
All the time when you lied

Lizanne,a high school girl, is a challenge to all the boys that like her. She is a hard to get personality. But When Noah enters, He immediately persuades her by his lies. Will Lizanne get her heart broken again or detect his lies on the first go.

Sunshine_UwU · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Sugary lies

Noah POV

I guess I got her attention now. She probably has feelings for me. I'm used to it. Now it's the time to gain fame. Now I just need to show my charm. And coat her with my sugary lies. And then I'll be having what I want. Lizanne, you're really useful.

Just then I heard the click of lock, she's back this instant!? I thought there was a long line at the bakery. I went over to the living room and said, "Heya Liz- I mean Lizanne, What did you bring from the bakery?". She stormed off to her room and slammed the door. I guess she's in a bad mood. She's really a challenge.

Lizanne POV

Were my ears working at that time? What I heard was right or not? Did Noah just plan use me for popularity!? Not again, I won't let it happen again. Why do guys even do that!? Well...I need to watch out now....let play a game Noah Williams.....I'm pretty sure I'll win...just wait and watch... I banged the door and locked myself in.

Story POV

Lizanne locked the door. Noah kept knocking and asking 'what's wrong?' And 'tell me...I'm your friend....right?'. Lizanne was about burst because of his whining. She opened the door and shouted," WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT!? CAN YOU STOP WHINING!? I CAN'T TELL YOU WHAT IS WRONG CUZ-" she stopped in the midway. "Cuz....?", Noah questioned. "Cuz-cuz it's p-personal f-family problem, you don't need to interfere in my matters, go away, I have to work out now" she stammered and then slammed the door on his face. "She IS pretty hard to get....l, Noah mumbled softly so she cannot hear. But from his expression, it was clear that he was claiming a victory on the challenge of making her fall for him and using her. His sly smile gave away everything.....

"I'll get back to you sweetie", he said softly and rushed off to his room....

What do you think epsilon happen next? Have any ideas? comment down below! And check out my another book murder mystery! Wait for the next chapter

P.S- I posted late, I know it’s too late, I had a YouTube channel to deal with, but now I’ll post more often :)!

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