
The year it started

Being a critical thinker and a person who do not show what she really is , Fake , no it is not the correct word to describe me , but just a girl who do not wanted to be judged by people , a teenager who doesn't act like one ,there is no specific word for it .Hi ..l am Smile Secrets , like my name refers l smile a lot , but l do the opposite of it , to cry , that too a lot . I still remember the day when my whole life suddenly changed when the pandemic hits the world , across the world there were panic situation, where my country ,India probably took the lead , but in lives of common man it suffered a lot , specially the education system it revolutionised suddenly 10 years ahead. Like every one else l adapted it too and joined an online virtual tutoring organization as a student. That platform just not give me the tution but a numerous number of experience and especially my friends . It is matter of fact that I belong to a small town where usually girls are not said to be good enough if they are friends with males , even l have studied in a girls school so no male friends were there before l join this platform. In my whole life the thing which is the best my father is not a liberal person but he is flexible he atleast tries to understand what l want to convey him and thinks about it . He is my best friend we can say l approximately share everything l can including my menstrual issues. He also understands that being in the society to grow up well and achieve what l want l need to talk to male and being friends with them concluding me having only male friends out there on that virtual platform. l still remember the day it was a day of October when l joined the platform and the students group there . In the whole group and during classes l noticed a guy to be popping out by educators and students , l was so curious to know who the hell is this guy having such an impact on over 2000+ students and the educator himself is applauding him with his all heart . I wanted him to know me and here enters my will and gods action , he is my current best friend , Aksham , the topper . l got to in his friends a bit slow but steadily that now he is that friend of mine who can do what l say for me . May be it was destined, yeah that's absolutely true l don't believe in destiny l believe in actions , l really feels that only my efforts and my actions have resulted in him making my such good friend otherwise if l would have not started and initiated he won't be a part of my life . I still remember he used to fight with me a lot and that day when he..the year was 2021