

It was the fall. The world ended finally... Here comes the fall, ALMIGHTY existence trample on the world and took it as their playing grounds, humanity soon understood that the could not win this war, the gave up. in this abandoned world, one person did not give a damn, going to an extend of promising a child to one of them before reviving at the start of the Fall. - I am going to protect you at all cost, I would not leave you die this time. This begin the battle of disorder between Angels, Devils, monsters of other dimensions and a Girl.

Poker_mon · Action
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29 Chs

Bee squad

At first it was just a search team designed by certain kids to look for food and living materials to survive, as time grew, the group grew, as members added, the risk was high and certain moment, dead and disappearance was recorded.

Tok tok

The three men turn towards the opening door, Joshua showed up with a stranger, the three did not recognize at first glance, but was certain about one thing.

'she was pretty...'

The thought, but soon Remington and Nautilus expression turn to that of shock and amazement.

"Mrs Stella, pardon my manners, little did I realize how pretty you are" Said Nautilus, and Remington nodded in approval, Stella gave them the long face, she wasn't happy.

"Sending kids to their demise isn't really what I thought of a foothold " Said Stella, Nautilus froze a moment before glancing at Joshua trying to avoid his gaze, he sighed.

"May I know who you are?" Asked Bale, he was a little surprised by the beauty, but he soon recovered and question Stella.

"A simple traveler on a mission " Said Stella, the all look at her.

"Why do you actually mean?" Asked Nautilus frowning at the statement, but Stella remain quiet, she stared back at Nautilus, who gradually came to realization.

"Perhaps, are you having a stigma?" He asked, the room went silent.

A stigma, this word was once used by Gabriel to refer to Stella's inability to die ordinary, it can be seen as a curse, blessing, or more, not everybody can obtain it, since to have a stigma, and individual should have a direct encounter with an existence which goes beyond understanding.

This stigma varies in usage and form, and those who have it are usually referred to as the abnormal, the superhuman or the Fallen, different from deformation, possess, and monsters, they are still regarded as existence who escape the human concept, so ordinary people always asked themselves this question.

"Are you still human?"


The gloomy weather worsen, adding with the fact that, the sky was already dark, the wind picked up and became violent, blowing away dirts and debris of building.

In this side of the abandoned city, five figures ran down the road at full speed, they took branches and shortcut in other to arrive their destination as fast as possible.


Paying attention to their surroundings as mush as possible, after running for a long distance, the all entered a small house and fell on the ground exhausted.

"Haaa, Ivy, how long are we going to keep on running, this zone is clear " Complain the short brown hair girl, she was cold Athen, and had a deep scar on her face, they result of an encounter with a deformed, she always hid the scar with a mask, only her eyes and her forehead visible to others.

"Still complaining?" Asked the pony hairstyle girl, slightly annoyed, she was called Pinky, it wasn't really her name, when she was discovered, she had lost basically all her memories, so people started calling her Pinky because of her abnormal attraction to pink colours.

"Don't start both of you, this not the moment for a clash" Said Susan, which was the only normal girl of the group, she was cautious, vigilant, and observant of all her environment.

"Ivy, what's the next move" The fourth member, Lucy, her situation is unknown, different all the other girls who reach the foothold in groups of refugees, she arrive the foothold in clean outfits and unknowledgeable of the world's situation, she was a big mystery and was still being monitored by Joshua and his people, even Nomad had an eye on her.

Ivy glance at Lucy, her features were always captivating to the eyes, her pupils were purely black like abyss who would swallow you, she did not really showed much emotions of her surroundings and was always absent minded, her lips were slightly pink, and she was certain, if she touched them, they would be soft and sweet.

Her curves and shape showed extreme art, she was like a sculpture design to seduce the world, men in the camp had difficulties being calm Infront of her, and she was just a child at this moment, but the loli effect she gave out was too dangerous.

"I wonder what effect you would have went being adult?" Ivy nonchalantly blurted out that statement.

"What did you say?" Asked Lucy tilting her head to the side cutely forcing Ivy's cheek to slightly blush.

"Ehmm... Nothing " She avoided Lucy's gaze and walked towards the window, took out the military goggles.

It was further a distance away from their location, a giant Gundam angel stood there not moving, it's gaze focus towards a particular direction, and the team of five knew already.

The Obelisk was it's target, nobody knew why all power points went berserk at the appearance of this tall and obscure building, but at this moment, this entity was humanities salvation, and everybody in the foothold hoped that it was a weapon to fight them, what they needed at this moment was a ray of hope in this endless despair.

Ivy brought down the goggles and sighed, thinks weren't anyway better, the giant was closer to the base than a week ago, and what was those white things flying over it?

She could not identify them, they were too fast for the eyes to see, today was still going to be a fruitless discovery, but before she could leave window, she gaze landed on something approaching them at high speed.

"What's that?" Her questioning alerted the others, they came closer to have a look, it was hard to identify, so ivy who was looking with the goggles was the only person to answer.

"We need to leave fast!" Scream Ivy, alerting everybody, the exited the room and dashed towards the direction of the foothold as fast as the could.

"What's going on?!" Asked Susan in distress, others wanted to know too, ivy spoke as she trace in the front, "a human!" This response confused everybody except one, Lucy.

"Why are running away from one of us?" Asked Athen, "is it a deformation, a monster in human form or a possess?" Asked Pinky, eventually, all this propositions weren't good news to them, but at least, it wasn't the first time to encounter them, so they knew measures against them.

"I don't know what that thing is, but it's definitely not friendly, all I can say, it has human features, it's appearance is weird, it only had... Wat h out!" Ivy who was trying to explain the situation took a look behind, only to see a smiling man sprinting at an abnormal speed towards them before jumping, reach their location and launch with a cleaver in his hand catching everybody off guard.

Ivy saw the cleaver heading her direction, her pupils reflecting the approaching cleaver with great details to it sharp nature, time stopped for a moment, and she had a view of her surroundings, she saw everybody shouting and heading towards her, the smiling man had a perverted smile on his face, and the cleaver at the point of slashing her head into two.