
All Five of My Sisters Have Systems

Because of an accident, both of Simon's parents died and he was adopted by his aunt who lived far far away and suddenly had five sisters overnight. The flattered Simon was bound with the "System Supplier" System. It automatically gave a system to each of his sisters. The eldest sister, a domineering company president, obtained the Return Rate System. Invested in fashion project, return rate 120%; Invested in jewelry project, return rate 300%; Invested in brother Simon, return rate 1000000000%! Second Sister Elizabeth, a Psychologist, obtained the Inner Voices Eavesdrop System. Not only could she hear the inner voices of her patients, but she could also hear the inner voice of her brother. Simon wanted a “full-body essential oil massage-meditation treatment”? Satisfy him~! Third Sister Mary, a superstar actor, obtained the Acting System. Acted as a female officer, acting skills +100; Acted as a female nurse, acting skills +100; Acted as Simon’s girlfriend, acting skills +10000! Fourth Sister Katherine, a gorgeous goddess amongst scholars, obtained the Check-in System. Checked-in to study at Simon’s room received god-tier Biology knowledge! Checked-in to study at Simon’s table received god-tier Chemistry knowledge! Checked-in to study on Simon’s bed received god-tier Physiology and Health Science knowledge! Fifth Sister Lidia, a famous streamer with more than a million followers on Tiktok, obtained the Streaming System. I only need to stream a regular day in the life of my elder brother Simon and me to receive all kinds of rewards! As such. Simon’s life started becoming a lot more lively.

Great Writer Sister · Urban
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40 Chs

What's Mine Is Yours

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the dining room.

Simon came downstairs after taking a shower. Bennett and his four daughters had been waiting at the dining table for a long time.

Although the family's personal chef was on vacation, the dishes on the table were still very sumptuous. There were five dishes for meat lovers and four dishes for vegetarians. There were also two pots of steaming thick soup and a plate of exquisite desserts.

When Bennett saw Simon, she pulled him to sit beside her and asked him a few questions about why he was sweating.

When she heard that he just felt hot and was not sick, she finally felt relieved. Then, she gave her eldest daughter a glance.

Jane understood her mother's intention and nodded in response.

Then, she cleared her throat and acted like a big sister. She raised her eyes and looked at the crowd.

"I announce that starting from tonight's dinner, our big family will welcome a new member, young brother Simon!"

Simon stood up. He bowed to his aunt and four sisters one by one.

"It's my honor to be able to become family with all of you. I may cause you guys some trouble, please bear with me."

Bennett pulled Simon to sit down and smiled. "Simon, sit down. We're all a family. There's no need to be so polite."

Simon replied with a bright smile, "I see, Aunt."

Jane continued, "Simon, since I am your elder sister, I hope you will not treat me as a stranger when it comes to your work.

"You studied science and engineering at university. I guess you have no idea about our Hilton Group."

Simon nodded. He only knew a little about the Bennett family's company.

The Hilton Group was named after Bennet's great-grandmother. She was a genius in business and had developed a world of her own in the shopping malls that were dominated by men at that time.

After two or three generations of hard work, the Hilton Group had already covered many fields such as real estate, entertainment, transportation, finance, and so on.

They were often the bellwethers of the industry. Whatever industry they invested in, it would become a lucrative industry!

At this point, Jane raised her head proudly.

"Simon, I took over the group from my mother two years ago, and now I'm the CEO of the company.

"To be honest, such a big family business is still a little too much for me to carry alone. I've always hoped to have a reliable family member to help me.

"You know that your four sisters have their own pursuit..."

Jane's eyes subconsciously glanced at Lydia, her eyes filled with reproach.

Lydia tactfully shrank her neck, not daring to say a word.

Jane continued to say to Simon, "In short, I'm very happy and looking forward to you joining us!

"I believe that we, as siblings, will definitely be able to..."

Before she could finish, Simon raised his hand to interrupt her generous speech.

