
Allsmith Spiderman in Arcane

Random handyman guy dies, he talks with a god and goes to Runeterra with power from some Spiderman Look what will he do there ----------------------------------------- I do not own Arcane or Spider-man, credit to the respective owners, I just own my OC The image on the book is made an AI: with https://hotpot.ai/art-generator/ Have fun -----------------------------------------

SoyNiir · Video Games
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20 Chs

Niko's Resolution

(Idk if Zaun have lamps and those things but i'll put to give a way to understand how people can see on a underground city filled with pollution)

Zaun and Piltover, the twin cities.

Although they are called twins, they are like day and night.

Piltover, also known as 'the City of Progress', the House of Scientists, or the Mother of Reinvention, the lifestyle of those who inhabit this city is filled with happiness, there is security, there is no shortage of food, and it has one of the largest booming economies in all of Runeterra.

On the other hand, there is Zaun, which we will focus on, called 'the Contaminated City', the Embodiment of Pollution, or the Green Death. In Zaun, there is no fixed lifestyle, diversity is the key in this city. There are thieves, thugs, gangs, hitmen, smugglers. It's not wrong to say that if you swap the toxic gases for a bit of fog and the depth at which this city is located, that confusing it with Gotham would be quite easy.

This city is full of greenery, but sadly not due to a vast nature teeming with trees and plants, but rather due to the pollution that plagues its entirety.

On one hand, we have the 'noble area of Zaun', so named because it is where merchants from other nations and Zaun's 'politicians' temporarily reside.

On the other hand, there is the heart of Zaun, the Central Zone, comprised of the mercantile district where transactions, whether legal or illegal, take place, and the Long District, one of the few neutral zones in Zaun, thanks to one of the establishments found there, The Last Drop, a tavern run by Vander, a respected leader among those who know him. In the area, there are also shops such as Benzo's Botanicals, food stores, and tool shops.

Lastly, we have the suburbs of the suburbs, 'Last Point' or 'End Zone', where those who have no hope reside, tired of being condemned to ostracism or simply seeking redemption by distancing themselves from others. In this area, there is an even greater concentration of gases.

In a hidden dead-end alley that converges on the path between the mercantile district and the long district, one can observe a scene that would horrify all Piltover residents from the surface.

Behind some containers near the end of the alley next to a street lamp, there are three bloodied bodies underneath garbage bags. They appear to be a couple of adults and a small child.

Under the yellow neon lamp, the smallest body began to tremble. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and threw his body forward with arms extended as he tried to breathe.

His appearance was, if it had to be defined in one word, 'attractive', with sharp black hair and eyes, a small vertical cut on the right side of his lips. But his entire appearance was overshadowed by the blood covering him and the look of loss and confusion on his face.

(A/N: Daddy Fushiguro is home, ladies of Runeterra)

'Where the hell am I? And what's that smell... !!!'

As he blinked and squinted to adjust to the light, the boy's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the smell that assaulted his senses, causing him to turn his gaze to the corpses beside him.


There were various cuts on them, and filth emanated from the wounds. The sight caused his body to go weak, and he attempted to distance himself as he fell to the ground and crawled away.

As he leaned against the opposite wall, his gaze remained lost as he kept repeating something to himself over and over again.

'Focus, focus, focus, focus, focus, focus, focus...'

Seconds passed, and suddenly a static voice sounded in his head.


[The user is facing a critical situation]

[The user's ability has resonated with their will]

[The ability Synaptic Stability has been developed: The brain secretes neurotransmitters as required by the situation]

[Type of Ability: Active (Currently not controllable at will)/ Requires stamina]

[The host's body is secreting Serotonin and Noradrenaline to regulate stress]

The child's mental collapse subsided, and he regained consciousness in his gaze. His mind felt weary, but strength returned to his body.

'My head feels heavy, and what just happened... I don't want to feel that again, it's like I was drowning.'

Pressing his body against the wall, the kid managed to stand up, but only barely, with his hands on his knees as he thought about the voice he heard in his head.

'This must be the system that God mentioned. You really saved me back there. Thank you.'

[It's unnecessary, host. Everything that happened was your own abilities. I just transmitted what happened.]

Upon hearing this, the kid was surprised, and a small smile appeared on his face.

'Understood, but your voice made me feel like I wasn't alone, I appreciate that... By the way, could you tell me what's going on with this situation?'

[That's host- krcchhh. Testing, testing, Yo]

A squeal in his head made him bring his hands to his head while gritting his teeth.

[Uh? Oops, my bad. How's going, kid?]

