
New start


CP 3

After killing the last robber i look around seeing the shaken and unbelievable expression. I Don't know what to do now. Because i felt pain all over my body. All the students and teachers are just looking at me like a statue. Seeing them like this i want to Scream at them to call for the police or ambulance because my body condition is getting worse as time gose by. But i can't utter a single word, I felt my body become incredibly weak and sleepy. I just walked beside the tree and sat with my head down so i could sleep.sit some point people around me also woke up and rushed towards me to see my condition. But I can only hear some faint sounds around me but it's also fades way after and sleep takes over my body.



So that is all i can remember about what happened to me. 

But i can't see any students around me Neither teachers. And this place Doesn't look like the same place we are campaigning and my body Doesn't have any bandage or anything like that.

And i also see somthing different in my body when i check my body it Isn't the same body was before, a thought suddenly stuck my mind that 

I was transmigrated.....

But why i Doesn't have any memory of my current body?

Without any information about me and my surrounding environment i Don't know what to do.

But some how i suddenly feel my head become heavy and feel sleepy.

In my sleep i had a dream that i feel like i was watching a movie no not movie it was a life biography of a boy that i took over my body( i think) from a 3rd person view.

That boy wasn't a handsome boy or born form some nobel or powerfull family nor his parents are powerfull. His parents are from Between middle or low class. They both work in store and father is a Guard nd mother is a waiter. When he is 5 his father died in working at night shift when there shop is looted by roobber( not killed by robber but to finding faults and vent anger manager kill him) and after that his mom get sick and soon following dad. And that's how he become orphan. After that his father friend took him to his house and take care of him until he became 10. After that he start to working outside to carry loads helping some people to do some chores and that's how he earn some money. A year letter he left his uncle house and came back to his parents home because he Doesn't want to relay on uncle Anymore. Because there family is well after all. So he do all outside work when he find to earn some cheap money. But he never though of going out of city. O did i ever mentioned you that the world he was now was a world of cultivation just like i read in novel here cultivator can do anything like flying, killing and living thousands of years. The reason Manager kill my father and despite knowing that we Couldn't do anything is that he has connection and a person who can cultivate. Unlike my parents and Uncle we are mortal. Thus we can do nothing about it. Here mortal live with constant straggle and hard work but earn meare Wage. that's why i left uncle house and liv alone because i also want to became a cultivator and have my fate in my hand. And after 1 years of hard work he now have some money to buy a cultivation manual(low lavel basic) 

So he was happy so when he went to market before he goes into market he meet some bullys who always make thing difficult for him or people who are weak like him. The take money and some times beat us.

But what can he do? He was weak and can only be beaten that why he also want to be strong man so no-one can beat him again. But maybe its his bad luck he meet them even before he buy cheat.

When bully saw him you guys can get what happened next. 

Despite trying to run away from them he get caught up get beaten and all his money get stolen then throw him in and abandoned allay and left. Even thought his body Doesn't get any serious hurt but his heart became hallow and his eyes became lifeless because all his money to buy his cheat was stolen. And after returning his home he went to bad and sleep. After that i take over this body, maybe losing money give him a big blow so he maybe died in his sleep.

Honesty i Don't know what to say after seeing the history of this previous owner body.( It's like watching a flop movie without any twists. I can only give him 2-3 out of 10) well life is like this. You can't aspect that everybodys life will be like a thrilling and adventure.

Well it Doesn't matter to me thought. I am happy atleast this body Doesn't has any problem like another novel i read like heaving enemy coming to kill me or has mortal enemy( well i have like the maneger that kill my father and those who beaten me).

Don't worry buddy i will take care of myself and live a happy life so just go to heaven....(maybe)

I am a new writer. so if you like or have other though about my book. plz tell me

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