
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
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159 Chs

chapter 34:Aiden’s POV

The last time I felt this much pain was when I lost my dad, the last time I shed tears was when he died and now the pain I felt was more, the tears I shed were more. I was waiting outside the emergency room as the pack doctors, Xerxes, and different witches whom I had called for struggled to save my mate's life. And all of this was my fault, if I had just kept my promises, she wouldn't be in there battling for her life, I failed her.

"You son of a bitch!" A punch landed on my face Swerving me to the side, "I warned you!" He landed another punch again, "How dare you do this to her?!" Andros was mad with rage and I let him take it all out on me,I couldn't fight back cause I deserved it, my mate was dying and Spyro detached himself from me which made me weaker.

"How could you?!" He grabbed me despite my huge frame towering over him, "I respected you to keep your word, despite being a king who is revered, you are a fucking shitty person!" He pushed me backward, "Slime!"

I didn't say anything to him, I deserved the pain I felt, I deserve everything he said to me and I was trying to keep his disrespect aside so that I wouldn't retaliate.

"I told you if you messed up, I will make her mine! He growled, "Mark my words, I will take her from you or keep trying to till my last breath!" And with that, he stormed away leaving me in my miserable state. As if! I snorted, if Gabby survives this, no! When she survives this I am making her mine and never hurt her again, if I am given a second chanceI wouldn't mess up. The doors opened and out came a scrawny-looking doctor, "Your highness." He bowed, "If you would take my suggestion, I think we should let the abomination die so you can carry on your mating with the Beta as all efforts to save her life are in vain. We can't keep..."

I saw red! I jacked him up by his collar not caring to listen to his terrifying screams, I squeezed his neck, snapping it and his head rolled back as he fell to the ground.

"Clean this shit up!" I growled at the stand-by guards before I marched away from the emergency room, anger surged within me. "Clean this shit up!" I growled at the stand-by guards before I marched away from the emergency room, anger surged within me. Spyro, please talk to me... I tried reaching out to him again, Please...

"What the fuck do you want? He lashed at me, Talk to me when my mate is awake.

I sighed in relief at the fact that he responded at all, he had shut me out ever since I found Gabby, he had detached himself from me. I am sorry, I muttered to him and he snorted, Believe me, I am ifI am given another chance, I w...

"You will what? He snapped, Break her again leaving her to piece herself together? You have gotten too many fucking chances and...

Our conversation was interrupted by a harsh gush of wind blowing in my path and almost immediately a hand wrapped around my throat pinning me to the wall, I struggled, my eyes meeting that of my mother, hers glowering in anger as she snarled at me like I was her greatest enemy. She squeezed around my throat before punching me in the gut with her free hand. You deserve that! Spyro whined even though he felt the pain too and then he separated himself from me again.

"What did I tell you about hurting your mate again?!" She barked at me breathing fury, "I shouldn't have bore you!" She snapped before punching me across the face, my head turned at the impact and then she let me go, I slid down the wall gasping for air, "All because you are the Alpha King doesn't mean I can't rough you up when you are being fucking stupid!"

"Mom..." I eroaked struggling to get up to my feet as tears clouded my vision. Tears? This isn't me, I am not weak, "I am sory, I...

"Save it!" She barked, "I do not want to hear your petty explanation of how you are scared and how you think Gabby would have done what shenan did! She growled and suddenly the world stopped, that name hadn't been heard in years, everywhere turned silent, the guards stilled more and other pack members passing by had stopped too.

"What the fuck are you all watching?!" She turned angry at them, "Get to your fucking business!" And they immediately resumed their activities leaving my mother and me.

"Look at vou!" She smirked "Al weak and tearv- "Look at you!" She smirked, "All weak and teary- eyed! Looks like the burden of the world is on your shoulders and it's too much for you to bear." She laughed dryly as she explained exactly how I felt,

"That is what happens when you decide to be stupid and let your mate die because of your ridiculous actions and if I was the moon goddess after everything you have put this innocent girl through, I'd be damned to give you a second

!" She spat out. She gave me another look filled with contempt before walking away towards where Gabby was. It was days now and Nyx still wasn't awake. I stormed into my office filled with rage, filled with rage at mnyself alone. There wasn't anyone to blame this time but me. She had a pulse now but her condition was still critical. I wasn't even allowed near her for long, My mother was always quick to usher me out of the room reminding me that I put her in that condition in the first place. Willow had just been giving me angry glances not being to stand up to me cause I was the Alpha and Andros, he surely enjoyed getting on my nerves as his attitude had become worse. I wouldn't have hesitated to snap his neck if it were a different case but I couldn't do it cause of Gabby, she would be mad A small knock sounded at my door and I sighed at the gesture. It was Kate, I had been avoiding her cause I couldn't answer the many questions she would throw at

"Come in," I called and she walked in. She had on a cute black dress and she was holding her teddy as usual. Her face looked sad and forlorn. She walked up to me and raised her hand for a fist bump which I returned trying to muster a smile, her smile was infectious and it caused me to smile, a real smile this time.