"I'm sorry, Big Sister. I may have to disappoint you.

"I hope to rely on my own strength to create my own business, and not rely on my family to take an easy way out!"

Jane was stunned for a moment before she hurriedly said, "Simon, we are now a family. What is ours is yours!"

"Really, you don't have to think that you will cause us trouble. I've seen your transcript. It's very impressive!

"What you need now is a platform to accumulate experience, and we're only providing you with a stage to show yourself.

"You don't have to feel pressured."

Her gentle voice sounded very tempting.

What she meant was that Simon would learn from her to manage the company, and in the future, I'll have my own share in the company.

But this went against Simon's original intention.

He could listen to the Bennett family's arrangements for everything except for his work!

"I'm sorry, big sister, I can't accept your arrangement!" Simon said firmly.

He looked straight into Jane's eyes and said seriously, "I'm sorry to have let you and Aunt down.

"But I hope that you will listen to my opinion on this matter.

"I'm young and inexperienced. There are still many things that I need to learn.

"I'm used to challenging difficult jobs and not living under others' protection

"I also hope to use my own hands to create a better life for my family, which means you guys!"

Simon told them what he was thinking.

Others might think that he was a little arrogant.

After all, the Hilton Group was the work of several generations, and Simon wanted to create a considerable amount of wealth on his own.

He was really boasting shamelessly!

But Bennet was very happy.

A good man should aim for the stars!

She immediately slapped the table. "Good boy, you have ambition! Aunt supports you!"

"I support Simon Too!"

"Me Too! That's the spirit!"

"Go ahead, we'll back you up!"

Not only was her mother convinced by him, but even her three younger sisters also raised their hands in support.

Jane had got to hand it to him. She smiled with relief and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll respect your choice, Simon."

Simon nodded gratefully at her.

It was the first time Catherine had seen her elder sister's overbearing attitude being overpowered by someone other than her mother.

In her heart, she had developed an admiration for her brother, who was both familiar and unfamiliar.

One had to know that for the new graduates, the Hilton Group was the perfect gateway to climbing the social ladder.

Many people worked their heads off in order to be hired by the Hilton Group.

Such a big temptation was rejected by Simon with just a few words!

She started to look forward to seeing more of this younger brother.

At this moment, Jane took out another card and handed it to Simon.

Simon's hands did not move. He asked in puzzlement, "Big sister, what are you doing?"

Jane explained, "Don't misunderstand me, Simon. This is your pocket money. Your fifth sister also has it.

"To my eyes, all families who haven't started working are children, and children need pocket money. It's not much. It's just 100,000 dollars.

"If you need money to start a business, you can tell me alone."

Simon quickly stood up, pushed the card back, and said, "No, no, I can't take this money!"

Lydia, who was sitting opposite him, pushed him back on the stool and said unhappily, "Come on, don't be difficult.

"Do you think you can start a company without any money? Are you really going to start from scratch?

"If you don't take this money, you have to work at the big sister company!"

Jane nodded in agreement. "Simon, I can do whatever you want with the work, but you have to take the money."

"I'd given it to your second and third sister before, so I can't only skip you."

Ever since she took control of the company, Jane had always been an overbearing woman of her word, but now her tone sounded not so dictatorial anymore.

Hearing this, her sisters felt like the sun was about to rise from the west.

They switched sides and joined her sister's side. Together, they persuaded Simon to accept the card.

The four of them worked together trying to convince Simon. Bennett also played along with them secretly.

Simon really had no reason to refuse.

He could only resign himself to taking the card and said, "I see. Thank you, Big Sister."

Actually, Simon already had the system and was not short of money. Even if he accepted the card, it would only be left in the drawer idly.

However, when the others saw that Simon accepted the card, they all laughed happily.

"Since everything is settled, let's eat," Elizabeth said with a smile.

At this moment, Lydia, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly stood up from the stool and said to the crowd, "Wait a moment! I have something to announce, something big!"