
All I Want for Love is You

Episode 4

Class 2 was playing competitive football against Class 5.  One of the players got injured but there was no other boy willing to replace him so Gu Xiao Man volunteered.

Zuo An, who was seating in the periphery, suddenly became attentive to the game.  He was watching Xiao Man intently as she played.

She was so good and scored a goal. She reinvigorated her team.  So the opposing team decided to disable her and knock her down to the grown.

Everyone went to complain of such misdemeanor, totally ignoring the fact that Xiao Man was still rather prostrate in the ground. It was only Lead Zuo An who went to check on her and help her up.

Class 2 and their adviser was complaining of such foul.  As the referee admitted that he did not really see what occurred, Zuo An said that he could prove that it was a foul against Guo Xiao Man.  She was deliberately run into and pushed.  He then told them some applied maths that students were left nodding without understanding what he was talking about.

Class 5 in the end willingly admitted that they fouled Guo Xiao Man.

There was a cute scene where on their way home. Lead Guy said that they should get ice-cream at the convenience store.  He did not only buy Cornettos, but he also bought a bandage for her sore knee. The old lady from the shop was watching their sweet interaction.  Start of young love.

Gu Xiao Man was getting low scores in Math and was being told off by the teacher.

Zuo An created a study notebook for her which he left in the hospital for her father to give to her.  Her father asked the Zuo An if he could tutor the Xiao Man.