
All From His Seat

Born as the eldest in a poor family, Michael always thought it was his duty to provide. All his life he has dedicated his whole being into working. Everything was going well. He found a job, and income was flowing. Heading into bed with the intention of taking a temporary slumber, Michael awoke to find himself in Krodoa, a planet that was filled with magic. Born as a cripple, Michael believed it was the gods' way of saying, "you may rest". But those same gods got him involved in various... incidents. Can the overworked Michael find the time to rest?

Mackrel · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter XII: Bringing The Girl Home

"Why is there another one with you three? I sense another magic, different from you two. And it's converging.... right here." She points at their foreheads." 

This is weird. Her mana perception seems incredibly high that she can sense the difference in mana. Maybe I'll try linking up with her. Hopefully she allows me to.

The Girl's POV

I don't know my name. As far as I've been told by the people who set me free, I was found inside the glass, inside this metallic structure. They said they had found something odd in the mana and decided to dig down, until they found this place. Looking at the three who arrived, which were the brawny man, a blonde haired woman who I concluded as his sister, and their dog. But as I walked closer to the group, I noticed a distinct magic type, not belonging to either the brawny man, his sister, or the dog. 

The person with the different magic type was.... comforting. I don't get it, but I felt that I had to meet this person quickly.

"Whoa. Hold your horses miss. We don't even know each other, yet you want to come to my house already? No, no, my siblings would have a hard time trying to figure out a reasonable excuse to bringing a girl we've never met before to our home. Especially since, you have no clothes. Yup. Just thought I'd remind you that, in case you couldn't tell." A voice that didn't belong to the burly man or the woman spoke to me in my head. A voice that I had never heard before, yet felt so familiar. 

"Wondering why I can talk to you? This is my spell, "Mind Link". It technically won't work unless the living being I'm trying to connect to actually accepts the Link, you know, like a phone call, but it seems like your desire to see me subconsiously accepted the Link." (Kenneth)

"ph...o..nn k..ol?" 

"Does this girl really not know what a phone call is? Do you know your name, at least?" (Kenneth)

"No." The girl responded flatly. 

"Huh. Do you know where you live?" (Kenneth)


"Do you remember anything about yourself at least?" (Kenneth)


"We've got a problem here, guys. She doesn't remember anything. Looks like she experienced something akin to complete memory loss. What are we going to do about her?" (Kenneth)

"Let's take her home! With her adorable appearance, she looks exactly like a real life doll." (Lena)

"Eh..... I'm good with whatever. Hopefully she doesn't make a ruckus. But, who's she sleeping with?" (Lucas)

"Oh, obviously Kenneth! I can ask mom to fix Lucas' old bed and make it so she can sleep with Kenneth. He's still small and can probably fit there." (Lena)

"Absolutely not. Why do I have to do it?" (Kenneth)

"As I said, you're still small. I can teach her to be your personal caretaker. Just by the look of it, you can tell she's clearly obsessed with you." Lena points to the girl, who looks like she's getting off from listening to Kenneth's voice.

"Fuck, that's creepy, you know? My voice is not that hot that you have to get horny from it. Especially since I'm a cripple, I'm not gonna be able to get away if she ever attempts to rob me of my virginity." (Kenneth)

"Don't be silly. The face she's making seems more of an obsessed one, than a lustful one." (Lucas)

"That's the same in this situation isn't it?!" (Kenneth)

With no other choice, Kenneth eventually gave in to his siblings. Planning an excuse to allow his parents to add her to to the family, Kenneth then later on named her Catalyn. To his surprise, she kept repeating her name again and again for the past twenty minutes. 

"I'm Catalyn. Catalyn. Catalyn." She said as she obsessed over her newfound name. 

"Enough of that, will you? Could you hand her some clothes, big sis?" (Kenneth)

"Well, I don't have any clothes that'd fit her, since they're all mostly too big. The only one that could work with her small body would be the old pyjamas I always kept with me. I guess you can take it, since it doesn't fit me anymore." Lena took out her Dimensional Storage, and brought out a set of pyjamas that had paw prints all over them. It wasn't practical wear for going outside, but it was their only choice.

"Thank you." Catalyn politely bowed to her.

"Oh, shucks. No need for that." (Lena)

After using Tyrone's magic to stack earth below them to make a rising elevator, they soon got out of the hole. After combing through, they found that there was nothing left valuable or useful to them in some way.

Now that the sun was shining, and that there were no more monster hordes prowling around, it was perfectly safe to take a nice morning stroll. Catalyn, who didn't recognize anything, was completely enamored by the sights.

"Huh. Looks like she's never actually been outside. She's acting like it's the first time she's ever touched grass. Which might actually be true." (Kenneth)

Heading towards the Phase Gate, the squad then soon reached Argonsville. 

"I just thought of this now, but have we already submitted the Mana Grasses for completion?" (Kenneth)

"Yup. I kept it in my Dimensional Storage and called A.D.S (Argonsville Delivery Service) to deliver the goods directly to the guild. We already received their positive response that we had already finished the mission." (Lena)

"Huh. Another thing. Wanna join our party, Lucas? Ours actually only consisted of Lena and me. Maybe we can add you and Tyrone, if he wants to." (Kenneth)

"Woof!" A bark of approval is heard. 

"I'm fine with that. I'm actually affiliated with the Adventurer's Guild, but I can register later on once when get back." (Lucas)

"Umm.... Catalyn wants to join too." Catalyn voiced her desire to join the Magician's Guild.

"Can you fight though? What's your magic?" (Kenneth)

"..." Catalyn makes a face of pure ectasy upon hearing Kenneth's voice, to which he responds with a, "Creepy." 

"Catalyn has control over Spatial Magic. Catalyn can summon portals and use Gravity Magic." (Catalyn)

Now this was surprising. Spatial magic users are scarce, especially ones that can also control Gravity Magic, which is a sub variation of Spatial Magic. It allows one to control the flow of mana, and make it so it weighs significantly heavier. In some magic records it is speculated that there are only four gravity magic users ever recorded. One being the Sage Of the North, Magius.

"That's certainly a rare power. About her portals, I'd like to try something out the next time we visit A.T.S. Maybe we could create some new team compositions and combos." (Kenneth)

Finally arriving at their house, they were greeted by Mikaela, waiting for them at the front door. 

"Look who decided to show up. Lena and Lucas, if those are your names." (Mikaela)

"Kids, sorry.. I tried to stop her." George came out and tried to reason with Mikaela, but to no avail.

"Oops. Yeah, sorry about that. Forgot to say that Mom was waiting for you guys in front of the house since yesterday. Up to you guys to explain about Catalyn!" Kenneth said as he shut off the Mind Link.

"No wai- he hung up." (Lena)

All went well, surprisingly. They managed to make Mom believe that they had just gone off for a stroll outside, although it took quite a while. They also managed to convince her that Catalyn was a "girl they found on the street." Even Tyrone joined in to help, going so far as to bark when asked if they did anything dangerous. 

(Author's Note:

At most times 

Woof: Yes                                        Bark: No

This depends on the context, of course.)

Finally being released from Mom's questions, Catalyn was soon appointed as Kenneth's caretaker, much to his dismay. She was taught personally by Mikaela and Lena on how to take care of Kenneth. 

A few days later Kenneth was moved from his old crib to a much bigger bed, this one being big enough that it could accomodate both him and Catalyn. 

Tomorrow was the day that they would go to A.T.S to test out Catalyn's powers, have Lucas register at the Magician's Guild, and maybe go around the city to teach Catalyn about the world.