
Chapter 42: treasure hunt

Whilst Austin guides them through portal space, which, annoyingly enough, only makes them drunker than they already are, Kai creates a checklist on his mirror. It takes some work, given his thumbs feel about as heavy as anvils, but he eventually shows it to Austin. “It’s like a treasure hunt,” he tells Austin when the man just raises a curious brow at him. “Except the prize is our friends and if we lose, they’ll probably die or something awful like that.”

With a reassuring nod, Austin passes the mirror back to him before reassuming control of the reins. “Kai, I know you’re trying to be reassuring, but that was the exact opposite of reassuring.”

Kai just nods, then tucks his mirror back into his pocket. It’ll come in handy later. In the meantime, he watches as random stuff passes by them, idly noting a discarded Devil Shake. “I was wondering what happened to that. Wait a second…isn’t that Toni’s bellhop hat?”