

<p>"A dad's tears and fear are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and strength last as a determination of spirit throughout our path of life."<br/><br/>I'm Jia Clifton, Turning up 27. My papa owns a craving to look at me in detective uniform. To fulfill his dream, I joined police discipline. Now, I am a detective. <br/><br/>After me, my two little brothers. A little brother named Ken Clifton studied car modifying. Now he owns an automobile showroom. Another little brother named Finn Clifton joined Army discipline. He is expected for a call report. Like this, one by one, studying and leading to settling well. <br/><br/>You people will never trust me if I told my papa, namely Peter Clifton, is running a Small trade business and my mommy, namely Sophia Clifton, is a homemaker. You can't accept it, despite that, it's true.<br/><br/>Today it's a unique and special day for me. Not particularly for me, It's a unique day for every young woman in their life, but it's still a wedding. Yeah, now I'm leading to a wedding, it's an arranged marriage. Five years ago, I extremely loved a man, but what to accomplish? His mom held a marriage for him with another young woman. I can't make anything. One day, he called me, said sorry, and broken down. His partner also communicated with me on the mobile phone. I don't know what to reply to. Only one, I advised him to neglect me and get along with her pleasantly. After that, I disengaged the call. That's the last call I had with him. Now I don't know where he is? What is he doing? But, still praying for him to be healthy and have wonderful life with his family.<br/><br/>Now, I'm inside the spouse's lodge. My all the relatives take place. In a few minutes, I'll be on the stage. I'm so nervous now. Something is leading to take place. I'm getting negative senses, but I don't care about it because God will be there for me in every scene. Suddenly it comes very mutely. Why? What's going on outside in the Church? Now I can hear someone is screaming louder. It's my mommy's sound. The next second, I quit the spouse's lodge and raced towards my mommy. Some relatives are looking at me wistfully. Some are holding in the front line of my mommy and papa. My mommy is wailing. My papa sits next to my mommy with his fist on his head. My two little brothers looked at me and came near me to close off the path.<br/><br/><br/>"Sister, what made you to show up out now?" Ken asked by closing off the path. <br/><br/>"What went on? Why is mom crying?" I asked. <br/><br/>"Sister, first you move inside. It's nothing," Finn replied. <br/><br/>"No, you lying says what's going on?" I yelled at them a little deeper so that my two little brothers became so mum. My papa's elder sister heard my sound, reached near, hugged me, and sobbed. <br/><br/>My papa's elder sister named Neela said that "The groom is not willing in this marriage. He and his parents said sorry and left the Church."<br/><br/>After hearing it, tears flow down my cheeks automatically. My mind was blank for a minute. Don't know what to do? It's not because the groom ran away. It's because of the first time I saw my dad like this. I can't see my dad in this situation.<br/><br/>I slowly went near and called my dad. He saw me with his teary eyes. My heart is pounding. I can't see his eyes because it's so reddish. I was up to talk, but a voice overtook me. <br/><br/>"I'll marry your daughter, Uncle," all were stunned after hearing that person's voice. <br/><br/>I was in double shock after seeing whose voice was that?</p>

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