Moments later the pain ceased but he still brought his hands to his head while anger surged within him.

'Wh- what was that, who are you?'

[Mmm, who could I be but the one who gifted you the system, little one]

An involuntary gasp escaped the child before a second had passed.

'...Sir, maybe do you happen to be Aurelion Sol?'


'Oh Lord...'

[That's me, well... a piece of my consciousness. You know, thanks to you, I saw something quite funny]


[Don't mind me, you see, your powers are currently restricted. You were supposed to reincarnate and your powers would grow with you, but that idiot transmigrated you, and let's not talk about the fact that now I have a spider totem in my universe.

*Sigh* Anyway, the reason I'm here is because of your powers. If you want them, you'll have to merge with the soul of this child]

The boy furrowed his brow at this revelation.

'I've read enough to know that if I accept, I'll inherit his dreams, desires for revenge, or I'll be influenced by his personality, and I don't like that crap.'

[Your concerns aren't entirely unfounded. He has a desire, but kid, I don't think you'll reject it. Take a look at his memories]

Reluctantly accepting, the child nodded.


I'm Niko, Niko Marker, or so I think.

Since I was born, the only things I received from my parents were my name, manners, and how to do household chores.

I lived in a wooden house, quite large, but it was just one room. I also received a lot of beatings.

From the first to the second year, my parents taught me to communicate, but they looked at me strangely, as if I weren't human. Their gaze was like when they glanced at their money bag, but I didn't pay it much mind.

From the ages of 2 to 3, they taught me manners – never answer back, apologize if I did something wrong, and above all, crying was never allowed. While they were teaching me, sometimes I managed to escape and read books different from the instructional ones they gave me, tales of knights and warriors venturing out into the world.

But I wasn't sad because I wasn't alone, I had older brothers and sisters who stayed with me until their sixth birthday. My parents said that when we were old enough, they would take us outside.

My siblings kept me company and grew up with me. If I cried, they cried with me. I loved them very much, more than my parents. As I grew, the beatings worsened, but I still had my siblings.

My father and mother argued more and more, and unknown people came to the house to yell at them. When my fifth birthday arrived, I was left alone. My last sister left, and I endured the beatings by myself. But what hurt the most was my heart because I felt really lonely.

Finally, my sixth birthday came. My parents approached me with a smile, saying they had a gift for me.

I was unsure, but my heart warmed at receiving such a good treatment for the first time since I was born. Without thinking, I accompanied them, and for the first time, I saw the outside. I thought this was my gift, and even though it wasn't allowed, tears came from my eyes, and my first smile appeared on my face.

I thought that was it, but it turned out my parents were going to take me for a walk. Happiness overwhelmed me, finally, I would see all the things I had learned from them, like the market or the city streets.

We walked for hours until we finally headed to the market. There were many races in the city, many shops, and all kinds of foods. In the end, we arrived at an alley where several people were present. They scared me a lot, but I knew that if I was disrespectful, they would hit me. So, I held back and listened in silence.

My parents spoke to a somewhat obese and ugly man, whom I recognized from when he came to our house and yelled at my parents.

They started shouting louder, my father confronted him about a higher price, and the man got angry and pulled out a knife. Before I could process it, my parents started running. I tried to follow them, but my mother pushed me, leaving me alone.

I looked at the man who approached me, looking at me amused, while the other men followed them. I had a blank stare, my heart hurt again, and I didn't want to feel like this anymore.

The man leaned close to my ears and said: "You know, kid, your parents aren't your parents. Your surname Marker, refers to those who are marked by us. They raised you like a little dog for the rich pigs like my bosses, but they've grown tired of all your siblings, so they ordered me to finish everything and leave no traces."

The screams of my 'parents' snapped me out of my thoughts, and the others also took out their knives. Finally, everything turned black.


(A/N: Spidy is MC, and Niko is OG Niko, kinda annoying sorry)

Spidy grasped his head, tears streaming from his eyes. He tried to wipe them away with his arms repeatedly, but he couldn't.

When he looked up, he found himself by a lake, and sitting near the shore was another Niko, but this one had a happier expression.

"You finally arrived hehe. What do you think of my life? Quite sad, if I may say so."


"Don't be so sad, it's not that bad. But I wont lie, wasn't my best birthday, Spidy"

"...You, how can you keep smiling? Don't you feel frustration, resentment towards your parents, hatred towards those who killed you and your siblings?"

The Niko sitting near the shore bit his lip as he responded.

