
Almost Forever

Life is full of mystery and surprises, because in life it's very usual to be lied to, used, cheated on and betrayed for. Every time you think it's the end turns out to be a begining line for another adventure. meet Layla Reeds a woman with a lot to tell, whom the world didn't spare or show mercy to. A journey she embarked on her own to find peace, love and most of all an identity for the world to recognise her with. for more tune in, in Almost Forever there's more to explore and a lot more to learn.

Daoist_Mamu · Urban
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10 Chs

Giving in to their wishes

i rinse my face of the face wash, splashing water to my face with my palms. I hardly slept yesterday's night I kept rethinking what mom told me. I grew up seeing my father take care and love my mother sincerely, their bond never weakened not even once. he never married a second wife even if his family once advised him to, it's hard to believe a love like that was built under an arrangement. will Asad turn out to be like Abbui. what was my last stand on this. I had come to one decision and I hope I'm doing the right thing. my fate may not be like my mother. I splash my face some more and I stripped out of the robe into the shower.

I came out minutes later, walked to my closet pulled out a black dress with a matching hijaab, I walk to the mirror removing the towel from my head my black thick hair cascaded in waves to my lower back. grabbing the comb from the dresser, I combing the knots from the hair and leaving them to air dry. I plait my hair in a single braid pinning it short I put the scarf not before the dress and I walked out the room. I enter the kitchen where mom with Tina our housekeeper were preparing breakfast. I walk to my mother taking her right hand bringing it up to mouth for a small kiss whilst greeting her. she returned the greeting with the same attitude as mine. "you have bags under your eyes, didn't sleep well?" she asked politely I nodded slowly. opening the cupboards I dash out a kettle to boil ginger tea for Abbui.

At the table we didn't converse much since there was nothing much to say, not like I have anything to talk about anyway.

I was about to clear the table when dad talked to me for the first time this morning apart from greeting "when you're done, come to my study I want to have a word with you. I nodded and spoke at the same time "yes Abbui, I'll come" he then left to his study and I to the kitchen. I was done leading the table and I was now taking weak steps to the study, I've heard enough this past three days I don't think I can digest more.

I knocked twice, released the breath I was holding and walked in afterwards. he was scribbling something on his note book after he noticed me, he stopped and closed the black folder putting it away completely. he took off his reading glasses and motioned me to sit. I made myself comfortable at the same time not and awaited the worst. "you wanted to talk to me Abbui" I said in a tired voice "you might not be aware that, we invited the whole family for lunch today since you locked yourself in your room for the rest of the day yesterday" I hid my face under the hood of the scarf, I didn't want this conversation to turn into what I had with mom yesterday, today would be the same story but Abbui's version of it.

"did something happen when I wasn't around?" so mom didn't tell him about the talk? but why I though for a moment to plead with him, mom's words came ringing in my ears and my tongue stuck to its rest. I nodded my head sideways denying the question.

"I had lunch with the Abassis' and they sent this" at the mention of the Abassis' my heart picked up speed. "instead of Sunday they'll be here on Friday after jumaa prayer insha'Allah, before anything becomes official I want to hear your last word on this" he was finally giving me a chance "I'm not forcing you on this, and I don't want you to feel that way either" I slowly raised my head to meet his eyes "Abbui I..."

before I could continue I remembered the last words from my mother and I ended up asking a question instead of giving an answer "Is Asad the partner you chose for me?, who makes you happy?" he smiled and moved forward sitting next to me , he held my small hands in his large palms. "he is a good boy, god fearing, good upbringing, ofcourse I'll be happy if my daughter is in safe hands. qualities like those are hard to find now days" I closed my eyes tightly because the next thing I was going to say would be the last nail to the coffin. "Then I trust you" it came out wavering as a tractor tear fell from my left eye. I swallowed the lump inside my throat looking at the lighten face of my father, he raised his hand to thank the almighty and to pat my head "I'm proud of you".

I was about to walk out the door when I stopped to watch my dad, he still had that goofy smile and it was somehow a remedy to swirl of emotions inside of me.

Ummy was right, it feels even better when you happen to be the reason behind your parents happiness, even if it's just for a few seconds. it's not like I had any choice anyways, the truth remains hidden deep inside

I was helping out in the kitchen When the door bell rang, Tina left to check the door, I continued marinating the beef fillet. I heard the excitement and chaos of greetings indicating the guest arrival.

I emerged from the kitchen to greet everyone, and invite them to the majles, they won't fit in the living room. Muna came in second s after, serving everyone with fresh juice. I went to the kitchen to finish cooking before lunch time. Ummy walked In the kitchen smiling vibrantly at me, she held my hands firmly bringing them up to her lips pecking them "You did the right thing, your father told me, you're going to make a good wife and a good mother someday" I gave her a weak smile and continued to stir the meat.