

Alexander Liam was back after 6 years, The mastermind behind everything, the day he was about to marry, he made his would-be wife run away And that's where the story begins The sufferings they gave him, he was back to pay them They hide the truth from everyone's sight and the lie becomes reality without them knowing~ __________________________ [Reminder: English is not the Author's language, please ignore the mistakes I'm trying to do my best ] ( ps :: read the novel before judging it) Add it to your library there's so much to reveal and a review from you would be great~

jj_aqua · Realistic
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43 Chs

She's not here.

"Uncle I have some news!"

Alexander spoke turning his gaze to Oliver, Hearing him Oliver also stood up, a ray of hope showed in his eyes with the thought that he can finally meet his daughter and everything would be fine


"I found the location of where she was yesterday!"

Relief showed on Oliver's face, he took the sigh of relief, walking towards Alexander as he peted his shoulder before turning is way towards the main door

"We're going there right now! READY THE CAR"

Oliver shouted letting everyone know as he walked yet he ordered the driver, whereas Alexander just followed him behind leaving his sister Loren alone standing in the middle of that massive hall.

"I know brother what you are doing!"


"What an idiot, What do you think? if you remember, I'm your elder sister"

And there's another person who knows, what actually was happening and the smirk on her lips was telling it all. Alexander's elder sister Loren, she was not here just like that, she knew every thing all along. no wonder she had a genius mind. she was the pro in these games.

The day there Amelia ran away, Loren also started to search for her, not because she cared about her but because her brother cared about her,

Loren had a little soft corner in her heart and that soft place was just for her little brother Alexander, even tho they never really get along but still she was his elder sister, their mother died when they were kids, Alexander was just 3 year old while Loren was just a year older than him, their father grew them up all alone.

Loren had a feeling of doubt, so she also told some people to follow her brother Alexander also, and not after too long she got to know the whole truth, Alexander knows Amelia's location, but why they did that? what was the reason? why they are playing with everyone like this? this was the biggest question.

A girl asked her best friend to marry her, and on their wedding day she runs away,

Later on, Loren gets to know it was all their plan?!

Everything was messed up,

But the only thing she knows is, that she has to find out the real truth.


"Check every corner of this building! not a single place should be left alone!! I want my daughter in front of my eyes here!"

Oliver came powerfully inside an old building just to see dusty everywhere, the building wasn't in a good condition, everything was messed up, things laying on the floor here and there, looks like some animals had a fight just now,

Oliver ordered the guards to check out every single corner of this building, he wasn't ready to leave this building without his missing daughter.

Alexander stood there with his back resting on a wall, looking at the old man's back, he had his poker face on.

"Sir-- sir we just found something upstairs!"

Not after too long a guard came from upstairs, and utters while huffing, making Alexander and Oliver both look at him before Oliver walked upstairs with his fast pace.


Stepping inside a room Oliver spoke, a white wedding gown resting on a chair, looking all dirty, the moment Oliver saw it, he couldn't help but utter his daughter's name

Alexander also stepping inside looking all peaceful, he knew what he was doing is kind of evil but he had no other option and the scene in front of his eyes, it was emotional! Oliver was holding his daughter's wedding dress while a tear tail down his eye. it was an unexpected scene, Alexander never thought of seeing this man in front of him crying, but this is it, he was seeing the unseen state of Oliver. the man everyone is afraid of, he was crying Because of his only daughter

The love and anger everything was mixed up, Oliver turned his face towards Alexander and spoke

"She was here!"

"But not anymore, we checked everywhere! maybe she changed her location"

Alexander just nodded before he extended his words seriously and looked down, looking all unhappy

In Oliver's eyes, Alexander looked pitiful and in Alexander's eye Oliver looked pitiful

Oliver leads out his way leaving everyone behind, Alexander looked at his going sight before he turned his gaze to the guards

"Pick this up! we're going back"

Alexander also lead outside after telling the guards to pick up her dress and follow him, they didn't have any other option, but to go back


"Hye girl, eat this!"

Lucas spoke as he throws a plastic bag in front of Amelia, While Amelia looks at him weirdly frowning her eyebrows

"Do you think you have kidnapped me or something?! and I'm that vulnerable girl who can't help myself?"

"Are you mad?! What did I even do now huh?!"

Amelia spoke making Lucas annoyed once again, why she behaves like this every time? Lucas spoke frowning his eyes looking all confused and annoyed

"How dare you to throw food at me!"

Amelia proceed angrily, whereas Lucas was regretting his decision of letting her stay here, he was trying to his best to keep calm but at this point he just wanted to get rid of her but he couldn't do anything, he just shook his head and went out without replying to her a word

Amelia was angry but not for too long, her eyes went to that plastic bag as she can feel the refreshing smell of pasta and being a foodie she couldn't control herself but to take the plastic bag in front of her, just to feed her hungry animal inside. how can she say no to food!

"ALEX! I can't control myself anymore, come here fast and take her from here or else I'll throw her in the water!"~




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