"Big Aiden." She said that was what she called me, Will mummy be okay?" She asked and I lifted her to sit on my lap, "Did she go because of me?" She sniffed and I could tell that she was about to cry.

"No, she didn't." I tried giving her a reassuring smile, "And nothing will happen to her."

"yay!" She squealed before hugging me, "Do you like mommy a lot?" She asked me with a pout.

"Yes, I like a mummy." I smiled at her, "A lot, lot." That first big Alpha didn't like her." She sighed,

"He beat her always and calls her ugly." Her words hit me and anger surged within me. Someone, an Alpha had hurt my ate? "Who is he?" I growled lowly not wanting to scare her, "What is his name? I will end that fucker! Spyro growled in my head pacing angrily, He will know not to mess with me and what is mine!

"I can't tell you his name, mommy said not to tell anyone." She shrugged casually,But you like her now and you make are happy so I am happy too.She hugged me again before hopping off my lap, "I am going to make paper crowns for all of us to wear when mommy wakes up." She grinned before speeding out of the office. I stood up from the chair rubbing a hand over my face, Fuck, whoever the Alpha was he had hurt her badly! I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself down but that didn't work. I picked up my office chair and threw it against the wall. The loud noise vibrates throughout the room. How dare he hurt her?! I growled at Spyro. And you did the same thing! She trusted you even after all your shit and yet you made her feel like a fool, you are no different from him! He bit back at me and I felt a terrible guilt building in my gut. But I never hit her or inflicted on her any wound, tried defending myself. We are not the same. But she ended her life because of you, yes? He asked and that made me keep shut. I left the office before I did more damage and decided to take a walk. I heard a cry on reaching outside and I traced it to a corner. Kate was there crying with a couple standing with her and it seemed like she was being taunted.

"You are an abomination just like your mother. The woman growled at her harshly, "And when she dies we would have peace."

"She is going to die soon and the Alpha will mate with somneone worthy and then you will be gone too, The man said, "Just die like her already!" He struck her with a blow causing her to fall to the ground.bI rushed forward grabbing the man and slamming him unto the wall, "Alpha, please..." He screamed as punched him in the face giving him a bloodied Wound.bI could hear the cries of the woman in the background.bAssemble all pack members now! I mind-linked the beta before dragging the man towards the open field. I could see that everyone was present already as I dragged him to the podium ignoring the cries of the woman that ran after me, I didn't even care to look back.

"Silence!" I hissed at them causing them to cease their chatter, "All eyes here!" They obeyed my command with questioning eyes. Today you are going to see what will happen to those who disrespect my mate, the silver wolf!" I said hearing a few gasps, "or her daughter.'

"Bring her." I barked at one of the guards pointing in the direction of the woman and they brought her before me causing her to kneel.

"You fool, I dragged the man off the ground, extracted my claws, and clawed at his chest drawing blood, his screams filled my ears, and so did the cries of his mate and the gasps of the crowd,

"I am going to send you to hell. Get me a rope and a whip." I ordered forcing the man to the ground on his knees as guards came bearing my requests, "Tie him up." His hands were tied behind his back as I collected the whip. I flogged him mercilessly, his cries fueling me to go further. I took out all my anger on him, "Get me an ax!" The whole crowd erupted in louder gasps of horror and one look at them from me silenced them. I smirked as I collected the ax, "You should never have messed with me!" I growled at him before bringing the ax down on his neck. Blood splattered on me as his head fell to the ground and rolled. Muffled cries sounded from the crowd.

"No!!" His mate screamed, "No!" She struggled against the guards holding her.

"Take her to the gallows and hang her!" They Swung into action doing as they were told. My fists were balled by my side as I heard dissatisfied murmurs. I faced the crowd and they turned silent, "Is there anyone who would like to question my decision?" I smirked. There was no response, just silence.

"That was what I thought." There was a sick grin on my face, "And worse fate awaits anyone who dares to speak ill or disrespect my mate and her daughter! No matter who the person is, no one is above my wrath." I walked off the podium ignoring their murmurs as they got back into the pack house when I saw a guard running towards me looking frantic.

"Alpha! Rouge.