"I would be lying if I said I don't hate them, I hate the bad people who raised us and didn't let us be children. I hate those villains who considered us property, but I know my brothers wouldn't want this from me.

They told me all the time that someday I would be a great adventurer and they would show me the whole world by their side."

'Is he really six years old?'

"Like you saw my memories, I saw yours. I'm surprised that you've met a god and that mine is a dragon, haha. I saw my world, I saw the beauty that exists on this world. ...Spidy you have power, and I want something from you. Would you allow me to be selfish?"

Spidy remained silent for a moment before responding.

"Now we'll be one, just ask."

"Don't you distrust me?" -asked Niko surprised

"I don't think I'll ever be able to."

Niko's face turned serious.

"Be a hero, a warrior who defends the weak."

Spidy looked somewhat surprised, then proceeded to laugh.

"That sounds more like a 6-year-old now, haha.

But you know... I can't be a hero, Niko. It's too heavy a burden."

Niko stood up with a furrowed brow, and with a strong pat on the other's back, he replied.

"There you are again. I know your morals aren't those of a hero. Sacrificing someone you care about for a hundred strangers isn't your style, neither is being a symbol of peace. I'm not asking you to be a saint, just not to turn a blind eye to injustices. Certainly, you could also travel the world a bit, just saying."

As he uttered the last phrase, Niko turned around, starting to whistle.

A hint of embarrassment appeared on Spidy's face as he saw that the boy in front of him had understood his words along with some amusement at the last part.

"I wish to see this world in its entirety, Niko, and I assure you I won't be just an observer. Come and see it with me, Niko."

Spidy extended his hand towards Niko with a smile.

Niko looked at the hand and extended his own to shake it, but not without adding something first.

"I really want to know, what do you want to achieve here?"

"Didn't you see it in my memories?"

"I want to hear it from you, Spidey."

"...I want to forge my own destiny, Niko, one where I make decisions I won't regret."

As Niko heard this, his face changed into a deep smile and he raised his voice.


"Hmm, let's make it together buddy"

A crimson glow emanated from Spidy, and a blue one appeared from Niko's side, intertwining into a figure with closed eyes.


When he opened them again, a new resolution appeared on his face, a resolution of the new Niko.

[So you did it. What do you think, kid? Your new power]

Aurelion's words fell on deaf ears as Niko was busy feeling the strength enveloping him. He tensed his legs and hands, feeling as if he could knock down a lion with one blow. When he clenched his fist, something white shot out of his wrist.

'This is weird.'

[Kid, your power has been limited. Currently, you have something equivalent to 1% of the base physical strength of your total power, along with bioelectricity also limited to the same percentage. You can ask the system about the rest]

'Is it because I'm a child?'

[It's because you're a child]

'Got it, but if this is one percent, how strong will I be?'

[In terms of your previous life, you have the strength of 1 ton, which is about 10,000 newtons in a punch. That's 18 to 20 times the strength of an average man.]

After thinking for a moment, Niko bowed 90 degrees and made a bow.

'Mmm, t- thank you, Lord Aurelion Sol.'

[Mmm? Why are you suddenly so respectful?]

'...Well, I suppose now you're my 'God'. Also, I don't know why, but I heard you hate humans.'

[I don't hate them, child, I just consider them inferior]

'I understand. Thank you, Sir Aurelion.'

[Well, that's all. Take care, Niko. From now on, you're on your own. Welcome to my universe]

When Aurelion bid farewell, Niko finally let out a sigh that had been pent up for a while.

'Damn Aurelion Sol, how many times I've used him in LoL and how imposing he actually is.'

[Host, I'm back. I see there have been changes in your body. Do you want me to notify you or do you want me to answer your question about the current situation?]

With a slight startle, Niko indicated for the system to proceed with his current status.

In front of him, a small floating silver box with crimson hues appeared.

'A status screen? Haha.'

[Host: Niko (Marker)?]

[Title: The Star of the God of ???]

[Age: 6 // Status: Mentally partially tired]

[Inherent Ability: Adaptability: Your will makes you stronger

Web of Life and Destiny: You're connected to ??? // Sub-abilities: Spider-sense: Alerts the host of dangers around him through a tingling sensation at the back of the neck / Enhanced Senses: The passage of seconds feels like frozen moments in time. His Spider-Sense perceives the world like frames

???: Ability in a state of lethargy]

[Inherited Abilities: Arachnid Strength (Spider-Man 616 Version / Currently limited at 1%):

[Enhanced Strength (increased physical strength) / Enhanced Speed / Enhanced Endurance (greater stamina in fights) / Enhanced Durability (better resilience against blows) / Enhanced Agility (greater flexibility) / Enhanced Jumping / Enhanced Reflexes (quicker reaction to bullets, projectiles, etc.) / Enhanced Healing Factor (greater resistance to poisons and increased general regeneration) / Wall-Crawling (mentally control the flow of interatomic attraction on surfaces to adhere to them)]

[Developed Abilities by Adaptability:

Forge Genius (Inherited from past life): Memories of a master craftsman who created dozens of weapons, gadgets, and tools.

