

Sunii is a college student who plans to marry the man of her dreams. But everything changes drastically when he meets Lee-Know, a kimchi delivery man who attracts her attention at the first moment of meeting her, and who will alter the relationship and his life. COPYRIGHT

araramic · Teen
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Chapter 1: A little bit of Kimchi

It was July 5, 2021, and Sunii was coming home from college later than usual. In her small apartment, only some frozen pizzas awaited her and a possible call from Hank, her boyfriend, with whom she was totally in love and with whom she planned to marry in the future. Upon arriving at the apartment, Sunii collected her various belongings which had been lying on the floor since the morning and decided to prepare a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner. As it warmed up, he decided to call Hank, who would have left work a few minutes earlier.

As the phone rang, Sunii was not paying attention to the pizzas in the oven ...

"Hello love!" Sunii exclaimed when she heard Hank answering the phone.

-Sunii! How long without listening to you. How was your day at college? "Hank asked kindly.

"It was horrible," he replied, mocking the situation.

-I have been very busy today with a new project by a young writer- Hank answered, who worked in a famous publishing house.

Sunii began to smell burning until she decided to turn around and contemplate that the pizzas had burned.

"I have to leave you!" He exclaimed.

-Voucher. I'll call you later- Hank agreed as he hung up.

"Now what do I do?" - Sunii thought as he looked everywhere until he found a portfolio which advertised a Kimchi service. It was at this point that he decided to ask for an order to have it delivered to his home. So, after ordering, he showered and changed to open the delivery man, who was late in coming, but when he looked out the window he discovered why he was late. It was raining so hard that the delivery man would take longer than usual. A few minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. Sunii opened with the money prepared in hand, thus running into a handsome delivery man who arrived wet.

"May I use your shower?" Was the first thing this tall and handsome delivery man said.

Sunii not knowing what to answer, accepted and let him pass.

As she showed him the shower and gave him some towels to dry off, his phone rang with a message from Hank:

"I go to your house"

Meanwhile, as the delivery man came out of the shower, he sat next to Sunii:

-Thanks for inviting me to come by.

"It's nothing," she answered as she looked in another direction.

"You don't have to pay me," he answered, getting up to leave the apartment.

For a moment, Sunii remained silent and sat waiting for him to leave his home, but when he opened the door to go back to his work, Sunii grabbed his arm and asked:

"What's your name?