
All Star Academy's New Storm

All Star Academy is a prestigious school where only the overly talented students can enrol. With five branches across the globe, this school is crowned the best at educating young minds. Unrivaled in sports or Academics, and encourages intense competition amongst the students. Classes are pitted against each other to assign titles each month and the same goes for branches once every four years. The protagonist Victor Cruz, a newly enrolled student of Class 1B. The most balance class of the first years. Starting off with little confidence in himself, he gradually became the biggest role model for everyone to follow behind. After a destine encounter with a certain classmate, Victor created a storm within the school that will change the school system for the far future. He has given himself many duties, all for the sake to impress one senior named Alice Souken 'All Star Academy's Queen'.

Jahvaughn_Coley · Urban
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27 Chs

Too Early

Xavier's birthday party begins at 6pm on October 19. I decided to go after I got a little persuasion. Perhaps some socializing can change me ever so slightly. Xavier created a chat group where students of Class 1B could all communicate outside of class. By using this chat group, Xavier manage to convince most of the students who were planning on skipping his party. People like Rohana, Aphrodi, Fugo and myself initially planned on skipping his birthday party but he managed to persuade us in the end. He promises Fugo that he will give him one of his lady friends if he attends the party.

Of course Fugo accepted and changed his mind. As for Rohana and myself, he promised us some of his belongings. Anything that catches my eye, I am allowed to take them. Words only a rich person would say. Xavier tries his very best to gather the whole class at his home. He had activities planned for us that would strengthen our bonds as a whole. Unfortunately there was still one student who chooses not to attend Xavier's party no matter how many times he asks. Aoi refuses to leave her home after 6 on a weekend. Eventually Xavier gave up on her and continued on with his preparations.

It was 4:30 pm when I arrived at Xavier's residence. He lived surprisingly close to the school for someone who always arrive late. Just a measly five minute walk from All Star Academy and you would spot a gigantic gate that mark's Foster Residence. Beyond this iron gate was where Xavier live for most of his life. "Wonder if his room is messy"

There was a buzzer next to the gate so I pushed it. As soon as I did, the small part of the gate opened up with an old man greeting me. "Good afternoon, you Xavier's classmate?".

"Yes, my name is Victor Cruz. A pleasure to be here"

"Yeah whatever, Xavier is in the dojo right now. Navigate your way their on your own. Damn that brat, sure has nerve to use my estate for parties".

I entered the gate and immediately felt lost. There were buildings everywhere and a path that leads to the unknown. This place is massive, he must live with a ton of people. Luckily a notification popped up on my phone. Xavier private messaged me at a convenient time.

"I just received news that you entered through our gate. You arrive super early ngl. I'm in the middle of karate practice. If you're interested in seeing me, just follow down a concrete path until you see a small building with the sign Foster's Dojo".

Having nothing better to do, I searched for the dojo where Xavier was currently at. Note myself for future reference 'Don't arrive at a classmate's house too early because they aren't expecting you to'. After a very tedious look around the entire estate, I finally found the dojo Xavier spoke of. The direction he gave me was total bullshit. The dojo was actually on the far right from the biggest building in the estate. "Is this my punishment?" I wondered while looking at my trembling feet. Xavier's wrong directions caused me ten minutes of walking. When I entered the dojo, Xavier immediately called out to me.


He approached me with nunchucks in hand. He swung at my head without warning, fortunately I ducked before his weapon could land. First he gave me wrong directions so I could journey around the estate and now he's attacking me. If this is how he treats early birds then I'm out.

"See ya"

"Woah! Wait, where you're going!? Can't just leave now".

"You're a awful host"

"Hahahahaha, sorry".

Xavier was drenched in sweat while wearing a red kimono. He directed my attention to the wide variety of weapons scattered around on the floor. Someone could easily step on them and slip if they're not careful. Wooden swords, wooden spears, wooden kunais and staffs. All of these weapons are not the real deal but they can still inflict pain onto others. "You experience with these?" I asked him.

"Yep, every Saturday around 2 pm to 5pm. I practice with these weapons or Tae Kwon Do or karate".

Note myself once more, do not pick a fight with Xavier. I picked up one the wooden swords and commented "This place gives off an Asian ecstatic. You've ever been there before?"

"Yeah, I have an older sibling who currently lives in China. I occasionally visit him on the holidays".

Without saying it, the two of us agreed on a one on one spar. Xavier also picked up a wooden sword and began clashing his with mine. He overpowered me with little effort then swept me off my feet.


His movement was swift and hard to catch on to. At first I thought he was going in for another swing judging from his positioning. He deceived my expectations by using a sweep kick. He looked down on me with a smirk. "Wanna try again?"


Xavier did the first move swinging upwards then diagonally. I took two steps to avoid his swings then swung at his side. There was no time for him to block my swing, I'm positive.


"What! How!?"

Xavier's speed felt unmatched. He blocked my strike with his wooden sword then send the sword in my hand flying high into the air.

"Hahaha, Don't feel too bad. This was as expected. Your form is full of holes it's laughable. I literally have to turn off my brain to face you because if I didn't, I might mortally injure you".

"I suddenly feel like practicing. This is my first time holding a wooden sword" I told him. I said this in order to deceive. I rather him thinking I can't fight properly for future shock value. After a couple more rounds we got tired of the sword. We began fighting with no weapons. The pain Xavier inflicted on me, I had every intention of returning them so I made an effort in our friendly spar.

Xavier charged at me ready to throw a punch. Changing his attack midway is this guy's specialty. His closed fist opened up and suddenly held onto my head. His other hand quickly grabbed onto me and before I knew it. Xavier dragged my head closer and kneed me to the face.

"Owww! Did I do something bad to you?" I asked in pain.

"Kinda, if you had joined in on my plan when I asked, I'm sure Aoi would be attending our party today".

Time flew by fast because now it was 5:45 pm. I already felt like heading home, the party hasn't even start yet. "How are your birthday preparations going?".

"Already completed. I had people to prepare for me. I'm sure a huge crowd will arrive me soon" Xavier says confidently. The two of us were sweaty and could use a bath before the others arrived. Xavier gave me new pair of clothes to wear for his party. Ripped blue jeans, dazzling purple jacket with the hoodie being dark blue. A blue top for underneath the jacket and a black pair of shoes. He even gave me accessories such as chains and silver watches for me to wear. "Xavier, you're too much".

"You're bad around people ya know that"

"Really? How so?"

"You know today's my birthday but you never once told me happy birthday".

His words triggered me. "Shut it! If you didn't greet me with damn nonchucks and gave me garbage directions maybe I would have told you! You even brought my attention to sparring matches. Happy birthday douche!"