

I quickly beelined for the pool area where the announcement was. And sure enough, there he was. His tall muscular frame, evidence of his position as our star pitcher on the baseball team. He was wearing a gray hoodie, and shorts, and he looked uncomfortable. Ash was at the mic, because who else would be? Ash was the resident douche, complete with no empathy or sympathy for anyone. He's just in things for the party.

"Could you not call me heartbreaker, please?" Oliver said, trying to avoid all the eyes on him.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Just go with it, it sounds badass."

"No, it makes me sound like an asshole." Oliver replied bluntly, "just... please. Don't remind me of my situation. I came here for fun, not judgement."

I started to walk up to him, but my sister beat me to it.

"OLLY! YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION!" She screamed while walking up to him, covering herself with a pool towel, and soaking wet.

"Flora... I didn't know you'd be here..." Oliver started.

"Don't start with your bullshit. You're getting the judgement whether you want it or not." she said as she stared daggers into him, "People aren't yours to play with. And I sure as hell am not going to tolerate you playing with their emotions like that. You aren't going to do that to my best friend you absolute jack-ass!"

"C'mon Flora, you don't understand the situation I'm in, so-" Oliver retorted, but was kinda rudely cut off.

"I do. They do too, because they're in the same exact position. I understand that it wasn't about the sport, but that it was about you, and how your family deals with things, but that gave you no right to do it out of the blue with no explanation..." she paused. The entire party was silent, with only music audible.

"Flora, you're-"

"You broke their heart, Olly."

"I-I- I didn't." He said desperately. It felt as if he needed it to be true.

"They're here tonight. I suggest you talk to them." Flora said, turning away, "Please, just give them a reason. I don't want to hate you, but that means you have to do the right thing."

Oliver stared as she walked away. He nervously moved his hands around himself, as if all his emotions had pressured up, and he was trying to contain them.

"What an asshole. Does she understand the point of a party?" Ash said off handedly, "Everyone ignore her, I guess it's just that time of month. Let's continue the PARTY!"

Oliver nodded, and put his back against a wall, sliding down it. I watched him pull out his phone. I felt a buzzing in my pocket. I picked up. And started to walk over to him.


"Hey Fawn... I think we need to talk."

I hung up when I got in front of him, and crouched down.

"We can talk if you want to."