
Alone You Stand My Beloved Atlantis

[Quick Transmigration: The Villain's Kiss System Activated!] In a family of superheroes, Lucienna Bravestone stands out as the one without any extraordinary abilities. But beneath her unassuming facade lies a determined heart yearning for the love and recognition of her superheroic kin. Her secret journey takes her on an unexpected path, from a chance meeting with a medicine mentor to becoming a hidden doctor, which boosts her confidence yet leaves her overshadowed and insecure. One day, she rescues a wounded cat and unwittingly triggers a cascade of events that will test her abilities and rewrite the dynamics of her life. Then, the unexpected loss of her first kiss to a stranger sets in motion a mind-bending transformation. A peculiar system emerges, offering her a unique power, the ability to traverse different times and eras. Yet, this gift comes at a hefty price. The mysterious system strikes a dark bargain, tasking Lucienna with an extraordinary mission, that is, to save the person who might bring about world-ending chaos and destruction. She must safeguard the heart of this potential villain, keeping it warm and full of happiness to prevent the descent into darkness. Will her heart be strong enough to endure the ultimate test, or will she be forever marked by her choices? "Meow..." "You're here..." "Meow..." "I like you too..."

Jiuxianzhi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

My Seatmate is a Master (15) - Fina's Accident

Fina wanted to go home together with Kiba when she saw how Shira left him hanging. She thought, 'Now she's vying for another guy when he appeared. Does it mean Shira no longer wants Kiba? This might be my chance!'

Fina approached Kiba. "Hey, Kiba. Could you take me home? I suddenly have a headache, and I'm so dizzy." Fina was attempting to look sick, but Kiba only stared at Shira's disappearing back.

"Sorry, I am quite busy." Kiba left without looking at Fina.

She thought, 'Damn! This guy is really tough!' Fina stomped her foot in anger and left the school grounds disappointed. 

Her new home is a rental one. It is cheap and closer to the school. So she decided to walk today. Fina rubbed her arms, 'Why is it so cold today? Is it going to rain again? I hope not. I did not bring my umbrella with me.'

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed behind her.

She looked back, 'Huh? There's no one behind me.'

Fina continued walking.

When she heard the same footsteps, she turned around and glanced at the silent street, 'That's really odd. There's no one behind me.'

She continued walking, but this time, she was sure that someone was walking behind her. 'Someone is truly following me! I should run to a crowded area to avoid danger...'

Fina's heart raced as she sprinted through the dimly lit streets, desperately trying to reach the safety of the train station. The footsteps of her pursuer echoed behind her, growing closer with each passing second. She could feel her breath becoming more erratic, and panic began to set in.

'No, no, no! I can't let this person catch me.'

As she neared the station, Fina was almost within reach of the platform when a hand suddenly closed around her arm, pulling her to a halt. She let out a terrified gasp as she turned to see a figure in the shadows, their face obscured by a hood.

Fina stammered in fear, "Who are you? What do you want?"

The stranger's grip on her arm tightened, and a sinister whisper filled the night air. "You've been getting away for all the wrongs you've committed, little girl. It's time to silence you."

Fina closed her eyes when the man touched her chin. "Stop! Don't touch me!"

Fina's heart pounded in her chest as she felt a cold, clammy hand on her arm. Panic welled up inside her, and she tried to scream, but her voice caught in her throat. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to break free.

"Let go of me!" Fina cried, her voice trembling with fear. But the grip on her arm only tightened, and she felt herself being pulled backward.

In her desperation, Fina managed to open her eyes once more for a brief moment, and she caught a glimpse of her assailant. The figure was shrouded in darkness, and Fina couldn't make out their face. It was as if a shadow had come to life and was now haunting her. 'Why can't I see his face? Who is this man?'

Terrified and with adrenaline coursing through her veins, Fina fought with all her strength to escape from the grip of her pursuer. She knew she had to reach the safety of the train station, where there would be other people who could help her.

Fina's desperate cries for help echoed in the empty street, but no one seemed to hear. Her captor continued to drag her farther away from the train station and deeper into the darkness.

Tears blurred Fina's vision as she realized she was on her own. She summoned all her strength and kicked at her assailant, trying to break free. In her struggle, she managed to land a hit on their leg, and the grip on her arm loosened slightly.

