
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

Chapter 22

The following Friday Daniella stared across the field at the oncoming pack approaching. There were so many of them yet so few on William's and Jason's side. If anything bad was about to happen she knew they were outnumbered and trapped. There would be no safety for any of them. Tightening her hand around Jason's she felt him tense beside her. Over the last week the bond between them had tightened. During their time together she found out they actually worked in the same building. Where she stayed close to the ground floor never venturing upwards, Jason spent most of his time on the top floors never really leaving them. By the time he would have crossed her scent it would have disappeared, given how many people worked in the company.

He was the CEO of the firm she worked in. She learned a lot of wolves actually owned some of the more profitable companies out there, so they could control their breaks around the full moon.

"There's my sister," he said.

"Where?" She looked at the array of people approaching them and couldn't find a single person.

"There." He pointed to the woman beside a large, muscular man.

"Come on, boys, we're not getting any younger," William shouted at all of them. There were not many on her side, and she was starting to wish she'd turned down the request to accompany them.

"Everything will be all right," he said.

"How do you know? I feel like I'm in some historic movie about to walk into battle." They were dragging something along with them. Across the distance she saw the rope wrapped around a man's neck. The man in question was bleeding and bruised.

In no time at all they were less than few feet away from each other.

"Father, brother, Alphas," Debbie said, walking close. The scent coming off Debbie was the same as the big giant holding the string. "This is George. He's an escapee like me, but he's been surviving a lot longer than I have. They took him over ten years ago and kept him for five years before he was strong enough to break free." Debbie looked back longingly. "He saved me, and he's my mate."

"Honey, congratulations. I'm so happy to see you're alive." William stopped. Daniella heard the emotion in his voice. He was struggling to keep himself together. "Why didn't you come to us sooner?"

"With Jonathan and Naomi alive I couldn't risk it. They were dangerous. When the news of their slaughter came to us, we knew we needed to wait. It was never about hiding, Dad. We're a pack all together. Some of us are half breeds, others full breeds. We're mixed but bound together by what they did to us. I smell one of us amongst you, and I know she's covered in Jason's smell," Debbie said.

Daniella raised her hand in greeting, thinking about Oliver.

"What the hell happened out there, Debs?" Jason asked.

"I went out to find information on the missing bodies. There were too many to count. Jonathan and Naomi didn't keep documents of the people they killed. Some of the bodies they dumped out were not dead." Debbie stopped to look behind her. "All of these people survived what they did. This man." Debbie pointed at the one who was bleeding. George pulled him in front, presenting him to them. "He's the one responsible for the experiments. His name is Luther Dale. He's a scientist and a half breed."

George grabbed Luther around the neck. "He's the one who encouraged Roger and Dani to capture others like us," George said, snarling in the man's face.

Daniella watched unable to speak out.

Debbie threw a bag onto the ground. "He's a half breed. He was turned by a full breed female, and he hated his condition so much he started to experiment on himself. Binding himself up so the wolf within was trapped unable to get out."

"It worked," Luther said, glaring at all of them. "You're all fucking monsters. I showed that bitch who turned me not to mess with me. Fucking turning me against my will, the furry disgusting whore. I killed her, and then I went to Naomi and Jonathan . They were going to be my next victims. I'm going to rid this world of you evil fuckers, and I'm going to swim in the blood I spill. I'll tear you all apart, limb from fucking limb."

The venom pouring from his mouth startled Daniella . Taking a step back, she felt her body tightening, ready to strike out and kill him.

"He promised them complete power over the wolves. With the injections and experiments he hoped to kill every last breed out there," Debbie said. Tears were leaking from her eyes showing her pain.

"I would have succeeded as well until they discovered what I was doing," Luther said.

"What were you doing?" William asked.

"I was killing off their projects. They thought I was helping them to build a better race. I would never help some fucking dogs." Luther spat on the ground. "You're fucking animals, and the sooner you're all dead and gone, the happier I'll be."

Forcing her way forward, Daniella glared at him. "I was newly turned, and you experimented on me?"

"No, I was far gone by then. When they found out what I was up to I escaped," Luther said, glaring at her. The look in his eyes scared her. The evil lurking in his depths was so pure, so filled with hatred.

"But Jonathan and Daniella continued their experiments. He planted the seed in their heads, and they were going to kill everyone just like he imagined," Debbie said, wrapping her arms around George.

"These are my people, and they want him dead. I will give it to them. Debbie, my love, requested you got the chance to see the evidence before we kill him," George said, holding onto his mate tightly.

Daniella recognized the bond as she felt it with jason.

"This man is of no use to us. I would never condone taking a life, but seeing as this man has taken many of ours and there is no human law that can keep him bound, I think it's only best you deal with him in your own way," William said. He turned to the rest of the Alphas. "If any of you dispute my statement then I suggest you stand here and now and vouch for this murderer."

Going to Jason's side, Daniella snuggled against his warm heat, inhaling his comforting scent. "I love you," she said.

"This will all be over soon. When it is, you and I are going to have some fun away from all of this shit."

She liked the sound of that.

No one stepped forward. George released the string around the man's neck. Luther ran off the moment he was free. Daniella watched as the pack Luther had tested and used, turned into their wolves and charged after the man trying to escape. Daniella turned away the moment they caught him. She didn't need to see more than necessary. The screams were enough for her to know that the man was indeed dead.

Debbie ran to her father, hugging him tightly.Jason stepped up, with her attached to his side, to glare at George.

The large man glared back with equal measure.

"I don't know who you are, and I really don't care. You hurt my sister, and I'll kill you," Jason said.

"Is this your mate?" George asked.