
All Heaven and Worlds Store

All Heaven and Worlds Store "You want Ultimate Fire? sure, I have Fire Stone here." "What? you want to be a Human? Here I have 7th Rank Body Transformation Pill." "What about you? So you want to have Ice Element Ability? You're lucky, I have new product here, Hie Hie no Mi eating it will can make you a Freezing Human." "You want to buy a Spirit Bone? Let me check if I have some, got it, it look dusty but this one is a Treasure, Supreme Bone from a Supreme Being," "A Blood? I have some, Azure Dragon, Fire Phoenix, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Asura, Immortal Sovereign, Royal Abyssal Bloodline, pick one." "Pet? i don't sell live one but I have a gadget here for you to easily get one, here buy Pokeball, to catch your favorite pet." "You want life? Mister come~ come! lets talk about it, how much can you pay for life extension pill?" Knock~ Knock "Who?" "We are from Divine Realm Council, it seems you are illegal trespass inside of our domain so you need to leave please." "And if not?" "........... If not... Its nothing." What can they do, the can't even break the small shop of him, the only thing they can do is to watch him rip off all fate of all people in the planet. All Heaven and Worlds Store where anything is possible to buy, from Life, Pill, Weapon, and even Protection, you onyl need to pay the corresponding price for you to get anything. Note: Douluo is not mine, and so Cover not mine I will make cover later

LittleApple · Anime & Comics
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250 Chs

Xiao Wu's Crazy Switch On!

After getting healed the teacher starts to congratulate Xin.

"Congratulations, Teacher Xin, in the future, will be my colleague! You will officially become a Shrek Academy tutor." Zao Wou-ki walked up to Xin convincingly and stretched out his palm.

He is finally convinced, this young man is stronger than him, and using a strange attack made him realize how weak he is.

"Thank you," Xin smiled slightly.

"Hey, Mentor Xin, you should be the youngest and most talented Mentor in our college from now on, so take care of us in the future!" The Oldman hurriedly said.


Flender walked closer and asked," Teacher Xin, can we now talk about your goods there? Can I see what kind of items you want to sell?"

"Let's finish the assessment first before that."

"A-Ah yes, Zao Wou-ki assesses the kids."

Zao Wou-ki grinned and nodded, then looked at the new recruit.

"The last level test is to test your actual combat ability. I will give you a stick of incense time to discuss how to cooperate. After the stick of incense, I will test you personally, as long as you can. My subordinates insist on a stick of incense, even if you pass."

All of them nodded and started to discuss.

But Xiao Wu pulled Xin with them to help the assessment," Help us."


"Try to lead us."

"Why lead, your strength is already enough."

"No, lead us."

"Well…. Alright, you can tell each other about your martial arts and get to know each other."

Tang San spoke first, saying: "Tang San, Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass, 30th-level control system Great Soul Master."

Ning Rongrong glanced at everyone and said, "Ning Rongrong, Martial Spirit Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, 26th-level auxiliary Great Spirit Master, I can give you a 20% increase in strength and speed."

"Your martial spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?" Tang San asked in shock.

He has heard from the master that this Martial Spirit is known as the first auxiliary weapon in the Douluo Continent, possessing super-strong support capabilities, and every spirit master dreams of being a team.

Ning Rongron felt proud knowing some of them know her value but she felt dejected seeing Xiao Wu, Xin, and Zhuqing don't even have any reaction at all.

But still there was someone who knew her value to a team, Ning Rongrong smiled sweetly and said, "I will try my best to assist you."

Xiao Wu spoke, and said, "Xiao Wu, Martial Spirit Little Red Riding Hood, level 25 Agility Attack Systems Spirit Grand Master"

"Attack System? Aren't you Auxiliary Food System?"

"No, im a Triple Type Spirit Master, my Martial Spirit Little Red Riding Hood is Unique Subtype, Tool Spirit and Beast Spirit type."

"How?" All of them shocked, the Triple Type Spirit Master is new to them, based on her description, her Martial Spirit can be categorized as a Unique Subtype, Tool Spirit and Beast Spirit type that is impossible for a Martial Spirit.

"No need to think deeply, you will see her Martial Spirit later," Xin said.

