
All From His Seat

Born as the eldest in a poor family, Michael always thought it was his duty to provide. All his life he has dedicated his whole being into working. Everything was going well. He found a job, and income was flowing. Heading into bed with the intention of taking a temporary slumber, Michael awoke to find himself in Krodoa, a planet that was filled with magic. Born as a cripple, Michael believed it was the gods' way of saying, "you may rest". But those same gods got him involved in various... incidents. Can the overworked Michael find the time to rest?

Mackrel · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Character Profiles: Kenneth's Family (Spoilers)


Kenneth's Family (Surnames currently not given)


The main protagonist's new name when he reincarnated. Born as a cripple, he's currently still a baby and is enjoying life.


Kenneth's father. Not much is known about him, blame the author, other than his love for Mikaela. Despite his perverted advances, Lena and Lucas describe him as a wonderful father.


Michael's mother when he reincarnated. Not much is known, (yes blame the author again) other than the fact she very much loves Kenneth and dotes on him quite a lot. She does treat George quite a bit roughly, but still loves him the same. Maybe if he stopped teasing her about how her breasts always makes Kenneth stop crying, then maybe she'd treat him better.


Michael's older sister when he reincarnated. Often described as bewitching, her perfect curves and soft blonde hair sometimes make people confuse her for a grown woman. She dotes on Kenneth a lot. Sometimes going so far as to steal him from his room while he's sleeping to play with him.


Michael's brother when he reincarnated. His other older sibling, Lucas has beautiful amber eyes and a well toned body. He wasn't as ecstatic as Lena when Kenneth was born, but he doesn't have anything against him either. He's ever since hit it off with the youngest sibling.


A user of Spatial and Gravity Magic. She was found under the surface fifty meters buried underground, locked in a glass chamber. The liquid that inhabited the chamber's origins are still unknown. Very loyal and dedicated to Kenneth, she refers to him as "Young Master", and only speaks in sentences fully without stuttering, and without stopping randomly.

Her portals were useful during the "Uninhabited Island" training, allowing reinforcements to travel around the island instantly.

Her obsession towards Kenneth leads her to do unforeseen things, yet she does all this in good faith. She mainly follows orders from Kenneth.

Aurelia (Freia)

A servant of Kenneth. A Tree Elf, she was once called Freia, a frail girl who lived in the nonhuman continent, Hudra.

She has many distinct features; her two eyes, the left being a shiny yellow-gold, and the right being as dark as night. She keeps a heart shaped necklace on her with a greyish-white almost tranparent jewel. She keeps it on her at all times, as it had the effect of calming her down, but it is currently unknown who gave this to her.

The Apostle Of The True Nature Goddess, she is loved by Krodoa and it's animal inhabitants.
