
Alone with my sadist aunt

TiffanySafi · Urban
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1 Chs



If you want love by NF playing in the background.

I just need some time, I'm tryna think straight

I just need a moment in my own space

Ask me how I'm doin', I'll say "okay, " yeah

But ain't that what we all say?

Sometimes I think back to the old days

In the pointless conversations with the old me

Yeah, back when my momma used to hold me

I wish somebody woulda told me

If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain

If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change

If you want trust, you gon' have to give so



I look out my window and there she is the devil herself glancing right at me with a ferocious scowl on her front. Contented with what she does to me, what she's constantly carrying out on me. She never gets tired of damaging me and taunting me. I feel traumatized by her, just looking at her renders me pessimistic. Why did I have to go through such things? why did it have to be me? was my life ever going to be normal like all my other friends?

In all honesty, I wouldn't wish my predicament on anyone, not even my worst enemy.

I was living in a torment hole composed of fine wine when anyone else is about besides us two. she is constantly pretending to be heavenly, adoring, and alluring. A side she has never for once shown me.

She unfailingly looks at me with disdain in her eyes, every time she acts considerately, she wants something in return.

She brings me out of my trance, I see her approaching my window, looking gullible and probably up to no good. I try to move away from my window but she halts me before I even move a hairsbreadth.

"Don't you dare move a muscle", I start trembling in fear. I know that what is coming my way is not good, either physically or emotionally.

"If it isn't ms. Goody two-shoes busy daydreaming", she lets out and spits at my face.

"You're lucky that I'm in a rush right now. Nonetheless, I'll come and continue what you started when I get back. I have left food for you on the kitchen island." She grumbles. "See, I'm not that awful I am caring towards you". She whispers.

"You're still grounded. I'm still locking you in, be gratified that you have this entire house to yourself. Nonetheless, being your slutty ungrateful self, you don't appreciate anything I do for you. Anyways I'm getting late."

I just stand there looking at her feeling nauseated because I know that every sole utterance she's just told is silicon.

I honestly wonder why she doesn't have a preference for me. I mean I've been a nonentity but good to her, perhaps she sees me as an obstacle.


She walks out the door and locks it from the outside, I feel so relieved that she ultimately left. Even though I am being locked in the house, I appreciate being solitary more than being with her in the house. I feel so smothered with her around.

I frankly don't even blame her for locking me up, that's what I get for attempting to be notorious. I should know better by now.

In case you're wondering. The woman treating me this way is my Aunt Betty, She has been the one taking care of me since the tragic accident transpired.

My mum perished shortly after giving birth to me. My Dad became gloomy and started liquoring up extensively. I lived with my nanny when my Dad went out to liquor, she's the one that took care of me.

My Dad succumbed to a car accident when I was 7 years old, he was DUI and wrecked.

Ever since it's been me and Aunty Betty. She's not that awful, she's modest, okay not too modest, I mean I can tolerate the corporal invective but not the mental abuse.

The thing I loathe about her is when she gets intoxicated she turns into a varied soul and gets corporal with me. Well, the emotional abuse has no season, she says whatever she wants whenever she wants either drunk or in a sober state and tries to act all lovey-dovey after that.

I reckon she's Bipolar.

Honestly, even if she treats me the way she does, I still love her.

I normally avoid her when she's intoxicated, but it's really hard to avoid her because we live in the same house. She becomes too demanding when she's tipsy and she heaves a lot. 'Get me this, get me that.' So technically, avoiding her is tough.

Once I disobey her the real abuse comes in or if I hamper doing what she craves.