Zhu Zhuqing finally said: "Zhuqing, Martial Spirit Shadow Monarch, level 25 Power, and Agility Attack Systems Spirit Grand Master"

"I'm also a Dual Type Spirit Master, Tool and Body Type Spirit."

Zao Wou-ki and Flender, who were sitting in the distance, couldn't help showing shock on their faces.

This is the first time they heard Dual Type Spirit Master, and Triple Type Spirit Master, they were pretty curious what kind of Martial Spirit is that.

After a small briefing to them, Xin finally stands up.

"Teacher Zhao, they are ready."

Zao Wou-ki took out a piece of incense, lit it, and stuck it on the ground behind.

Ning Rongrong had already released his martial spirit and began to chant spells to assist his teammates.

She pointed out her finger, and colored light fell on her team, making them feel that their strength and speed had increased a lot.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, not bad." Zao Wou-ki grinned and said with a big smile:

"Xiao Wu" Zhuqing calls.

"I'm coming," A pink-colored Spirit Ring paper behind Xiao Wu and a basket materialize around her arms.

'Pink Spirit Ring?.' They all inward thought.

"Grandma, I have carrot pie ~ <3"

"Grandma, I have a carrot juice ~ <3"

"Grandma, I have a carrot jam ~ <3"

Zhuqing took it and distributed it to everyone," Eat it, Xiao Wu's Martial Spirit is Auxiliary Food System."

They hurry, eat the food and feel the change on their body instantly, just like the effect of Ning Rongrong's Martial Spirit. Their strength and speed have increased a lot but the most horrible thing is that Xiao Wu's Fodo Buff can increase their overall stats.

Even Ning Ronrong was surprised after eating the food. She doesn't know how a 3 piece of food can increase their overall stats that only 6 Ring Spirit Emperors can do.

Zao Wou-ki did not wait any longer, his fists slammed into the ground, and a layer of earth-yellow light spread with him as the center of gravity, the ground vibrated, and terrible power spread towards Tang San and his group.

Tang San's expression changed, and he shouted, "Quickly get away!!"

Zhuqing reacts first, she stands up in front and releases her Martial Spirit.

"Shadow Monarch, Embodiment of Darkness'' "Darkness Transformation"."

Zhuqing is shrouded by black smoke and hit by a Zao Wou-ki attack, to their surprise there's no explosion after that as if the attack is being absorbed.

"What the! What kind of Martial Spirit is that?!"

"Shadow Monarch, Embodiment of Darkness Martial Spirit Body," Xin said.

"Zhuqing can transform in shadow Element and Nullity blocks 100% physical attacks, and 50% spiritual attacks for 5 seconds."

"Even her level is higher than her opponent?" Flender asks.

"Yes, but it drains a huge amount of Mental Spirit,"

"It was still an overpowering ability, even the ability to drain the Mental Spirit. The effect of the ability is practically a cheat if she did not encounter any opponent that is higher than her own Mental Strength then she can dominate everyone on her age."

Zao Wou-ki is slightly dazed but he realizes there's actually some behind him.

It is Xiao Wu who uses Teleport to get behind.

"Violent Leaf Adamantine Strength Whirlwind"

She then started to use combo hitting Zao Wou-ki, dropkick, side kick, double front kick, whirlwind kick and then Waist Bow.

She then teleported higher making him appear above the cloud after a couple of Teleport.

Seeing this here above, Zhuqing hurried to grab Ning Rongrong and Tang San running towards Xin.

"What are you doing? We need to help Xiao Wu" Tang San said.

"That's right." Ning Rongrong nodded.

"Before helping her, you need to hide first, Xiao Wu is excited right now."


After hiding behind Xin, Flender also notices something so he hurries to get closer too.

"What happens if Xiao Wu gets excited?" Ning Rongrong is a curious question.

"Xiao Wu will use all her power to vent it out."

Xiao Wu's voice rang above. They see Xiao Wu's body releasing red color aura around her body, the aura manifests into a red burning dragon around her body and the drop towards Zao Wou-ki.

"Dragon Drop!"

Flender's face became pale." Oh shit!! Hide!!"

Zao Wou-ki hurry use his ability and try to braze himself from incoming attack.

"1st Spirit Ring: Motionless Bright King Body"

"7th Spirit Ring Name: Spirit Avatar Vigorous Vajra Bear"


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