
All Star Academy's New Storm

All Star Academy is a prestigious school where only the overly talented students can enrol. With five branches across the globe, this school is crowned the best at educating young minds. Unrivaled in sports or Academics, and encourages intense competition amongst the students. Classes are pitted against each other to assign titles each month and the same goes for branches once every four years. The protagonist Victor Cruz, a newly enrolled student of Class 1B. The most balance class of the first years. Starting off with little confidence in himself, he gradually became the biggest role model for everyone to follow behind. After a destine encounter with a certain classmate, Victor created a storm within the school that will change the school system for the far future. He has given himself many duties, all for the sake to impress one senior named Alice Souken 'All Star Academy's Queen'.

Jahvaughn_Coley · Urban
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27 Chs

First Week

The Bandwagon Effect, somewhere down the line everyone should have heard about this phenomenon. It is when an idea, belief or behaviour is being followed simply because everyone else is doing it. This psychological phenomenon is quite terrifying. Terrifying because there are people out there who use this phenomenon to there advantage. Politicians, social media and television all use some form of the Bandwagon to shape people's way of thinking.

I always wonder, if we are aware of this effect then why do we fall for it every single time. Instinct? That must be it right. Right now, I wish everyone could just think for themselves. Last year, a famous song artists was wearing some extremely tight jeans in his concert. Couple of days after, people followed him and wore the same tight jeans. Those who aren't even aware of the celebrity's behaviour will also wear tight jeans simply because they saw a group of people wearing them. I try my best not to fall victim to this, I feel like an idiot when I do. I have already been captured by too many bandwagons since childhood as is.

In just three days of high school, rumours spread about a certain classmate of mine. Rumours says that he fought two seniors and sent them to the hospital. He broke their arms and impaled them with metal pipes. Is a first year even capable of such a thing? The guy who was said to hospitalize the seniors was called Aphrodite Giovanni. He was named Aphrodi for short. One of the seniors who was sent to the hospital had a little sister who just enrolled at the school. Her name is Nayeli Horohoro. She is also in my class so naturally she confronts Aphrodi.

"Aphrodi! I heard what you did to my big bro. How dare you!?"

Aphrodi did not spare her a glance. He continued to read the book that was in his hand. His ignorance, made Nayeli angrier than initially. She grabbed the book out of the boy's hand and shouted "I am going to report your actions! Filth!"

"My brother did nothing wrong. He was a good soul that had plans on entering this year's basketball tournament. You took that away from him"

Nayeli's quarrel echoed in the entire classroom. I watched how all the students jumped on Nayeli's side and picked on Aphrodi without knowing the true story. Pretty much everyone was talking bad about Aphrodi except for me. I was at the back observing.


Someone unexpectedly shouted my name. I didn't know how to feel about that. This was the first time someone called my name since the week began. I was happy to know that someone remembers my name but deep down I wished the person had not called upon me. I know what they are going to ask.

"What is it?"

"Victor! Don't you think we should get him suspended. A guy like him isn't needed in our class. He's too violent"

We are unconsciously influenced by the attitudes and behaviors of those around us so I won't blame my classmates for picking on Aphrodi. Since everyoneis enraged, naturally they think I would too. It still saddens me though, that they would quickly gang up on him without trying to know his side of the story. For all we know, Nayeli's brother could be a big piece of shit. I replied to them honestly.

"I have no way of knowing if this rumour is true or not. Let us hear Aphrodite's side of the story nefore we judge".

The class went silent. That was definitely a bad sign indeed. I wanted my high school life to be smooth sailing but here I am. Getting intense glares from all my classmates. They gave the look of dissatisfaction. I bet they regretted involving me in their conversation.

"Victor, you're a fool. Nayeli's brother is hospitalised becauseof this douche and you're really defending him" one classmate stated.

For the rest of the day, not only Aphrodi was treated badly, I was too. During Chemistry, you needed pairs to conduct research with but no one was willing to pair up with me. Lunch was even worse, my classmates stepped right in front of me in the line. They were so aggressive while doing it, If I had try to fight back they would definitely retaliate.

"Just because I stated my opinion on the matter I am getting treated like this. Reminds me of middle school all over again. Being treated like an outcast already"

The last class for today was Gymnastics. We played a little volleyball and that was pretty much it. When I was changing out of my gym clothes, I could not find my phone. I specifically remembered putting it in the small part of my bag and now it's gone.

"First week of school and someone already stole my phone. This is gonna be rough". I sighed at the predicament, immediately narrowing suspects. Five students went to the changing room before I did. Those five are ironically the same guys who stepped infront of me in the cafeteria line. Other suspects could be anyone who has keys to the changing room but I rather it not be any of them. Life will be so much simpler if one of the five students in my class is the culprit.

"What should I do?"

"If I walk up to them, they will probably fight me and I'm not confident on a five against one"

After giving it some thought, I decided it was best to tell one of the teachers. My homeroom teacher preferably. While walking in the hallway, I saw something I was not ready for.

My heart skipped a beat the second I laid eyes on a girl walking in the hallway. She wore a red armband on her right arm, that tells me she's apart of the student council. She was a sight to behold, her blonde hair reached way down to her hips, her eyes were light brown and she had the perfect body shape. Most of all, her charming smile. She waved hello to everyone she walked passed in the hallway. How polite.




Our eyes met and she stopped walking. She moved her face closer to mines which nearly melted my heart. Just from staring at me, she realized I needed help. "You're new to our school huh. My name is Alice Souken. Your school's vice president. Looks to me like you're troubled. What's the matter?"

"My phone was stolen inside of the changing room. I need it back before I head home" I told her. She nodded, reassuring me not to worry. She took my left hand and pulled me along with her. The school had many staff rooms and Alice brought me to one of them. Turns out, hidden cameras are set up everywhere around the school. Using the hidden surveillance cameras, we both managed to figure out who the culprit was. As predicted, it was one of my classmates who started bullying me today.

Alice made sure, the phone was given back to me and even gave my classmates an earful about stealing. I would call my classmate by his name but I don't know it yet sadly. I was never good with names. When all is said and done, Alice patted me on the head and smiled.

"You got your phone back. I'm happy to help"

Just seeing her smile, was enough to make me smile. I have had crushes on girls before but I won't dare compare that to what I'm feeling this very moment. This girl just went out of her way to help me. This is the first time since forever. I can never forget her face now if I tried. It is too early to say but is this love?

I have never experienced it before. One day I hope I will, take the initiative and ask out the girl I like. Have a relationship and be couples forever. Just now, i have reset a goal for myself. Before graduation, I want to experience romance at least once.

"Thank you, Miss Angel"


"Sorry, I meant Alice"