

System Fantasy follows the journey of Nina, a young girl who has entered a magical world filled with technology and systems. As she explores this strange new world, she encounters various challenges and learns how to harness her own system of light. Along the way, she meets a guide named Glimmer who helps her navigate the dangerous world of System Fantasy. Together, they discover lost souls and people who have lost their systems, and Nina uses her powers to help them find their way. Through her journeys, Nina discovers her purpose and learns to use her abilities for the greater good

Tzy_Hoho · Fantasy
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chapter 1:Awakening

Nina awoke to find herself lying on the ground in a strange world. She looked around and couldn't recognize anything that was familiar to her. The sky was filled with pink and orange clouds, and the trees had leaves that were purple, orange and blue.

"Where am I?" she wondered. As she stood up, she realized that she was not alone. A small winged creature, with a glowing orb on its tail, was sitting on a nearby branch.

"Welcome to the world of System Fantasy," the creature said. "My name is Glimmer, and I will be your guide in this realm."

System Fantasy? Nina had never heard of it before. It was a world that combined technology and magic. Glimmer explained that all the creatures in this world had a unique system that granted them extraordinary abilities, and that each of them lived in different realms according to their skills. Glimmer noticed that Nina had no system of her own, which was extremely unusual in this world.

"What do you mean no system?" asked Nina.

"All living beings in System Fantasy have a unique system that gives them remarkable abilities. When they are born, they are granted a system that is compatible with their skills and personality."

Nina was a bit scared and confused. She didn't know how to use magic or technology, and she didn't know who she was in this world.

Glimmer noticed her uneasiness and assured her that she would find her system eventually. She advised her to explore this new world. As she left, Nina waved goodbye to Glimmer and set out on her new adventure.

As Nina walked further, she could see different creatures with unique systems. She saw a beautiful fairy with wings made of glass, a centaur with a system that granted him super-speed, and a goblin with a system that allowed him to control fire and electricity.

Nina's heart sank. She felt like she didn't belong here. She didn't have any extraordinary abilities or a place in this world. But as she walked further, she came across a strange door that was glowing.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she opened the door. Inside, there was a book with the title, "The System of Lost Souls." As she opened the book, she was sucked into it.

The world of System Fantasy was gone in an instant. She was now standing in the pages of the book. It was a dark and eerie place. Nina could see strange shadowy figures lurking in the corners.

Suddenly, a voice boomed through the place, "You have awakened the system of lost souls."