Seizing the opportunity, Fina twisted her arm and wrenched herself away, stumbling backward and falling to the ground. Gasping for breath, she quickly scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding.

She looked around, desperately searching for a way to escape and find help. The street was still empty, and there was no sign of anyone nearby. Fina knew she needed to keep running and make it to the train station before her pursuer could catch up to her again.

Fina's escape attempt had only given her a momentary advantage. As she ran, she felt a searing pain in her scalp as the man's strong grip yanked her backward by her hair. She cried out in pain, her vision blurred by tears.

With a cold, harsh voice, her captor hissed, "You thought you could get away, didn't you?" His grip on her hair tightened, forcing her to her knees. The dark alley was menacing, and Fina felt trapped and terrified.

Desperation overtook her, and Fina struggled to break free, but the man's hold was unrelenting. She knew that she needed help and rescue, but the alley was secluded, and it seemed like no one would come to her reprieve. Fina had to think quickly if she wanted to escape this nightmare.

The man leaned in closer, his voice a sinister whisper, as he continued, "You thought you were so clever, didn't you? You and your little friends, thinking you could get away with it."

Fina's heart raced. How did this man know about her secrets? She could barely breathe, fear gripping her like a vice. She had never seen this person before, and the darkness shrouded his face, making it impossible to identify him. 'Is he a family member?'

He went on, listing her transgressions one by one, recounting her little schemes and deceptions. Fina's mind was a whirlwind of terror, trying to figure out who could possibly know about her secrets and what this man intended to do to her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the depth of her predicament. She was trapped in this murky, secluded alley with someone who knew her darkest secrets. Panic set in, and Fina knew she had to find a way out, no matter the cost.

The man's sinister laughter echoed through the dark alley, sending shivers down Fina's spine. He held her hand with an iron grip and placed a restrictive bracelet on her wrist.

"What's this for?" She could feel the cold, metallic band constricting around her skin, and she knew it held the power to inflict pain if she dared to disobey.

"I'm giving you back the present you sent to everyone! Putting it on your hand looks good! You need this more than anything!"

Tears streamed down Fina's face as she trembled in fear, realizing the extent of her helplessness. She had been forced into submission, her freedom stripped away by this mysterious and evil stranger. The bracelet on her wrist was a constant reminder of the control he now held over her.

Fina knew she had no choice but to obey his commands, no matter how cruel or degrading they might be. Her life had taken a terrifying turn, and she couldn't see any way out of this nightmare.

"Strip," the man commanded.

Fina's voice quivered as she protested, "Do I need to strip in this alley?" She glanced around the unclear and desolate space, apprehension and humiliation etched across her face. But before she could receive an answer, the man's sinister chuckle sent a shiver down her spine.

A sudden, excruciating pain shot through her wrist as the bracelet released an electric shock. Fina let out a sharp cry, collapsing to her knees on the cold, grimy pavement. Tears welled in her eyes as she realized the man's intent to make her comply with his twisted demands.

Dread gnawed at her, and her heart pounded loudly in her chest. She was trapped, forced to follow the whims of her tormentor, with no hope of escape in sight. 'The ground is so cold!'

Fina's face flushed with embarrassment as she felt a profound sense of shame and degradation. Her hands trembled as she unbuttoned her uniform, each movement slow and reluctant, forced by the vicious stranger who held control over her.

She thought, 'He wanted to shame me so bad that he doesn't even want to look into my body like I'm some unworthy piece of shit! I'd rather see lust and wanting than see disgust from his eyes.' She tried to avoid the man's gaze, but his sinister laughter reverberated in her ears, making her feel utterly powerless.

As her uniform fell to the ground in a pile of fabric, Fina stood in the dimly lit alley, feeling exposed and vulnerable. Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued to obey his orders, fearing the consequences of refusing. Every step of her obedience deepened her feelings of violation and despair.

"Do you like the state you're in?" The man's voice dripped with contempt as he taunted Fina, his words cutting through her like a knife. "Do you remember what you did to them? You should feel great!"

Fina felt a combination of anxiety, anger, and disgrace. She had never imagined she would be on the receiving end of such degrading treatment, and it was a stark reminder of the hurt she had inflicted on others.

She didn't dare to meet the man's eyes, feeling the weight of her actions bearing down on her. The realization of her own cruelty and how it had come back to haunt her was a heavy burden to bear.

"Don't act pitiful... it disgusts me more!"