
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs

Thrid spirit

However things hadn't happened as asura king expected.asura king had expected to hear jack scream for mercy and see his body vanish.

But instead of screaming as asura king expected jack reveal cold smile and his body instead of vanishing it turned into blood.

Seeing this asura king eyes widened in disbelief he immediately understood what happened because this was his race initiate ability blood clone.

On the other hand seal beast in cage was dumbfounded and before he could do or think anything he saw flash of light hit his body and then he felt strange power inside him and felt as if that strange power was condescending into mark and he soon felt like that mark started controlling him.

He immediately understood what that mark was not only seal beast understood even asura king understood and look of disbelief flash in their eyes they knew that for humans to leave mark they have to draw a mark on spirit with their blood.

This is also the reason why jack able to make asura prince as his spirit if he were to make him his spirit fairly he knew don't even have chance.

On the other hand seal beast before seeing what the human can do had thought that it at least need to touch him before he could leave mark on his body so he had thought if human try to come closer to him he will use his seal power to seal that human then let asura king kill him.

However seal beasts know for their sealing power that can seal anything only when cultivator cultivation was much higher than seal beast cultivator can defeat him if cultivator cultivation was only two or three level it will be difficult to defeat him because seal beast only good at sealing power so there sealing power was very terrifying they can even trap cultivator who is higher in cultivation then them of course if cultivation gap was to big they be helpless.

However in spirit universe only awakening realm cultivators came and until they can use there power escaping or killing them was no problem.

Jack was overjoyed as he see seal beast vanishing figure however on other the other side asura king expression was ugy.

However soon jack and asura king noticed something was off the seal beast vanishing figure stopped vanishing and slowly started reappearing.

Seeing this jack and asura king both understood what was happening seal beast must be using his power.

After realising what was happening asura king burst into laughing on the other side now jack face was getting darker then he thought of using another capture card he knew that seal beast had limited power so another capture card might work but he only has one capture card left if he still can't get it he has run and his two capture card will goes to waste so he hesitate.

However upon hearing asura king crazy laughter and seal beast reappearing figure he gritted his teeth and throw the capture card to beast in cage.

And as seal beast was closing his eyes and concentrating on sealing mark he didn't notice jack action however asura king clearly seen his actions and his laughing face froze he saw as the light hit the seal beast and seal beast reappearing figure started to vanish again and soon vanish.

Then asura king looked at jack who was also started vanishing earth scattering killing intent burst out of body that sore to sky and shook the whole palace however it was to late.last time only reason he able to slow down jack was because of seal beast but now he only helpless watch as his son killer vanish.

On the other hand supreme elder who was in room recovering from injuries felt strange energy in sky and opened his eyes suddenly and look of disbelief flash in them he stood up and move outside room and look at the sky hat was turning dark with clouds.

Not only supreme elder but other elders and members of king family on other ships also look at sky and when they saw that dark clouds was gathering above the leading ship where jack in cultivation all of them has look of disbelief.

Other members of king family that were on others ships already knew everything happen in leading ship they also knew that before awakening phenomena was caused by their little lord and they also had find out that little lord poison was cured so all the king family members who before was depressed and worried for family future now revel joy expressions.

And soon dense dark clouds gathered in sky and illusionary figure appear but unlike before it was small in size pitch black in colour and two antenna like things were on his head.

Then everyone felt as whole was sealed no one can even move a finger they felt as they were isolated from whole world.

However after a while awakening phenomena finally disappear and everyone breath a sigh of relief and when they look at the place where jack was their eyes filled with horror,awe and admiration.

In martial world strength region supreme only strong has right to speak while weak can only suffer.

If your strong then no matter what you do no one will say anything to you but if your weak even if you are right it doesn't matter you have to take the blame and endure everything.

Even though jack hadn't become strong cultivator yet he already had awaken three spirit in age of five year old which shows that in future jack achivement will be very high and all the members of king family knew that family lord was missing and in future king family will be in the hands of jack and having jack who future was limitless was wonderful thing for them because if powerful person lead them then they have nothing to worry about anymore.