
All Hokage in The Chat Group

the incredible journey of Ryan, who mysteriously finds himself transported to the world of Naruto. In a twist of fate, he rises to the esteemed position of the Fourth Hokage, wielding the immense power and responsibility of Konoha in his capable hands. But the adventure doesn't stop there. Ryan's unique gift of foresight becomes his most potent tool as he navigates this parallel Naruto universe. His strategic prowess and foresight set him on a path unlike any other, as he charts a course through the intricacies of Konoha's politics and the challenges of being a Hokage. As Ryan fulfills his role as the Fourth Hokage, he engages in an extraordinary encounter with the Hokage of the parallel world's Konoha. The meeting transcends time and dimensions, bringing together iconic figures from different eras of Konoha's history. The legendary First Generation Senju, Hashirama, is taken aback by the shocking news of the Uchiha clan's extermination. The Second Generation Senju, Tobirama, grapples with the sudden disappearance of his own Senju lineage. Amidst these revelations, Fourth Generation Ryan takes center stage, claiming that it was the actions of the Third Generation that shaped these unforeseen outcomes. I am just translating this mtl, Support me on p8treon/ Marioni

Marioni · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Chapter 40 Assimilation

On the other side of the world, in the office of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, as he opened his eyes for the first time, he heard a voice from the chat group in his head.

[Ding! Rewards have been issued!]

[Please Click to check and claim.]

"Um?!" Tobirama heard the voice and suddenly felt his eyes itching. Suppressing the discomfort, he soon found it subsiding. To his surprise, he realized that his vision had become clearer.

He hurriedly looked at the mirror beside him and discovered that his eyes had transformed into Sharingan. However, since Tobirama's eyes were originally red, the change was not very obvious.

<I never noticed his eye colour is red.>

Nevertheless, Tobirama felt like he had entered a whole new world. He began studying his own eyes by gazing directly into them.

During the Sengoku period, while the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan conflicted, Tobirama had already conducted research on Sharingan. He even examined the eyes of deceased Uchiha clan members for his studies.

But now, possessing a perfectly fitting Sharingan, Tobirama felt even more amazed. He believed that a true understanding of its mysteries could only be attained through personal experience. The practice was the only path to truth, and Tobirama was convinced of this.

As for another perfect practice method for age arts, Tobirama didn't have time to attend to it at the moment. Nothing was as important as studying the Sharingan.

<Typical Tobirama.>


In the world of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato:

"Minato, Minato! What's going on? Are you exhausted?" Sarutobi Hiruzen called out to Minato, who seemed dazed and unresponsive after being called multiple times.

Concerned, Hiruzen looked at Minato's weary face and suggested that he take the day off to rest. At that moment, Minato, who had just returned from the chat group and was still reeling from the shock, snapped back to reality.

Realizing the situation, he nodded hurriedly. Now that Minato knew the truth. He felt a sense of disgust whenever he looked at the ageing face of the Third Hokage before him. He feared that staring too long might make him explode.

"I am tired Hokage-Sama. I have to take a little bit of rest at home."

With a quick nod, Minato left the office. Hiruzen, aware of Minato's value as an exceptional tool, didn't want to exhaust him and advised him to take better care of himself.

After Minato departed, he headed straight home to check the system that rewarded him with a training method for Sage Arts. The content inside made Minato even more excited.

Although he had already practised Sage arts, he wasn't proficient in it yet. But now, with this method in his possession, he only needed to practice a little to master Sage arts perfectly. "Very good!"

Minato thought to himself. Once he successfully mastered Sage arts, his strength would be sufficient to face the challenges ahead.


In the world of the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade:

Tsunade looked at her familiar office and let out a long sigh of relief. She had returned. In her mind, she now possessed an additional article on the Training method for perfect sage mode.

As Tsunade observed the Sage art practice method, she couldn't help but remember her grandfather, Senju Hashirama, performing Sage Jutsus.

If she could learn Sage arts herself, it would greatly enhance her strength. With the looming threat of a strong enemy about to attack Konoha, Tsunade felt the urgency to become stronger.

Being Hokage meant protecting Konoha, and what concerned her the most was the help button in her mind. With a simple thought and a press of a button, the Hokages from other worlds would receive a message asking for their assistance.

This function gave Tsunade newfound confidence in facing the impending crisis. Now, her priority was to completely study and master Sage art as quickly as possible. However, to practice Sage Mode, she needed to go to the wet bone forest. Using the Summoning Technique, Tsunade vanished from her office in an instant, leaving a shadow clone behind to notify her if any issues arose.


In the main world, Ryan, the group leader, slowly opened his eyes.

[This Hokage meeting is over; items obtained: Rinnegan, Sage Body, Perfect Sage mode Method]

The next Hokage meeting would take place in half a year. Before the meeting, the group owner had the opportunity to invite two Konoha Hokages to join the group chat.

[Note: As the number of people in the group increases, the meeting time will increase accordingly.]

"In half a year," Ryan noted as he read the system prompt. He realized that time would pass quickly. Since arriving in the world of Hokage, Ryan had continuously improved his strength. However, apart from his talent in ninjutsu, he lacked bloodline or heritage.

His strength had reached the peak of Kage's level, and he was unable to advance further. Ryan had never considered transplanting Sharingan or Hashirama cells like Danzo, as he wanted to become something neither human nor ghost just a monster.

Moreover, the current technology was not as advanced as during the time of the Seventh Hokage, Naruto, making such procedures very risky.

Therefore, Ryan refrained from taking such actions. Thinking about the impending crisis in the ninja world, Ryan felt a sense of urgency. But now, everything had changed.

The rewards he received from the Hokage meeting brought him tremendous surprise. Obtaining Rinnegan, Sage Body, and a perfect-Sage mode method would be enough for Ryan to successfully break through the barrier of Kage and Super Kage levels and reach the Six Paths level in a short time.

He couldn't contain his excitement and quickly withdrew the rewards. As he confirmed the extraction, a colourful, mysterious light curtain enveloped Ryan.

A surge of vitality and chakra emanated from his body, and his eyes exuded a faint purple light. With the Rinnegan, one of the world's three foremost Dojutsu, and the incredible physical attributes granted by Sage Body.

Ryan had entered the ranks of super Kage-level. Possessing Sage Body and Rinnegan meant he now had seven chakra natures. Once he mastered the various abilities of Rinnegan and unlocked the power of Sage arts by combining the seven chakra natures. Ryan believed he would reach the level of Otsutsuki Toneri on the moon—the Six Paths level of combat.