
All Providing System of the Ingenuous One

Please excuse my incorrect grammar and little use of punctuation marks I’m bad at English even though it’s my only language.

DeZmond101gg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Further training and Encounter

"Birds chirping"

'Whoosh' 'puk'

"Haha finally woken up before them,that arrow will scare them off for good now"

"Host it's been a week since you inquired about magic manuals, I thought I should remind you incase you forgot"

"I haven't forgot I was just thinking about it, and I've decided to train my control of magic using non elemental magic, should be easy since I relied on control to past the magi test in my past life"

"Indeed it should"

"Are they're any special non elemental magic manuals that'll help me be more proficient?"

"Host would be advised to try Heavenly silk spider threading technique "

"I have heard of the heavenly silk spider before its said that even veteran warriors can't cut through its web and court magi can't burn it either,how much is it for?"

"It costs 3900 sp host"

"3900? That'll leave me with 6000 left right?

"Host is correct"

"Ok I'll trust you buy the heavenly silk spider technique"

"Wise choice host"

Lost 3900 sp

Received heavenly silk spider threading technique


Channel mana through your finger tips to thread the web of the heavenly silk spider,

Basic copper cannot cut through at minor realm

Defense increases with more proficiency, can be used aggressively if used wisely

5 mana every second

1inch of web every second


Name Damien Singh

Age 8 (38)

Level 9

Exp 980/1000

Hp 258/258

Mp 328/328

Str 1.43

Stm 2.58

Dex 1.62

Int 3.28

"I can cast it for around 65 seconds granting me 5 ft of thread, wonder if it stays forever"

"Silk thread"

I began inter changing my fingers which eventually formed a web which was uneven, but it was my first try with this technique so I didn't feel down .

I'll practice this 3 times every day while I hunt for 3 hours every day and until my 9th birthday I should find ways to buy my time, and turn stronger.I must get top talent or atleast qualifying talent to get into the top sect.


"Yes host"

"Are they any suitable body strengthening elixirs I can use?"

"Host I recommend flesh nourishing elixir"

"Show me them"

Flesh nourishing elixirs


Your flesh maintains its softness but gains an elasticity and become had to penetrate(after 5th use it will have no use)

"I bet some Noble ladies will pay good money for this"

"Jeff how much does it cost"

"It cost 20 per bottle but 80 for recipe"

"I'll buy the recipe"

"Ok host"

Lost 80 sp


Flesh nourishing elixir


2 dread leaves

Handful of dried strawberries

2 spring droplets

1 cup fresh water

"These ingredients are easily available but aren't dread leaves bad for skin?"

"I am certain that formula is correct host"

"Well all it does is itchy skin so I'll take a chance"

"Are there any special cauldrons in the shop"

"Yes host but I recommend you forge you own cauldron since it will better you"

"I have been wanting to try blacksmithing out

, any special blueprints? "

"Yes host I recommend this one

Blessed cauldron uncommon-epic


Chance of 50% more effective by 20%(depends on rating)

Chance of 30% more elixir

Higher effect at higher level"

"Fine how much "



Lost 120sp


Blessed cauldron blueprint uncommon-epic


Blessed iron 30lbs

Enchanted steel

Ever burning coal dust

"Sigh, Now to get to a forge"

"There's a forge at town square so I should go there but would they let me since I'm a child?

Jeff, is there a way for me to become an adult"

"Yes host I recommend this mask of faces with can transform you to however you want"

"How much"


"Fine "

Lost 300sp

Received mask of faces

After playing around with it I transformed into an old man with a long beard.

"Looks believable enough"

I walked into the forge house where sounds of iron being hit could be heard from outside,

I walked up to the receptionist

"Ah, young miss is there a room available?"

"Indeed sir just 10 silver for it"

"I'll take —

"Wait a minute I want that room"

Interjected some brat

I turned around and there he was

He had the scar on his face the big pouty lips

And a scrawny build

Everything I imagined my first stuck up to be like.

"Young man I already paid for this room"

"No you paid for me to use the room,ya old coot"

"No use talking to a stuck up, miss I'll be off now "

I walked towards the room when he reached for my shoulder, I had sprung around in a flash a weaved a web, I weaved him into a cocoon and thrown him out he could never hope to wet out of my greater proficiency web which can resist iron weapons using his own strength I had left to go to my forge room,I had laid out all the ingredients on the floor and began preparing.

After a while I began forging, I smelted the steel and then smelted the iron while adding more while checking for lumps,eventually I poured it out into a cauldron cast and began forming it properly, while the metals where still hot I added the everburning coal dust on the out side and then my cauldron was finished.

Blessed cauldron of dedication very rare

60% for better effects by 50%

60% for 50% more elixir

Chance of elixir ruining is reduced by 5%

"A very rare on my fires try well done I say"

"Indeed host"

I returned to the first and set the cauldron down in a cave I began pouring in the materials as I controlled the mana flow,

After 3 failures this batch was different it had a different fragrance I had got excited this was my success, 3 minutes had passed when I heard growling from outside

I grabbed my bow and activated stealth

I drew my bow string back the furthest and with it being a rare after leveling up it had gained 2 damage per lb

I activated ASE X-ray and watched outside,

There was 2 dire wolves a bear and the stuck up I had cocooned he was riding the bear and 2 other men were on the wolves,

I inspected them

Bear lvl 17



50-100 damage

Wolve x2 lvl12




Rider x2 lvl 15



25-40 damage

Stuck up lvl 18


150 mana

35-45 damage

I walked out with my stealth on and bow fully drawn I aimed at the sky and activated star chaser my target was the stuck up, there were 10 ft away from me, I was in stealth,

Soon the arrow a came raining down

The two riders and dire wolves had died the stuck up had 50hp left and And the bear had 400 hp, I activated stealth and drew my bow I got 8ft close to the bear no aimed at his head 'thwang'


1230 damage dealt

I went back into stealth and chased the stuck up who had started running I got i front of him and activated silk thread he ran straight into it and got stuck I had drew my bow walk straight behind him and released at his head.


1350 damage

Exp gain 1164

Level up x


Name Damien Singh

Age 8 (38)

Level 10

Exp 1144/2000

Hp 263/263

Mp 333/333

Str 1.48

Stm 2.63

Dex 1.67

Int 3.33

"Sigh could've live just a day longer if he didn't come hear"

"Well better check on my elixir "

Flesh nourishing elixir x 5

"So I can make 5 every batch"

"I'll take them home and deal with them tomorrow today got me tired"