okay, Spyro agreed and he gave me back control. I shifted in my human formn and her eyes lit up seeing me. I immediately scooped her up, gritting my teeth as she came in contact with me, skin to skin. Raw desire, I wanted nothing than to take her as her scent invaded my senses, it didn't help that she Wrapped her dainty fingers around me, "Aiden..."

She moaned out my name as she touched my face feeling my new beard growth, her green orbs darkened in desire as she touched me mnore. My skin burned from her touch with the raw primal desire to mark her and take her in the most lewd ways and with the way she touched me, she wasn't helping.

"Aiden." She moaned out again getting closer to me and I closed my eyes trying to get a bit of control, and so goddess help me... I hugged her closer to my body not minding the things it made me feel and focused on teleporting out of here and back to the castle. Every other thing could come later, she needed to heal first.