

"Raze who had always been obsessed with NUNS from little cried his heart out when he later found out that NUNS where holy creatures who couldn't marry NITHER have sex. "But little did raze knew that this was just the beginning of his life as he constantly looked back while running at full speed through the bushy forest . "As a organization named blacktower sent some group of vipers after him, vipers where a well trained killing machine they wouldn't even blink their eyes when killing their prey. "Why me? "what in the world would they want from me I don't have anything of value for them to send their ultimate killing machine after me raze tought as he stepped into mud. "But couldn't care less as he later found out that he was sinking deeply into the mud "quick sand,"that was his last words as he got completely swolled by the mud. "On waking up raze saw that he was chained both by hand and leg to a mental table as a man named kalitus came in using raze for his research while getting tortured day and night . "Which later got to a point that raze was completely immune to pain as his soul was trapped completely inside the seal dimension in his body . "After months of torture kalitus became bored and ordered two of his shadow warriors to take raze into hell gate where he would get possessed by a spirt. Where his fate would be decided. ------------------------------------- please show your support if you enjoy the story.

Demonic_prince · Horror
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22 Chs


"Humm.... but Master why are you doing all this solena said with a solem expression on hearing this on hearing this raze stopped playing with her breast as he inhaled deeply .

"Noticing the quick mood swing of her master solena felt bad for asking him a question like that in the first place, "master am sorry for asking you i shouldn't...!!!

"But at the middle of her words raze placed his finger on her lips while looking at her eyes as his face softened, there is no reason for you to regret asking that question.

"As raze sat down on the ground while solena sat on his laps with her hand wrapped around his neck while looking into his red like eyes that reflected blood .

"Everything started 5 years ago since I was being chased by a group of killers knows as vipers, "which I didn't know what I had with me that was so important to them that the organisation named blacktower would send them after me .

"But I knew I stoop no chance against them but i wasn't willing to die at list not by their hands as I drespately ran through the black forest, while constantly looking at my back not even taking a single moment to breath.

"But no matter how careful I was I couldn't outsmart the vipers since they have been trained for one thing and that was to kill, "as I reluctantly watched the arrow flying towards me at a high speed stabbed me through the back but it didn't stop there as it also hit my heart.

"Which I immediately cough out immerse amount of blood while all my body began to give up, "I was right they poisoned the arrow "damn bastard, I tough as I took out a dagger from my pocket and stabbed my self on the chest, as the intense amount of pain shut through my vains.

"As i continued running not cearing which direction I ran to as I stepped on something that seems to be mud, but I didn't mind as i continued moving forward while turing my head backwards, as I saw the group of vipers as they pityfully watched me as I continued to enter deeper into the mud .

"Why did they stop I thought could they have run out of Mana or could they have been called back, "but I was wrong as I felt my body constantly being sucked into the mud I wanted to scream and shout but my voice wouldn't come.

"Quick sand," I thought seems like I am ending my jonery here too bad I couldn't fuck at least one nun, as my conciousness slowly slipped away while being constantly sucked totally by the quick sand .

"Hummm.. my head hurts I thought as i tired to touche my head but found out I couldn't do that as fear constantly washed up over me, as I slowly opened my eyes to find out that I was chained both by hands and leg to a melta table .

"As I felt the coldness of the table on my bear skin, "and yes I was also naked ! where am i ? as I manage to get my voice out while I shook the chain with all my might which didn't even make a single sound.

"As I was thinking of a way out of my predicament that I was in, "the iron door slowly cracked open Humm.. you seems up my child I heard a voice that belongs to a person who was above his 70thies .

"What do you want from me ? I shouted determined to get a answer as I watched the man who was covered in a dark hood bring out a dagger from his pocket, "quiet a arrogant one ain't you he said as he came closer to me .

"Look around you where do you think you are he said whiel laughing madly, "as i degan to observe my surroundings which after a while a realization suddenly drawn on me I was inside a lab, but not just any lab the one that deals with humans exprementation.

"Why do you think those so-called vipers stop chasing you that because they know that anyone that enters the old kalutus territory unannounced would be his next experimentation rat.

"So little one do you know the situation you are in now, "no please..!! please..!! "no i cried and begged but at the end of the day my shout and screams only resounded throughout the lab, "as I felt the hot dagger constantly tearing huge parts of my flesh.