Synaptic Stability: The brain secretes neurotransmitters as required by the situation. (Currently not controllable at will) / Requires stamina]

The laughter from earlier faded as he read the last name next to his own, ignoring it for a moment, he continued reading until the end.

'System, delete Marker, it's unpleasant. And what are the question marks?'

[My apologies, host. Marker will be removed from the status. Regarding your question, unfortunately, I will have to apologize again. The system does not have access to that information]

'No problem. By the way, I understand that Adaptability is my own capacity and the Web comes from being a totem, but the last one?'

[Host, it's not a skill, it's something different that the system can't differentiate, but it's connected to you]

Niko began to rack his brain and could only associate it with the bonus that God mentioned at the end. Setting that aside, he began to move away from where he was.

After a few meters, something pulled him, and he fell backward. With all his senses on high alert and his fist clenched, he turned his head, ready to fight, only to realize that he was still connected to the web he had released earlier.

With a slight blush on his cheeks, Niko thought about how to separate himself from the web.

With a single thought, his wrist and the web disconnected their connection. Niko approached it and pondered what to do with it to leave no evidence.

As he glanced down, he saw the cuts on his black shirt and the blood on his brown shorts and matching shoes. After thinking for a moment, he decided to use the web to cover them up.

He lifted his shirt and saw that he had no wounds. With his eyes threatening to close, Niko wanted to leave that place without attracting the attention of those beyond the alley entrance.

After arranging the garbage bags with a disdainful glance at the bodies buried beneath, and putting his brain to work, he headed to the darkest corner of the alley, nestled against a building.

Niko pressed his palm against the wall and began to focus on the idea of uniting them. About a minute later, he managed to feel an attraction between them and practiced how to separate them. After two minutes of testing, and taking off his shoes to hold them in his mouth, he began to ascend the walls towards the roof.

Darkness enveloped him, but only excitement was what he could feel.


'Shit, this feels too good. I'm fulfilling every kid's dream.'

With a smile on his face, he continued ascending to the highest point. When he reached the roof, a dark city filled with toxic gases reflected in his eyes.

'So this is Zaun. Mental note: never idealize a fantasy world. This place sucks. System, can you tell me what year it is in Runeterra and provide some related events to help me get situated?'

[Well... there's a little issue, host, as such, it's not entirely clear. Hmm, hehe~]

For the first time since arriving in this world, Niko used his voice.

"…What do you mean by that?"

[You see, host, you're in Runeterra, specifically in Arcane, 5 years before the events that kick off the plot]

A silence fell after hearing this.

'...And? I feel like you're missing something'

[What could it be, dear host?], said as it began to whistle.

'Hmm, what could it be, dear system? How I was thrown into a Runeterra of which not much is known about its history, or that you're not answering what year I'm in? Or it could be how strangely you're acting.'

[*Sigh*, I'm sorry, host. Lord Aurelion didn't inform me much about this, he just said that past events were similar and so would be the future. As for the year, I can make an assumption.

In the future invasion of Noxus to Ionia due to a warband leader of Noxus, Singed got involved in the fight. His involvement would happen in the year 987 AN. In the series, Singed wasn't observed or even remotely chemically enhanced, so you should be approximately 10 years before the start of the invasion, in 974 AN.]

'I watched Arcane, but I'm not familiar with all the lore, so I don't understand much about the wars that will happen, but wouldn't it be easier to ask someone on the street?'




'Too much text', ''you lengthen the stories too much', 'Niko's lore feels forced', what can I say, yes, I couldn't think of another way to show the cruelty of Zaun than to reflect it in the person with whom the MC will merge.

I want the protagonist to be somewhat heroic and not an empty-headed character who moves when anyone, and I repeat anyone, is in the slightest danger.

A man cannot bear the weight of a city, Peter Parker tried it and plunged into one of the most stressful lives I've read.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and no, I'm not nerfing the MC, he's a 6-year-old child, let him develop a bit.

Give me stones (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

SoyNiircreators' thoughts