
Alone girl

Once upon a time there was a girl who was born in family consists 6 children she was the last born one in the family she had a dream that once she gets older she will become a businesswoman but her father was a careless person he never cared her or the other children about things they love or care about one day her biggest sister got married and God blessed her with 2 children then she left the city we were living and moved to another country and she get alone as she getting pregnant and having babies with no body around then the family made a decision to send the youngest child aka the girl of the story to send her then they sent her and she lived with her sis but not with happiness cause the little girl was only 10 years old with no onesupporting behind her she faced alot of hate and sarcastic situation from men and women nobody cared about her she didn't had financial support nor any kind support even when the family gets gifts no one brings anything for her she was so exhausted matter fact depressed she was blocks away from suicide then everytime she kept on reminding her self that everything happens with a reason and life goes on you don't need to stop nor end you life like that then it's been almost 6 years and the girl came home the only home she had her mom and dad home then she went to high school and finished you remember the dream that the girl had for becoming a businesswoman her dad crushed that dream and said no you will not become a shit and I will not support you in any kind things you need then the girl one day locked her in room and killed her self