
Allen's time shop

One day in a world of martial artist's a small storage opened that rents a space that has a slows down time. The owner of this shop is Allen and he gets power from the money he gains so will he able to be the strongest? This is my first book and English isn't not my native language so please excuse my very bad language and spelling chapters will be relatively short maybe 300 words each

Pattrick_Hazel · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Group of People Arrive !

* Next day *

I woke up from my manor in Alin clan territory and took a shower then went off to my shop. I arrived at my shop and started the opening progress by cleaning the shop and as soon as i finished i saw a group of people walking to my store. 

" Are you sure that this is the right place?"

" Some random place at the top of a hill?"

" Rest assured this is the right place."

" Fine then. "

i saw those people murmur about my shop as they walked. When they walked in i saw Zhou Ling in the front.

" This must be his friends. "

I thought

" Boss may I have the four rooms i asked for yesterday? "

Zhou Ling suddenly said

" I do have them how many hours for each room ? "

I asked

" 7 hours for each please "

He said as he gave me 56 gold coins

I pulled out 4 badges from my desk and said

" Go to room 1 - 4 "

I said

He quickly took the badges and pulled his 3 other friends to their respective rooms.

{ Achievement completed }

{ Gain 50 Gold }

{ You have been rewarded with 1 public Second - Grade dungeon room }

{ A dungeon room that has weaker monsters but more monsters and other people can enter for a fee using the badges }

'' Nice ! "

" Now I can make a profit off dungeon rooms ! "

" System add the Second - Grade public dungeon room at the second floor above the time chambers "

{ Placing Second - Grade public dungeon room at the second floor }

{ Second - Grade public dungeon room has been added to the second floor }

" Ok as soon as Zhou ling and his friends come out i will offer the dungeon room to them. "

" In the meantime System open shop "

{ System Shop } Current Balance: 63

{ Magic arm )

{ 20 Gold }

{ Opening skill shop }

{ Bleeding strike }

{ 5 Gold }

{ First aid }

{ 8 Gold }

{ Throw }

{ 1 Gold }

{ Finger of God }

{ 10 Gold }

{ Steel dagger }

{ 10 Gold }

" I would like to buy Finger of God ! "

{ Finger of God } 

{ Allows the user to move an object of 20 Kg around with the user's fingers }

" That is not as cool as i thought but it could still be of use "

* 7 Hours later *

" Wow it was actually real thank you Zhou Ling "

" I went into it at 3rd grade and came out at 2nd grade it was actually true ! Thank you Zhou Ling i am gonna be a daily customer here! "

I heard them talking amongst themselves as they came out their respective rooms. But as soon as they walked to the front door i said 

" During your time in the room I have added a new feature to this shop "

Confused Zhou Ling said

" That fast ? "

 " What is it ? "

" I added a dungeon room "

I calmly answered

" What is a dungeon room ? '

" It is a room filled with monsters u have to defeat and if u complete it ill give u 30 gold. " 

" Don't worry if u die in the dungeon room u will be kicked out and not actually die. "

" I accept your challenge how much for me and my friends to sign up ? "

" 10 gold each "

" Ok here is the money "

He said as he dropped a sack filled with 40 gold. I gave them the badge to enter the dungeon room and they went in.