
All for him

Ana has always been the good girl everyone wanted her to be. Although, her parents died when she was young, and was left with her uncle and his wife who saw her as nothing but a household that maltreated her and left her to do all their work when they had children of their own and nothing mattered but ana still continued being obedient and did everything without complaining. Ana fell in love with a friend who promised her everything but left without a word. "I can't keep doing this Eric, your attitude is unbearable and you keep hurting everyone especially me. You said you love me, promised to take care of me, keep my heart with you but all you did was break me. “Love...I...I can't keep doing this,you hurting me you killed our love and threw me out when I needed you,left me when I had no one and you had the mind to leave me... leave us alone. I can't forgive you for that. "Ana, don't be ridiculous, what we had wasn't love, I told you that we are not friends but you were my pet and I just wanted you on my bed and all that love nonsense I told you about was lies to get you in my bed. To be honest pet, I never loved you and never will, nothing you say or do will get me to go back to you. You didn't see the way everyone hated you a worthless ridiculous human like you and a vampire prince like me together. Your fantasy was worth the laugh I had fun when you and now being done and there is nothing that gonna bring us together. I lied about you being my beloved and now that satisfied with you I don't need you. "Eric, what are you saying all this was a lie, nothing you told me and all that I believed was a lie. I hate you for this I regret meeting you my king, I hope you live with this knowing you broke me and left me like this. I will never forgive you at all. "Ana... Ana where are you, this girl is wicked making me shout her name and she knows how important it is for her to be here so that we can finish this on time and leave here so that we can join the parade. "Aunt ...umm can I go to the stream to play later today since I will be free and dad is having friends over. "I asked hoping she would say yes and everything will be fine today. "You should be happy that my husband and I are taking good care of you, not like those parents of yours that abandoned you for trash. Before I knew it I was slapped. " You ungrateful child how dare you speak to me like that after everything we gave you. You talk back at me, I knew that your mother didn't train you well but don't you ever talk to me like that. " GET OUT OF MY SIGHT. "Where is she" how dare she slap you, honey. I heard my uncle shout from the stairs, I ran downstairs and fell cause guess what my nice cousin set her foot on the way and I fell which caused a bunch of laughter from everyone even my so-called friends in the kitchen, " Yes, uncle I heard you calling,any sign of pain gone when I saw his face and his wife crying, immediately I knew that something bad was going to happen. I felt a sting on my face and this time it hurt so much that I couldn't stop the tears. "Why did you slap my wife huh" does she look like your mate and before you say anything go to the steam and washes every single piece of clothes in the house. "But the rain is heavy can't i go after, I knew there was no reasoning with him, and by the look of things, I made my situation worse. "Be back before midnight and don't be seen, now leave and do what I said. "Yes uncle, I get it done but what if I am seen and I haven't eaten. " That none of my business is it, I left and carried everything washable to go to the steam. As I got to the steam I sat on the floor and started wishing I lost track of time and felt numb to the cold hoping that I don't get sick but who am I kidding I might even die from this but I have to be strong. I felt a presence behind me and as soon as I turned I saw a man in the shadow and immediately everything went black and darkness consumed me

Agofure_Deborah · Teen
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10 Chs


After,leaving the castle to clear my head, I looked at the barriers located outside the forest and just the sight of it made me sad and pour my heart out cause I couldn't take it anymore the brave face I put up for everyone crumbled and I let out everything that I kept in my heart for weeks, I know that there is a place for me somewhere out there, someone is waiting for me praying to the heavens for them to see me and I keep to that and that what will keep me going. I heard footsteps coming forward and wiped my tears so that none would see that I have been crying, but I know that my swollen face and bloodshot eyes will give me away.

It was like the universe didn't want to understand my pain cause the footsteps I heard belonged to no other person than him, the king and he looked annoyed when he saw me and I sighed cause I am about to receive another lecture and I have told myself I won't argue or disrespect him so that he would feel stupid at his actions but that only seems to fuel his anger and I laughed. I can't believe he told me to clear the cabinet where all trash stays before the day ends how can I be the only one to clean it that not possible but do I dare complain no and walk back to the palace with my head down.

