
Turning point

In the mountain hill. There is a small town, in the town, you can see hundreds of buildings big or small.

At the edge of the town, there are also some shady wornout houses. In one of these houses in a broken bed, a teenage boy in his 17th suddenly opens his eyes. seeing the broken ceiling on the roof he let out a sigh.

"It looks like I didn't die....hisss" as soon as he said his body feels like thousands of ants biting and pain.

He thought himself is that 'where am I?'

why my classmate didn't send me to the hospital and give me medical treatment. Did they do nothing after what I have done for them? can't people change?

He thought and laughing at himself. 'you are an idiot.' You are trying to protect these kinds of people? There is no boundary to their selfishness.

"hahaha haha"

He remembers everything that his classmates did to him.

He is a nerd and always stay at home. He doesn't have any friends despite being in his university last year student and having a girlfriend didn't think about it. But that's not the point.

He has always been bullied by some of his bad classmates but no one came to help him or stop the Other people act as nothing happened or enjoying it. And he is getting used to the life of being a loser. After all, it has been 3 years.

The final year after the end of the exam, everyone trying to go to the mountain site to enjoy their last university life.

so despite being having fun Max also goes with them. He killing his time by playing games and reading lots of novels.

When they go to the mountain site some of them prepare for the campaign and some taking photos, talking, playing and swimming in the waterfall. And those who are lovers the go-to deeper into the forest.

Even Max feels refresh when he comes to the mountain. There is a natural smell in the forest that make every cell of the body let out a cheer.

Tall trees and some branches of the trees have birds nest or birds flying in the sky and the cry of the birds like the song of heaven and nature. make his heart dissipate forget all the humiliation that he bears with him.

Everyone when having fun, he at the side sitting on the tree trunks playing with games. Maybe because of the last vacation in their university life no one tries to disturb him.

So he thought that at least he can enjoy the last picnic.

But his bad luck came. At night when everyone prepares for dinner and girls and boys singing and dancing and others are cheering happily a gun shoot, let's everyone stops like statues.

Everyone can hear that someone is approaching and judging by their reaction it's obviously up to no good thing for us.

some time letter they saw more them 5 burly people came one has a shotgun and other have knives. Seeing this everyone came back to their sense and their mind say only one word 'robber.'

Because in Mountain there is some robber live and doing illegal things and police can't catch them when they trying to run away. But for class students, it's no different than a nightmare.

When robbers saw that this was some teenagers come to the mountain, every one of them like hungry wolves who come to find their prey.


The leader fired another bullet and said" Today is our lucky enough to catch some fresh students." hahaha and other laughs.

Then they come to our site and say "give us everything valuable on you or die."

For fear even though there are more people on our site we can only give up everything.

But there is a student how is trying to fight with the robber when they taking things from us. But this robber is always fighting at the edge of their life. How can a student be an opponent?

Before the student's fist landed on the robber he already stabs the knife at the heart of the student And the student died unwillingly.

Seeing this everybody heirs stand up and their heart became cool. And they began to give everything to let us go, and we don't tell anyone about this.

soon one of the robbers says" boss, these checks look fresh. We brothers can enjoy it all night long"

As soon as girls are heard this they began to cry more and telling the robbers" don't come over. we give you everything we have"

"We won't do anything harm Darling. Just have some fun." robber

"No, please let me go. we give you money. Don't do anything to us" girls

But without caring about girls pleading or guilty they came to girls and those boys didn't even have the guts to stop them after seeing the robber kill one of them like nothing.

"help. help"

girls trying back up but in the end, they are stopped by stone walls and can't go anywhere.

One of the robber comes to a girl and grabs her hands so that she never ran away and the other hand trying to grab the mountain peaks.

"nooo please help." girls are crying and trying to break free.

one of the girls bites the hands of the robber when he tries to molest. But in rage robber throw the girl to the ground with force let her faint. But the robber didn't let go of her. He is trying to assault the unconscious girl.

But no one came to help. They can only cry try their heart to protect themselves.

But anyone can see that despair and unwillingness written on their faces.

Max watching everything that happens in front of him. His legs are trembling and his hands are shaking like a 100-year-old man.

But when he sees that girls are going to be raped and no one helping them. Even these boys who are always bullying him are didn't move. and even some boyfriends of the girls didn't try to rescue their girlfriend. Seeing this he somehow burst into anger. Because they are always staying and fun with them and even go on a date, party and even hotel.

But now when the girls are in real danger they just let go and even let them molesting in front of them.

At that time he was thinking 'oh Max what have you done in your life? a man who is always getting bullied in school, college and even university,Never have any friends, no girlfriend, no parents, not a good student, not even handsome.

'It looks like the life I live is nothing more than a dog! No even dogs have their community.'

It looks like in my life I did nothing that I can be prude of.'

Max thinking a lot of things that happen in his life from childhood to now memory like a Flash.

But outside the world it's just some seconds.

Seeing the girls are going to molest by the robber. An uncontrollable anger burst out depth of the soul. He hates himself for being useless, and always get betten. But no one come to help.

And himself for being weak.

So he stands up even though his legs are trumbling and hands are shaking.

He step forward by one step after another his eyes and face and even the whole body like some kind of furious beast awakening up.

In his mind, there is only one thing at this moment. He wants to change himself he doesn't want to be beaten up anymore, he wants to live he doesn't want to be beaten or humiliated.

It's his time to change. No matter what this kind of person must pay the price.