I better start before I get strangled. This is already becoming an issue for me I don't get why he hates me so much if I have offended him am truly sorry, I have been treated like trash ever since my parents left, no one knows if they are dead but I know that in my heart, this gut feeling in me and the voice in my head tells me otherwise that they are alive just held captive and looking for a way to get back to me, their sweet little girl. I hadn't noticed I was tearing up until I saw with blurry vision a leg stood in front of me and immediately I stood up, can't have an accident and hearing a full lecture on why it happened.

"Ana, what are you doing? This isn't your work, we have servants to help us to do this. I raised my head to see Noah towering over me and a frown on his face, I was surprised to see him back and remembered what Erica told me, about him being busy and my face turned into anger immediately, I couldn't hide the disappointment there too cause he must have seen my face and he became more worried, I didn't have time to process it and my hand landed on his face but I had a feeling that it didn't move him and he just stared at me looking shocked.

"Why did you do that ana? He asked I was hoping he would not get angry but I looked up and saw his eyes they were bloodshot and his face was red with anger, I was scared that he was going to hurt me, kill me cause of the way I disrespected him and forget he had called me his friend but he shocked me, I didn't know know why Eric couldn't be like Noah.

"I know I deserve that, and Erica won't talk to me, I'm happy that she has a friend that won't betray her even if you are human, it makes me feel happy but can I talk to you ana, why I made that choice and you can judge me later but can't tell her yet okay.

"The only reason I said that I have things to do and can't make itcause am having insecurities about this child, what if he doesn't like me and see me the way my father did or I treat him the way my father did and I know am not supposed to think like that but erica deserves a better beloved than me and am just a broken man and if I wasn't friends with Eric will she have noticed me and why will she, a guy that was from a broken home with a mom that sees him as a mistake, a dad that called him his greatest regret.

After he was done, I had a blurry vision so behind this cheerful and happy man there is a broken, insecure person and I felt bad for hitting him and not allowing him to explain and now I am going to allow him to say all this to Erica, as I was about to turn I saw Erica and she was crying but told me to be quiet I know she understands why he said that and will approach him, they deserve each other and no one else.

I wish I could find a man who loves me for me and won't treat me like I don't exist, I guess this is what you get for being in love at a young age. I guess everything happens for a reason, getting betrayed and hiding the secret was just too much for me to handle. I wondered each time if things would have been different if my parents were with me.

Anyways I have things to do rather than think of the impossible cause I know am stuck here forever unless the king decides to kill me when am of no use again.

looking at the time I saw that it was past 3 and I needed to cook for tonight feast if I want to have a peaceful night and I thought of going to ask Erica what she would like since she was pregnant and turned around to see the loser that I was forced to apologize to and saw her smirking, it took all of my strength not to smack and throw her to the wall and just smiled.

" I would like an orange juice slave with some ice with it immediately," she said without adding a please to it but I felt brave today and laughed cause it was funny to think I would do it without arguing. she came forward and slapped me, as I recovered from it and was going to hit her back cause there was no way I was going to let this thing get away with it, I heard a voice that was laced with so much authority it had me fearing but seeing that it was Noah and little miss perfect was shaking like a leaf had her head down and I wanted to laugh but just kept it in me cause I wanted to see what will happen.

"APOLOGISE TO HER NOW" the voice didn't sound like Noah and if someone was to tell me this was how he was when he gets angry I would have laughed and said the person was delusional but seeing it with my own eyes was hard to believe and immediately she was on her knees asking for my forgiveness I was too stunned to believe and didn't respond until I felt someone hands on my feet did I notice my surrounding and quickly told her to stand up and she did and left.

" Are you okay, am sorry for raising my voice and scaring you, all that he said didn't faze me and I just hugged him cause this is where I knew that I had a true friend and when I turned around I saw my worse fear standing there and looking at me with an eye one would know as jealousy.